Is Polyhedron Lame or what??


d20 modern classes are too generic? I can see where you might think so. I think of it like this: the base classes, just by virtue of being relatively undefined, allow for greater flexibility and character customization. The prestige classes are available for a more tightly defined character.

A year from now, I'll bet the meat of the d20 modern rules are OGL. Then things get interesting...every time a studio releases a movie, they could hire a couple of us unemployed nerds and have us write up a mini-game --- say, Blade RPG or Buckaroo Banzai RPG or Jackie Chan RPG.

Hey, there's a thought --- modern-day Hong Kong action d20 rules (written by Robin Laws). New rules for kung fu moves and holding your gun sideways. +2 dove bonuses (when doves fly away, something cool is about to happen). Are you reading this, Erik Mona? There's a Polyhedron issue for you --- Hong Kong Action d20 by Robin Laws.

I've started a Polyhedron wish list over in the d20 section --- come on over and brainstorm with me.

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Erik Mona

Can't WotC just give the issues of Polyhedron to the UK RPGA people to distribute as a stop gap measure while this all gets sorted out?

Stupidly, no.

However, it looks like the RPGA folks have found a good work-around, so I suspect good news will arrive very shortly.

--Erik Mona
Editor, Polyhedron


First Post
I may have to eat my words...

A couple of days ago, I said that I had no use for Polyhedron, and would rather have more pages of Dungeon (BTW, I just changed my username - it used to be Moh, and that's the name my bellyachin' shows up under.) Anyhoo, I just picked up the latest Dungeon today - although I haven't had time to give it more than a quick flip-through so far, Shadow Chasers really caught my eye/imagination/spleen. Maybe it's the illustrations on the cover and the inside that set the mood for me, I dunno. I do know, however, that I'm going to read this through, and then see if I can rope some of my players into putting this game through its paces. Damn, I hate it when I'm wrong...

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