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Is someone pulling my leg?

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She is in spirit, although I'm not sure that she has regular internet access right now. I think her brother, Crypt King, made sure that no one grabbed her user name in the mean time.

Come back, FH! We love you!


I just love it when the original members of the Pantheon stop in and show themselves when a board change happens. It's kinda like that group of old friends that stops back into town on the holidays, and you get to reminisce about old times! :)


First Post
Is it me or are a lot of those Pantheon folks that Migrated to the land of Nuts, coming back here to post. It is nice almost like a high school reunion of the Eric Noah days. (Without the $100 a person price tag. :D )


Pantheon Who?

Erifnogard said:
What is this 'Pantheon' of which you speak? :rolleyes:

The Pantheon are the Old gods of the EN boards. Their comming can only mean one thing.







It's time to party!!


WSmith said:
Is it me or are a lot of those Pantheon folks that Migrated to the land of Nuts, coming back here to post. It is nice almost like a high school reunion of the Eric Noah days. (Without the $100 a person price tag. :D )

Whoops!! Hey, Morrus, this guy got in without paying the $100 fee! :o


EricNoah said:

Whoops!! Hey, Morrus, this guy got in without paying the $100 fee! :o

I say we have a party at Eric's house for old times sake!

We can invite KwalishKid and have a bar-b-q ...

I promise I'll bury my mess in the neighbors yard this time!

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