A suffusion of yellow
I've got no problem with extending the concept of Racism to include prejudice and bigotry towards a persons Ancestral Origins, Ethnicity, Melanin levels, Nationality and even Culture, trying to argue that the word is being wrongly applied 'because race doesn't exist' avoids the issue that prejudice does exist and in many cultures has become ingrained.
Thats why I don't think accidental racism is a thing. Ignorance is no excuse for actions and statements that whilst appearing innocent are in fact based in segregation of the "Other". There was an incident a few years back of an American Athlete who was specifically described as a "Black American Woman Runner" when she won. The question was why describe her "Blackness" as being in anyway connected to her winning a Running race.
Thats different though to the Guy wearing Lederhosen which is probably innocent, but a bit iffy in the case of the Swede in a Kimono - especially if its one of those short sexy Kimonos
Not that I'm going to call out what a person wears unless it is completely offensive
Thats why I don't think accidental racism is a thing. Ignorance is no excuse for actions and statements that whilst appearing innocent are in fact based in segregation of the "Other". There was an incident a few years back of an American Athlete who was specifically described as a "Black American Woman Runner" when she won. The question was why describe her "Blackness" as being in anyway connected to her winning a Running race.
Thats different though to the Guy wearing Lederhosen which is probably innocent, but a bit iffy in the case of the Swede in a Kimono - especially if its one of those short sexy Kimonos