D&D General Is there a D&D setting that actually works how it would with access to D&D magic?

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Interesting ideas but why do you need powerstones?
I'm using them as a framing device. A macguffin even. The party is just 5th level, and the players are just getting used to my take on world building, and the magi-tech. I'm getting them hooked on them. Then I'll introduce more things that they can do with them. Then I'll bring in issues with them, where they start loosing power. With the powerstones powering not just ease of living, but also basic sustenance, I'm curious how my players will tackle it.
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That would not be a problem if they had True Resurrection.
Imagine how many lives would be saved and kingdoms allowed to thrive if you could just res or Speak with Dead the poor offed chump of a monarch and just ask which of their worthless kids they want to succeed them in front of a large audience.

Minorly related:

Headline - Franz Ferdinand slain, returns to life an hour later. Things OK.


Imagine how many lives would be saved and kingdoms allowed to thrive if you could just res or Speak with Dead the poor offed chump of a monarch and just ask which of their worthless kids they want to succeed them in front of a large audience.

Minorly related:

Headline - Franz Ferdinand slain, returns to life an hour later. Things OK.
I would generally agree except in the last example as there where a lot of people in Vienna that really wanted a war with Serbia.
Poor old Franz Ferdinand was the chief of the anti war party in the country.


A suffusion of yellow
During the Shang dynasty there was a clear seperation between the rural neolithic peasantry and the urban metal-using elite. I think a similar situation would develop between the Magic-using urban elite, the magic-deprive serfs and a magic-seeking merchant/adventurer middleclass.
feudalism is created by that enforced seperation of power and magic = power


During the Shang dynasty there was a clear seperation between the rural neolithic peasantry and the urban metal-using elite. I think a similar situation would develop between the Magic-using urban elite, the magic-deprive serfs and a magic-seeking merchant/adventurer middleclass.
feudalism is created by that enforced seperation of power and magic = power
Sorcerers being the equalizer seeing as not every descendant of whatever weird thing that particular bard slept with digivolves to champion, so five generations later some random peasant gits gud and burns down the institution in the most literal way possible.

For the OP, they might be interested in A Magical Medieval Society Western Europe for discussions of how 3e magic would interact with D&D's general medieval European base.

There is a similar Magical Society Silk Road one for Central Asia and the international overland trade route.
Seconding Magical Medieval society! I used it a lot for an Oathbund game when the PC's started taking over various cantons in Penance and setting themselves up as Bloodlords.

Voidrunner's Codex

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