It's Time To Vote For 2025's Most Anticipated TTRPGs!

Vote for up to 3 TTRPGs!

  • 13th Age 2nd Edition (Pelgrane Press)

  • Advanced Advantage 5E (Goodman Games)

  • Alien - Evolved Edition (Free League)

  • Archeterica Imago: The Invitation (The Imago Cult)

  • Ars Magica Definitive Edition (Atlas Games)

  • Ashes Without Number (Sine Nomine)

  • Astroprisma (Crescent Chimera)

  • At the Gates (Onyx Path)

  • Blood & Doom (Dictate Games)

  • Blue Planet: Recontact (Biohazard Games)

  • Born From Ice (Small Cog Creative)

  • Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere (Brotherwise Games)

  • Cairn 2E (Space Penguin Ink)

  • Castles in the Air (Storybrewers Roleplaying)

  • Cohors Cthulhu (Modiphius)

  • Cold City: Hot War (Handwork Games)

  • Conan: The Hyborian Age (Monolith Board Games)

  • Coriolis: The Great Dark (Free League)

  • Curseborne (Richard Thomas)

  • Daggerheart (Darrington Press)

  • Dolmenwood (Necrotic Gnome)

  • Draw Steel (MCDM)

  • DC20 (The Dungeon Coach)

  • Evolved: Superheroic Time Travel (Blood Games)

  • Exodus: The Travelers Handbook (Archetype Entertainment)

  • FiveEvil (Handiwork Games)

  • Gloomhaven (Cephalofair)

  • Heroes of Might & Magic (Modiphius)

  • Hollows (Rowan, Rook & Decard)

  • Land of Eem (Land of Eem)

  • Legend in the Mist (Son of Oak)

  • Lords of the Middle Sea (Chaosium)

  • Lost Chronicles of Oz (J. Everett Nichol)

  • Lovecraftesque Second Edition (Black Armada Games)

  • Mythic Bastionland - Before Into the Odd (Chris McDowall)

  • Monty Python's Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme (Exalted Funeral)

  • Mythcraft Enhanced (QuasiReal Publishing)

  • Our Golden Age: The Vastlands Guidebook (Exalted Funeral)

  • Outgunned Adventure (Two Little Mice)

  • OSRIC 3.0 (Mythmere Games)

  • Paint The Town Red (SoulMuppet Publishing)

  • Paranoia Le jeu de rôle (Metagot)

  • Pico: Tiny Bugs, Big World (Mythworks)

  • Planet of the Apes (Magnetic Press Play)

  • QuestWorlds (Chaosium)

  • So You've Met A Thousand Year Old Vampire (Tim Hutchings)

  • Starscape: Found-family Space Adventures (Golden Lasso Games)

  • Starfinder 2E (Paizo Publishing)

  • Stonetop (Penny Lantern)

  • Tales of the Old West (Effekt Publishing)

  • Terry Pratchett's Discworld: Adventures in Ankh-Morpork (Modiphius)

  • The Between (The Gauntlet)

  • The Broken Empires (Evil Baby Entertainment)

  • The Expanse Transport Union Edition (Green Ronin)

  • The Laundry 2E (Cubicle 7)

  • The Smurfs (Maestro Media)

  • The Winter King (Shadowlands)

  • The World Below (Onyx Path)

  • Trail of Cthulhu 2E (Pelgrane Press)

  • Urban Shadows: Second Edition (Magpie Games)

  • Vagabond (Land of the Blind)

  • Victoriana (Cubicle 7)

  • Voltron (Catalyst Games)

  • Wares Blade (LionWing Publishing)

  • Weird Heroes of Public Access- WHPA-TV13 (Get Haunted Industries)

The results of this poll are hidden until it is manually edited by the user or site admin.

As we do every year, it's time to vote for the most anticipated tabletop roleplaying game of the coming year! Here is last year's Top 10 (spoiler: the winner was Shadow of the Weird Wizard. Previous winners include 13th Age (2013), Star Wars Force & Destiny (2015), Rifts for Savage Worlds (2016), Trudvang Chronicles (2017), Vampire: the Masquerade 5th Edition (2018), Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (2019), Dune (2020 & 2021), Twilight 2000 (2021), Blade Runner (2022), Pendragon 6E (2023), and Shadow of the Weird Wizard (2024). What will be the most anticipated RPG of 2025?

Note: you need to be logged in to the site to vote.

We took nominations. Now it's time to vote. What will be the most anticipated RPG of 2024? You can vote for up to 3 games. Voting will be open for 2 weeks, until January 2nd.


Frequently Asked Questions
  • Why isn't my favourite game nominated? Did you nominate it?
  • Why isn't my nomination on the list? Check the nomination thread. If you made a valid nomination (name, link) and it's not in the poll, let me know ASAP so I can add it. The most common reasons for a game's nomination being invalid is because it's already available. Check DTRPG and the publisher's own website and make sure you can't already buy it there.
  • Did I make a mistake? Almost certainly. If you spot a game on the list which doesn't qualify (usually because it's already available!) let me know so I can remove it.
  • How does a game qualify? It must have been nominated by you in the nomination thread with a valid formatted nomination, it must be a standalone tabletop RPG (not a setting, adventure, supplement, etc.), and it's projected release date to the general public (not just Kickstarter backers) should be in 2025.

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As we do every year, it's time to vote for the most anticipated tabletop roleplaying game of the coming year! Here is last year's Top 10 (spoiler: the winner was Shadow of the Weird Wizard. Previous winners include 13th Age (2013), Star Wars Force & Destiny (2015), Rifts for Savage Worlds (2016), Trudvang Chronicles (2017), Vampire: the Masquerade 5th Edition (2018), Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (2019), Dune (2020 & 2021), Twilight 2000 (2021), Blade Runner (2022), Pendragon 6E (2023), and Shadow of the Weird Wizard (2024). What will be the most anticipated RPG of 2025?

Note: you need to be logged in to the site to vote.

We took nominations. Now it's time to vote. What will be the most anticipated RPG of 2024? You can vote for up to 3 games. Voting will be open for 2 weeks, until January 2nd.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Why isn't my favourite game nominated? Did you nominate it?
  • Why isn't my nomination on the list? Check the nomination thread. If you made a valid nomination (name, link) and it's not in the poll, let me know ASAP so I can add it. The most common reasons for a game's nomination being invalid is because it's already available. Check DTRPG and the publisher's own website and make sure you can't already buy it there.
  • Did I make a mistake? Almost certainly. If you spot a game on the list which doesn't qualify (usually because it's already available!) let me know so I can remove it.
  • How does a game qualify? It must have been nominated by you in the nomination thread with a valid formatted nomination, it must be a standalone tabletop RPG (not a setting, adventure, supplement, etc.), and it's projected release date to the general public (not just Kickstarter backers) should be in 2025.
Cannot see the boxes in dark mode !
Mythcraft is the best one !

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Went with Tales of the Old West as been running it before for the guys and like the fact it has got me researching more along with Hollows though it is more tactical and went with Planet of the Apes.

I wouldn't be surprised if Discworld is in the lead as it will have the fan base for the popular vote

i had 12 choices and it was hard:

13th Age 2nd Edition (Pelgrane Press)
Ars Magica Definitive Edition (Atlas Games)
Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere (Brotherwise Games)
Conan: The Hyborian Age (Monolith Board Games)
Hollows (Rowan, Rook & Decard)
Legend in the Mist (Son of Oak) >> my 6th choice
Lords of the Middle Sea (Chaosium)
VOTED: Dolmenwood (Necrotic Gnome) [backed too, first choice overall]
Mythic Bastionland - Before Into the Odd (Chris McDowall) >> was my 4th choice
VOTED: Our Golden Age: The Vastlands Guidebook (Exalted Funeral) [backed too]
VOTED: Terry Pratchett's Discworld: Adventures in Ankh-Morpork (Modiphius) [backed too]

Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere (Brotherwise Games) >> my fifth choice

Alien 2E, the new Conan RPG and OSRIC 3.0 have me intrigued. There are a metric ton of games on the list I have never heard of before, though, so as more info comes out some of those might grab my attention.

I'm excited to see a lot of these! My top three are:

1. Dolmenwood by Necrotic Gnome
2. Cairne 2E from Space Penguin Ink
3. Monty Python's Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme from Exalted Funeral

I'm curious about the Discworld RPG. It looks like it will be great!


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