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I've Been Chosen by God: Advice Sought


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i am new to these boards, although I've been playing for over 20 years. i'm already an EN world addict.

spoilers follow for the story hour thread "lady despina's virtue." sorry sepulchrave - i don't mean to "piss on your fire" as you would say, but there are some interesting people on these boards, and i'd like their opinion.


my character is paladin 15/divine disciple 1. he has recently realized that he is the voice of god on earth. this is not your average, mundane dilemma so i was curious as to whether anyone else had rp'd a similar experience.

obviously, it's really easy to slip into a dune-esque cliche or very deep cheesiness in this situation: fortunately the dm handles this all very well, and is on top of things.

i am currently embroiled in a holy war which has split a lawful good church in half: lots of clerics and other paladins are skeptical about my claims and think i'm crazy. for technical reasons, which i won't go into, my god is only communicating with me, and is holding back from everyone else.

my dilemma is this: lots of people think i'm a heretic. however, because my deity is speaking only to me, i KNOW that they're all heretics and i'm kosher. my character did not start this war, but is now stuck in a situation which means he has to prosecute it.

i am trying to avoid the deaths of innocents, but at the same time root out corruption (mainly in an overzealous LN faction) and restore some kind of stability.

i'm not looking for specific solutions, here, because that would involve sharing far too much background material (and i'm really lazy). what i WOULD like is some kind of info along these lines:

a) are there any historical parallels that spring to mind? this might help me get a perspective. mohammed is an obvious one - islam exploded onto the scene in the 7th-8th century, and war was pretty important (i realise it was NOT the only way it was spread, i really don't to start a religion debate here). christ is less relevant - he wasn't really into the war thing, although obviously later christians were.
other warrior-prophets, anyone?

b) my god is talking ONLY to me. i know this. other people are making the same claims - they are obviously liars. unfortunately, not everyone believes me, and many believe the other guy. paladins, clerics, holy warriors etc. if i don't handle this carefully, lots of paladins, acting in all sincerity, are going to die on both sides. i need to find a way to stop this happening.

c) my character is not crazy, or suffering from a psychotic episode. my god really is talking to me. he is also being vague, so i have to interpret cryptic dreams and visions.

i'd just like to say that my dm is a "rat-bastard". i haven't been on these boards for long, but i picked up that one pretty quick.

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You need to get your power from the PEOPLE. Show the people, the poor commoners, the will of the god. Save them from the terrors of the wild and have them back you up. And challenge anyone else who proclaims to have their god talk to them to a Trial by Fire.

Boil some water and throw in a gold coin. Reach in and take it. If your DM is at ALL good, you won't be burned, and the other guy WILL when he tries.


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Greetings Lombard!

You know, this is just wonderful stuff. I don't believe 'Lady Despina' could have planned it better had she been insencere in her conversion... her former master must be giggling like a demonic schoolgirl. :)

What should you do, though? Hmm, it might help if I knew more about Oronthonian law. Does Oronthon condone trials by combat? You could always avoid the worst of the bloodshed by challenging the leader(s) of the opposing factions to single combat. Let the god himself choose who is right on the field of honor.


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Posted by Anabstercorian

"No! Bad Illithid! No genocide! Bad! Bad! Put down the nuclear fire or no cookie!"

- - -

Hey there, Anabstercorian, my friend!

Edena_of_Neith here.

Hehe, I see you use that phrase in RPG General.

If only they knew where you got it from!

I have some advice for you, Avarice:

Get a DM who allows PCs to become Deities, for starters.
Then, follow Anabstercorian's advice.
It works.
It really does!
Just ask Kas and the God Emperor of the Union of the Worlds. Or ask Kalanyr (see the 3rd IR, In Character board.)


First Post
If your DM's such a rat-bastard, it's highly likely that the voice you're hearing isn't your god.

Ever consider that?

I mean, if he's a good DM, and a good rat-bastard, he won't tell you "You hear a voice that claims to be your god" but rather "Your god tells you to kick the puppy".

I really think it's time to start doubting yourself.


WotC's bitch
Snoweel said:
I mean, if he's a good DM, and a good rat-bastard, he won't tell you "You hear a voice that claims to be your god" but rather "Your god tells you to kick the puppy".

I really think it's time to start doubting yourself.

Nah. That means it's time to break out the fedoras, battered shades, cheap suits and black ties. And start calling your mount your Bluesmobile.

"It's 666 layers to the bottom of the Abyss, we're on full hit points, all buff-up spells are go, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it."

Hong "on a mission from God" Ooi


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"Don't you do that! Don't you go blasphemin in heaya!"

Maybe this guy's paladin should think about getting the band back together...


First Post
hong said:

"It's 666 layers to the bottom of the Abyss, we're on full hit points, all buff-up spells are go, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it."

That is just *brilliant* Did you make it up yourself, or is it a quote ?



A suffusion of yellow
Lombard said:
other warrior-prophets, anyone?

Check out the old testament of the Bible its chock full of Prophets who were challenged but eventually trimuphed over their enemies and lead armies and...

Abraham, Elisha/Elijah, Moses, Joshua, Jeremiah, David.

If you really are the voice of god then you need to start proving this to the masses either by your victories or by displays of miraculous power

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