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Jade Kestrel defeats Shaff (Thanks Rathan!)


A short, slim woman with calm brown eyes makes herself present. "I am Jade Kestrel, and I wish to test myself against an untried opponent." She looks around and continues. "I will be here should you wish to accept."

Level: White belt
Record: 0-0
Yen: 0
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First Post
I will accept your challenge if you wish!!!

Yellow belt 1
Master of the KAMA!
Training in the way of the Ki-rin.

Powers: Fist of Fury
Record: 2-0
Yen 1
Last edited:


First Post
shaff smirks, "I find your countrymen to be unbearable, your field to be boorish, and your skill to be dormant."


First Post
a Wraith appers from a black thin shadow cloud........

I feel Jade has the better insult and may set the type and lenth of the match.......


The ancient masters have decreed this match to take place at the wastelands south-east of the Baths at Lo Xiang on the dusk of the crab.


First Post
hey do u have mIRC? if not u should download it, there is a judge online, and we could just do it on there and get the match done with tonight... see the thread called... for the newbies out there. It will tell you how to get it, the match will go really fast.


First Post
[JudgeWraith] The ancient masters have decreed this match to take place at the wastelands south-east of the Baths at Lo Xiang on the dusk of the crab.
[22:15] [Shaff] can we have a chance after for flavor text?
[22:16] [JudgeWraith] yes you can... just post your flavor after you do your move if you'd like..but this type f match usually doesn't have flavor...
[22:16] [Shaff] ok
[22:16] [Shaff] lets do this
[22:16] [Seonaid] ::nods::
[22:16] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:16] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The chain tramples the vineyard; defends against the beauty of the crevice!
[22:16] [JudgeWraith] ok..... 2 flag standard.....
[22:17] [Phoenix8008] Only 2 flags? Boy, that's short.
[22:17] [JudgeWraith] also.. once you are done your move you must say done when your done so the other player and judges know when to go ok??
[22:17] [Seonaid] ::nods::
[22:17] [JudgeWraith] 2 flag standard phoenix...
[22:17] [Phoenix8008] Oh, standard. GOt it.
[22:17] [JudgeWraith] yup..
[22:17] [Shaff] errr
[22:17] [JudgeWraith] done shaff??
[22:17] [Shaff] want me to use that 1?
[22:18] [JudgeWraith] yes... it was your first move..
[22:18] [Shaff] ok
[22:18] [Seonaid] ((I'm not going to post flavor.))
[22:18] [JudgeWraith] say done shaff if yer done
[22:19] [JudgeWraith] k..
[22:19] [Shaff] shaff tries to overrun his opponent and trample her thoroughly. While defending against any move she may think up.
[22:19] [Shaff] done
[22:19] [Seonaid] !mb ybmove
[22:19] [MechaMeowth] Seonaid: The spear seeks below the beach; waves away the drive of the horn! *yen*
[22:19] [Seonaid] (done)
[22:20] [Shaff] im defending against ur beauty, lol
[22:20] [JudgeWraith] hmmm..
[22:20] [Seonaid] ::smiles slowly::
[22:20] [Shaff] lol
[22:21] [Shaff] tough one?
[22:21] [JudgeWraith] I feel the Shaffs move is more overwhelming than jades..
[22:21] [JudgeWraith] 1 flag shaff; 1 flag neutral 1 yen shaff..
[22:21] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:21] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The crouching nunchaku wounds the cavern; quells the offensive of the fires!
[22:22] [Shaff] Shaff attempts to mortally wound her and end the match! He also tries to extinguish her flame
[22:22] [Shaff] or life
[22:22] [Shaff] done
[22:23] [Seonaid] !mb ybmove
[22:23] [MechaMeowth] Seonaid: The southern cross devours the well; parts the chaos of the storm! *yen*
[22:23] [JudgeWraith] (please make sure all language is clean as this will be posted to the boards after....)
[22:23] [Seonaid] (done)
[22:23] [JudgeWraith] hola yen mechameowth...
[22:23] [Shaff] yea jeez
[22:23] [Shaff] yen both times
[22:23] [Seonaid] I couldn't get it to do that on the other generator.
[22:23] [Seonaid] ::laughs::
[22:23] [Shaff] same
[22:23] [Shaff] ive never had a yen move
[22:24] [JudgeWraith] I'd have to say jades move has move synegry....
[22:24] [JudgeWraith] point jade 2 flags neutral
[22:24] [Shaff] yen jade
[22:24] [Shaff] shaff uses his fist of fury move!!!
[22:24] [JudgeWraith] ahh yes.. yen jade as well..
[22:24] * Psy| has joined #yb
[22:24] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:24] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The rat moves upon the badlands; quells the chi of the fires!
[22:25] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:25] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The staff invades the foothills; protects against the quickening of the star!
[22:26] [JudgeWraith] (you should first wait to see what you gen for your first move before you deside to Fists of Fury shaff.....)
[22:26] [Shaff] shaff moves like a rat unnoticed by jade. He moves close to her and delivers a devastating blow. He tries to deminish all hope she has by quelling her chi!
[22:26] [Shaff] done
[22:26] [Seonaid] !mb ybmove
[22:26] [MechaMeowth] Seonaid: The cherry blossom ravages the ravine; reduces the slash of the bird!
[22:26] [Seonaid] (done)
[22:26] [Shaff] wat?
[22:26] [Shaff] i have to fist of fury first dont i?
[22:26] [Shaff] thats how i understood it
[22:26] [Shaff] i had to declare FoF
[22:26] [Shaff] then post 2
[22:27] [JudgeWraith] no.. you gen a move..and then if you want you call FoF and gen another move.... you just have to do a FoF before you say done..
[22:27] [Shaff] o...
[22:27] [Shaff] well i guess i learn my lesson... now i have to learn
[22:28] [Phoenix8008] afk for a minute
[22:28] [JudgeWraith] mmmm.... ravaging..... nice
[22:28] [JudgeWraith] Point Jade
[22:28] [JudgeWraith] 1 flag jade; 1 neutral
[22:28] [Shaff] hehe
[22:28] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:28] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The foot seeks before the labyrinth; redirects the throw of the tree!
[22:28] [Shaff] omg...
[22:28] [Shaff] ummmmm
[22:28] [Shaff] i try to stick my foot up her ass and show her whats what?
[22:29] [Shaff] no no thats not it...
[22:29] [Shaff] ummmm
[22:29] [Seonaid] ::looks serene::
[22:29] [JudgeWraith] lol
[22:29] [JudgeWraith] done shaff??
[22:29] [Shaff] ....
[22:29] [Shaff] no ill think of something
[22:29] [JudgeWraith] k..
[22:30] * Looking up Psy| user info...
[22:30] [Shaff] Shaff tries a high kick. He kicks as hard as he can, as if he was trying to knock her head off. He also tries to redirect the attack of Jade by making her dizzy with his kick
[22:30] [Shaff] i dont know...
[22:30] [Shaff] i just hope her move sucks\
[22:30] [Shaff] done
[22:31] [Seonaid] !mb ybmove
[22:31] [MechaMeowth] Seonaid: The lightning blasts the cliff; blocks the storm of the grave!
[22:31] [Seonaid] (done)
[22:31] [Shaff] goo dgame
[22:31] [Shaff] good game
[22:31] [Shaff] errr i mean
[22:31] [JudgeWraith] heh... sorry shaff... that's a darn good move... Point and match Jade
[22:31] [Shaff] yep yep
[22:31] [JudgeWraith] advancement forthcomming..
[22:31] [Shaff] my move sucked....
[22:31] [Seonaid] ::bows to Shaff and then Wraith::
[22:32] [Shaff] *bows to jade*
[22:32] [Seonaid] Sorry about the lack of flavor text . . . I probably will next time.
[22:32] [Shaff] hey are we allowed to play more than once in a row?
[22:32] * Phoenix8008 is now known as Rrai
[22:33] [Rrai] A large leonine figure applauds from a nearby treebranch before hopping down and congratulating both fighters.
[22:33] [JudgeWraith] jade... you now may take any path accept Light path.... (ex: Dark, Yakuza, Sash, or Honor) you will be rank tier 2 rank 1 in the path of your choosing...... you sig style reguardless of path will be lightning....
[22:33] [Seonaid] ::inclines her head toward Rrai::
[22:33] [Seonaid] I choose Honor.
[22:34] [Shaff] yay
[22:34] [Shaff] honor
[22:34] [JudgeWraith] shaff.. you drop a rank going back to yellow belt 0 with a record of 2-1.... good luck in your next fight
[22:34] [Shaff] join the dojo of the predator
[22:34] [Seonaid] ::smiles:: I might.
[22:34] [JudgeWraith] you are now yellow belt 1 with the sig style lightning.. you may now find and join an honored dojo and get a dojo style..
[22:35] [JudgeWraith] you also gain the Fists of Fury ability......
[22:35] [Shaff] yellow belt 1???
[22:35] [Shaff] oops...
[22:35] [JudgeWraith] she gained two ranks for beating a opponent 1 tier higher than herself..
[22:35] [Shaff] yea
[22:35] [Shaff] thats y i said oops
[22:36] [JudgeWraith] if you do no know what the abilitly does jade... please go here and read up on the rule ect....
[22:36] [JudgeWraith] http://members.cox.net/reiella/yb/ybrule.html
[22:36] [Seonaid] Thanks.
[22:36] [JudgeWraith] this is the main web gen page for you to gen moves for board fights.....
[22:36] [JudgeWraith] http://members.cox.net/reiella/yb/yb.html
[22:36] [Seonaid] Ok.
[22:37] [Seonaid] What is http://webpages.charter.net/midknight/ybrule.html?
[22:37] [JudgeWraith] the "Rules" button at the top of this main page will get you to the rules page link above that I just posted here..
[22:37] [JudgeWraith] copy and paste that url in your browser and check it out..
[22:37] [Seonaid] Ok.
[22:37] * Rrai is now known as Enigma
[22:37] [Seonaid] Do I get to keep that 1 yen then also?
[22:38] [JudgeWraith] yes you do...
[22:38] [Seonaid] ::smiles::
[22:38] [JudgeWraith] the rules page will let you know what you can do with yen..
[22:38] [Seonaid] Ok, thanks.
[22:39] [JudgeWraith] noramlly we should have done this fight in our fight challen #ybfight .... but I did it here for your first chat fight so as not to confuse you too much..
[22:39] [Seonaid] ::laughs:: Thanks . . . I appreciate it.
[22:39] [Shaff] sooo...
[22:39] [Shaff] can we fight again?
[22:39] [JudgeWraith] to get to #ybfight you type '/join #ybfight without the '
[22:39] [JudgeWraith] lets all try to get the #ybfight now ok??
[22:39] [Seonaid] ok
[22:40] * Seonaid is now known as Kestrel
[22:40] [JudgeWraith] shaff.. go to #ybfight
[22:40] * Kestrel has left #yb
[22:40] [JudgeWraith] type '/join #ybfight wothout the '
[22:41] [JudgeWraith] shaff??

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