[Jan] What are you reading?

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Iron Fist of Pelor
Pants, just wait till you read the sort-of-sequel The Scar and get to find out about the sphincter-faced Anophelians....

I loves me some China Mieville, but my local library doesn't have his early book (King Rat?), so I've not read anything by him since The Scar. This month I've been reading an older copy of The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, which is consistently my favorite short-story anthology: all y'all who have a broad taste in your fantasy and horror should check it out. You're as likely to find Joyce Carol Oates as you are to find Stephen King, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez shares pages with Patricia McKillip.

My wife just finished reading The Grand Ellipse, an adventure about a race, and highly recommends it; I'll start on that next.



First Post
CCamfield said:
You could of course find another copy of The Colour of Magic, but if you're just starting Pratchett, I'd suggest jumping ahead to Guards! Guards or Wyrd Sisters (or possibly Mort, or Small Gods). Those start the series of really good Discworld novels, in my opinion.

I did replace the Color of Magic, and I thought it ended a bit weaker than it began. I like to read stories in the order written, and I plan on reading most/all the Discworlds anyway, so I'll get there. I did read Night Watch before any others, and there was a definite sense of missing history there.

I just finished The Golden Compass, by Pullman, and have mixed feelings about it. I thought it was good, but I got tired of the propaganda in the last third of the book. It was good enough to give the second one a try tho.

I'm also nearly done with Siddhartha, which has been interesting.


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