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JollyDoc's Savage Tide-Updated 10/8!

JollyDoc said:
Wait...did you hear that? I think that was the distinctive sound of a gauntlet being thrown down!! To quote Montgomery Burns, "Excellent! More bodies for my ever-growing army of the undead!"

What's your team name? What slot are you playing in the prelims? Which PC are you picking?

All the registrationing was done by another member of our group, so I'm not sure on our team name or which slot. I'm aiming for the Duskblade or Favored Soul.

Besides, it was more a tongue-in-cheek way of saying "good luck, guys" than an actual challenge. I'm sure you'll thoroughly slaughter any chance of us winning.


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theredrobedwizard said:
All the registrationing was done by another member of our group, so I'm not sure on our team name or which slot. I'm aiming for the Duskblade or Favored Soul.

Besides, it was more a tongue-in-cheek way of saying "good luck, guys" than an actual challenge. I'm sure you'll thoroughly slaughter any chance of us winning.


Still, it's awfully damn cool that someone else from the boards is going to be competing with us in the Open. Keep a lookout for us...Aqua Teen Hunger Force, 8 am slot on Thursday. Look forward to seeing you there!!

BTW, there will be no update to the story hour this week due to the aforementioned pilgrimage to GenCon, but Joachim and I will give you a blow-by-blow of events at the Con of Cons!

RabidBob said:
Certainly in terms of backstory and character development, there's much more to Mandi than Anwar, but Anwar had "Teh Funny", and I found him very entertaining. Mandi's scheming just feels, I don't know, nastier somehow.
Noone is nastier than Anwar was. That even goes for the big bad two-headed demon prince boss thing. I really hope JollyDoc brings back Anwar (at least in spirit) later on in the adventure somehow. ;)


Neverwinter Knight said:
Noone is nastier than Anwar was. That even goes for the big bad two-headed demon prince boss thing. I really hope JollyDoc brings back Anwar (at least in spirit) later on in the adventure somehow. ;)

Or if not Anwar someone...someTHING...else... :]


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JollyDoc said:
Sunday Night Teaser

1) Unable to control themselves, the Legion makes one more attempt at "Parley" with the couatls. The results are...less than expected...
JD should have worn his i rolled a nat 20 so you bitches can suck it shirt


Hello all, and greetings from GenCon!

Sorry about not posting sooner, but after WoTC's big announcement yesterday about 4th ed., the site was jammed. Joachim and I are having a blast so far. Played the preliminary round of the RPGA yesterday morning, and found out today that we did indeed advance. In fact, beside our name on the advancement board, some whit had typed in "Two time defending champs!" As if the pressure were not enough already. We are at the added disadvantage of not having one of our usual players (but a buddy of Joachim's, Dan is meshing beautifully with the group), and a second of the group will be out tomorrow, necessitating a sub (but also one we know, so things will hopefully go well).

We also had the horrible experience of playing in a "role-play" heavy game yesterday. After two hours of it, we were driven to bust out our dice and start wrecking the place by revving up a battle royal (though, to be fair, our character backgrounds did have motivation for such action). Tried our hand at poker today, and both got trounced in the first hour.

The semi-finals of the Open are tomorrow at 1. We'll keep you updated.


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No...as a matter of fact we were just waiting to get the results back from the semifinals.

The module was an extremely tough grind (the toughest semifinal round I can ever remember), we were playing with 2 new players to the group, and we suffered through some extremely bad dice rolls (I saw more natural 1's today than I have ever seen in an Open round). All said, we still made it pretty far, but we did not finish the module and we had 2 PC deaths. Our DM, one who has been judging Open rounds for over a decade, flattered us by saying that we had the most organization and teamwork of any group he had ever seen. Looking around the room at the progress of other teams it was apparent that it was going to be a close call as to whether we would advance or not.

And it was. Out of the 30 teams that played in the semifinals, 10 were selected to advance. Aqua Teen Hunger Force ("us") placed 10th, and so we will be participating in the Finals for the fourth consecutive year. Speaking with the head Open official, we were very Very VERY close to ending our championship run.

The good news is that your score in previous rounds does not have any bearing on the Finals championship...it only serves as the weed-out to the Finals round. We have a chance, but obviously we are going to be up against some stiff competition. I am not confident that we are going to be victorious this year, but I can only hope that we got the bad die-rolls out of our system today.

As of this moment, the only thing I need is about 5 hours of sleep and then...its GAME ON.
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First Post
Cool even though I will have to hear the Gloating and deal with the big heads for another Year :) I hope you guys win again so Good luck to ya
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