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Judgement Day: EVIL (Good stay out)


Alright, we are now ready to start this campaign. Before anybody posts what they are doing, I would like a character history posted here before anyone starts. This will make an easy reference, as well as let us know who the active players are. Now remember that you are on opposing sides, so posts made on the other side are not to be read (or at least not used in game). We will not tolerate abuse of this rule. Other than that, good luck and have fun.

Greetings to all evil PCs. You are going to be starting in the Plane of Evil, known as Galicia. Its only entrance comes from the city fortress of Nomal, the evil city fortress. Evil beings have been migrating to the city in order to avoid the destruction caused by the abominations. This was all started by Lord Vorasin, a man who declared war on the good people of the world and the abominations. He sent out an invitation to all so that they could be part of his mayhem and destruction. While the evil gods refused to back Vorasin, many warriors are now part of his army of darkness. His goal is to overthrow Flynn. Now he has an army gathered in Galicia, one that numbers in the millions. But you are his best troops, and he intends to charge you with taking the first steps onto Flynn. You are all ordered to travel to the coastal city of Maleign on Flynn, and conquer it. Each of you shall be able to take all of your possessions, as well as a crystal that will allow each of you to summon five times the standing army of Maleign in evil forces once. You have the feeling he is testing you on this assignment. Now, prepare for your journey. You shall venture forth at dawn.

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Aethan the Nighthaunt, Ghost Cleric of Jemal

Death is not the end. For those with enough strength, it is but a beginning.
The strength of purpose required to transcend death can come from many sources; Love, Honor, Devotion, Greed, even Fear can be strong enough.

For Aethan, it was Hate.

As he lay, broken and dying by the side of the road, he had a vision. A tall pale human, sharp in his minds eye as the pain-streaked world around him grew fuzzy and dark, spoke.

"Serve me, and vengeance will be yours to be taken. Power and Immortality will be yours."

Desiring vengeance at any cost, even that of his soul, Aethan responded "I will serve".

The figure stretched out his hand and a crackling blackness and he knew no more.

Three nights later, the new moon at its zenith, Aethan's shade rose from the tattered and chewed remains of his body; and he went hunting.

Decades later, Aethan still serves Jemal. Having risen to a position of prominence among Jemal's clergy, he oversees the temple at the heart of the necropolis Nerezzo; frequently leading attacks against the living inhabitants of the material plane.

OOC: I'll flesh this out a bit more as I learn a bit more about the campaign. IC post to follow once a couple more background posts have made it to the thread.

OOC2: You're a bit unclear there. Does the crystal work 5 times or 1? Also, just how much force is the "standing army of maleign"?


First Post

He had thought that he enjoyed wandering the worlds and planes, raising great armies and abandoning them when the whim suits him, distributing kindness or cruelties without thought, or infiltrating the most secret of cults to sate his curiosity - but for the last century or so, he had grown increasingly bored and restless. You can only torture so many angels before they hold little more interest than human-shaped pidgeons. You can only learn so many dark secrets - the like of which would, apparently, would drive a lesser man to madness - before they seem no more interesting than common gossip. Even slaying gods got old after a while - and they had an annoying tendency to come back.

So while he has been annoyed that the abominations were destroying what he thought of as 'his toy' - the entire cosmos - he has been in equal part intrigued. Excited, even - finally, there is a challenge worth undertaking: not the slaying of gods, nay, but the slaying of the slayers of gods...

He did not survive this long without knowing his limits. He knew that he, while powerful, was no match even for the greater deities, never mind their killers. To succeed, he will need companions. Allies. Meatshields.

Research pointed him to a Lord Vorasin, the lord of the Galician fortress of Nomal. Rumors were that he had gathered some very powerful beings around himself, and declared war on the abominations, as well as, for good measure, 'all that is good and holy'. The man was obviously quite mad... but that is beside the point.

Once he has chosen his destination, it did not take him long to make himself known in the right circles as a powerful spellcaster. After this it was a simple matter to obtain an invitation from Lord Vorasin himself, promising for his services fame, riches and power beyond reckoning - a rather unoriginal package.

When he and Lord Vorasin finally met, he was asked his name. To this he heisitated: he has had so many names over the years - Nehmet. Siraj. Korrath the Red Slayer. The Horror of Tyrene. The Soulless One - So, so many, used then shed like empty skins.

Then it came to him: he would use his first name, the name he had all but abandoned in an eternity past, his name in his days back in the Temple of the One Truth.

"Alosat." he said. Then, on a whim - "Alosat the Protean."

What would his former Master think, he wondered, when he hears of the exploits of his wayward pupil, unheard from for so long? Probably shake his head and smile like he always does.

He realized with some irony that Lord Vorasin, having never heard of this name, thought he was lying. But the man did not argue the point.

[OOC: are the evil PCs together? Do we know/have we met each other? Where are we, specifically? And are we going to set off together as a party, or separately?]
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PyrexOOC2: You're a bit unclear there. Does the crystal work 5 times or 1? Also said:
The crystal works once for each of you, and summons a force equal to five times that of the "standing army of maleign". As for how many that is.. well, you'll know when you try.

OOC: are the evil PCs together? Do we know/have we met each other? Where are we, specifically? And are we going to set off together as a party, or separately?

You're together but We'll let you decide how well you know each other/get along.


First Post
OOC: Oh, I see. That makes sense now. I was trying to figure out if it was intended as a strategic resourse or as an 'Oh S**t' card.

OOC2: Do we know anything about Maleign? Also, could you more clearly define 'conquer'? I'm curious about where along the continua from [Burned to the Ground <-> Captured Intact with no Structural Damage] our objective lies.

OOC3: Unless there's an objection from the DM's I'm adding a gate from Nerezzo to Nomal to the list created by my Gate Key.

OOC4: Would you create forked (good/evil) OOC threads so we have somewhere else to post these questions?

Although Nerezzo has, so far, remained untouched by the abominations laying waste to the planes Aethan realizes it will not always be so. Thus, when Lord Vorasin issued the call to arms, Aethan answered.

Stepping through the Gate from Nerezzo with nominal retinue he turns toward Nomal, seeking the meeting hall to find out what Lord Vorasin is planning.


First Post
Harkuf closed the ancient tome, while the archives Vorasin had given him access to had some works that he didn’t, it appeared the answers to the defeat of the abominations was not contained within them.

He sat down, not from weariness, he was beyond such concerns, but to change his point of view. He contemplated his situations. Vorasin had gathered his forces under the banner of “Evil” which had struck him as amusing. He had always believed such concepts were the realms of demons and other creatures of simple morality. That he had amassed such a force under such a banner demonstrated the desperate nature of the times.

It was interesting to him that he had received an invitation to join such a force. He certainly didn’t think of himself as evil, but while he cared very little what others thought of him, it was puzzling that others thought of him as such.

Revenge, he had wondered if it had taken him too far from time to time. The people of Chandhar had cruelly murdered his love, Nekbet, they had reaped what they had sown and the sand had claimed the great city and now nothing lived there, in his home. Though the undead still walked through the streets, undead like him. In his pact with the Council of Dust, he had shed his mortality for the power of the desert and with that power he had secured his revenge.

Perhaps an outsider could see his actions as evil rather than just, an undead creature destroying a city, but it was only the simplistic morals, those that can only see black and white that would make such judgment. Still, the invitation came. It was intriguing and offered opportunities that were otherwise denied him. The Council of Dust had scoured all the ancient records available to them, looking for the golden arrow to the defeat of these abominations that posed a danger to the great desert.

He informed the council of his decision to seek more information from Vorasin and perhaps allies. Some of the more traditional member balked at the idea, but even they realized that even together the council had no chance against the abominations.

So he answered Vorasin's call and had just now exhausted the archives. Vorasin had hinted there were other more obscure texts that he might be given access too, if he proved himself “worthy.” He had almost tested his might against Vorasin’s at that moment, but the desert is patient

So he accepted the orders, go to Maleign, conquer it with the mightiest of his minions. It was a distraction from his true purpose, but perhaps the libraries of Maleign might have the key to defeating the abominations.
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You don't know anything about the city, and your not even sure what the intentions of your orders are. You feel like you are being tested, and that he will decide what to do with you depending on the results you get.


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Gwynneth Quaveryth

That was the name that she had been given at birth. The only child of Alaister and Orana Quaveryth, two powerful mages studying the path of air to achieve enlightenment and strength.

The girl was taught magic from almost before she could walk and she had a flair and a talent for magic rarely seen. She surpassed her mother, who was an adept user of magic before she hit puberty. She was on par with her father at the age of 20 and only a couple of years later she transcended the human form, something her father had sought for all his life.

But Gwynneth was not satisfied, she wanted more than simply becoming an elemental force, she wanted to become a ruler of the elemental plane of air, she wanted to become a goddess of air. And when her father called her mad she killed him and then killed her terrified mother. She claimed the Quaveryth Tower as hers, dedicating herself to her studies.

Half a century has passed since then. Gwynneth has grown steadily in power since, her body eternally young as she's no longer mortal, but a being of air. She has defeated many wizards she believed possessed clues for how to achieve godhood. She's possessing an impressive array of magical spells, a large cache of magic items and is possibly one of the most impressive wielders of air and lightning magic in existence.

After being forced to leave her tower because of abominations getting too close, she has sought refuge in Nomal.

She was angered when she received orders, usually operating on her own, so she did fry the messenger with a lightning bolt. After that she accepted the challenge, not out of duty but because she enjoyed the idea of the challenge.

As gentle as a light breeze or as destructive as a hurricane. Gwynneth is most often a gentle (if obsessed soul), soft-spoken and sometimes even jovial of nature. But she's easy to anger and then she's not someone most wishes to be near, a force of destruction.

Gwynneth starts out casting the following spells each day after she has rested:
Energy Immunity (Sonic), Energy Immunity (Fire), Energy Immunity (Cold), Energy Immunity (Acid), Greater Anticipate Teleport, Mind Blank and Detect Scrying. Also if she expects trouble within a few hours, she'll cast Shapechange, Spell Turning, Stoneskin and Magic Circle against good (each of these spells last 5 hours). When/if she senses someone teleporting in unexpectedly near her (Greater Anticipate Teleport), she'll move 60 feet and cast Shield and True Seeing on herself in preparation. If working with others, she'll use Rary's Telepathic Bond to cooperate more efficiently.
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Aethan the Nighthaunt, Ghostly Cleric of Jemal

OOC: I believe it's just the four of us with completed characters, so we may as well get this party started.

Heading towards the center of Nomal, Aethan quickly locates Lord Vorasin's keep and heads towards it. Approaching the front gates, he turns to speak with one of the gate guards. "I am Aethan, here at Lord Vorasin's behest to meet with others among his generals."


First Post

Okay I am a little confused here. Let me try and frame my questions

1) How long ago did the Invitations arrive?
2) What form did they take?
3) Have we met Vorasin?
4) If so where did we meet him?
4) If not how did we recieve our orders?
5) Have we been to Nomal?
6) Have we met each other?
7) Did he offer any incentive to join him other than "joining the mayhem"?
8) How long have we served him?
9) Is our status as being his most powerful troops based on our personal reputations or have we proven (individually or as a group) our prowess?
10) Who is Vorasin, other than an Evil Overlord?

I am sure I have more questions which I will remember 10 seconds after I have hit submit, but for now...

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