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That would be a long story :)
If you want people to follow your account and use your content, I strongly recommend you be open and honest about it. Pretending that it's something you found rather than something you've made isn't going to win you any fans. It's certainly put me off.

I would also recommend that you disclose on your Instagram account that you are using AI-generated art.


If you want people to follow your account and use your content, I strongly recommend you be open and honest about it. Pretending that it's something you found rather than something you've made isn't going to win you any fans. It's certainly put me off.

I would also recommend that you disclose on your Instagram account that you are using AI-generated art.
Great recommendations @pukunui I'm sorry if I offended you in any way while I was trying to be original in my presentation. I'll do best next time my friend.


I understand, although I find it a bit harsh of you to say that my message was disingenuous. But you can be sure that I still understood the essential point of your message.


I understand, although I find it a bit harsh of you to say that my message was disingenuous. But you can be sure that I still understood the essential point of your message.
Disingenuous = "not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does."

You pretended that you'd just "stumbled across" your own Instagram account. You pretended to have a "scoop" about upcoming content (and you pretended to "know a guy that knows a guy"). You pretended not to know if the content would be viewable without needing an Instagram account sometime in the future. How is that not being disingenuous?

Voidrunner's Codex

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