Just For Fun: Terrible but True Tag Lines for TTRPGs

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Twilight 2000: Your Alternate History Game that's uncomfortably close to not being very alternate.

Pathfinder: Find your Math!

Lex Arcana: A Dice Pool Game for the greater gifted.

Dark Heresy: The only constant is the quest-giving NPC.

Runequest: Going out on a limb.

The Dark Eye: It's not the real thing if you aren't rolling 3D20 and utter confusion ensues.

Mutants and Masterminds 2nd edition: You have to buy everything with Point Buy. 😋

Can you afford your ability scores, attack bonus, defense bonus, saves, skills, feats and powers with just 150 points? 😋


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: When your grim and dark Grimdark world is neither dark nor grim enough, come to us.

Champions (now Hero System): The most Superheroic Physics Simulation you'll ever see. Do you have a calculator?

D&D AD&D 2ed: More uniformity, less soul.

Gary Gygax's Cyborg Commandos: Celebrity does not a good game make.

Mechwarrior: You can either be well rounded, or a helpless mewling baby who's a wiz in a mech.

Fudge: When you don't want rules getting in the way of, well, anything.

Paranoia: How to die & kill in amusing ways.

Monte Cook Presents: Iron Heroes: Is this an Official(tm) Fantasy Heartbreaker?

Fate: To succeed as you want, you must first fail as you wish.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Star Wars S6 - Still the best source material for Star Wars for nearly half a century

Star Wars d20 - When you're over running 3.X but you can't convince your players to try anything else

Star Wars Saga Edition - For when you want to feel nostalgia for the hopeful days leading up to 4th edition, before the dark times. Before the Empire.

Star Wars Fantasy Flight - Be honest, you were just going to buy more dice anyway, weren't you.

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