• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Just For Fun: Terrible but True Tag Lines for TTRPGs

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Twilight 2000: Your Alternate History Game that's uncomfortably close to not being very alternate.

Pathfinder: Find your Math!

Lex Arcana: A Dice Pool Game for the greater gifted.

Dark Heresy: The only constant is the quest-giving NPC.

Runequest: Going out on a limb.

The Dark Eye: It's not the real thing if you aren't rolling 3D20 and utter confusion ensues.

Mutants and Masterminds 2nd edition: You have to buy everything with Point Buy. 😋

Can you afford your ability scores, attack bonus, defense bonus, saves, skills, feats and powers with just 150 points? 😋


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: When your grim and dark Grimdark world is neither dark nor grim enough, come to us.

Champions (now Hero System): The most Superheroic Physics Simulation you'll ever see. Do you have a calculator?

D&D AD&D 2ed: More uniformity, less soul.

Gary Gygax's Cyborg Commandos: Celebrity does not a good game make.

Mechwarrior: You can either be well rounded, or a helpless mewling baby who's a wiz in a mech.

Fudge: When you don't want rules getting in the way of, well, anything.

Paranoia: How to die & kill in amusing ways.

Monte Cook Presents: Iron Heroes: Is this an Official(tm) Fantasy Heartbreaker?

Fate: To succeed as you want, you must first fail as you wish.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Star Wars S6 - Still the best source material for Star Wars for nearly half a century

Star Wars d20 - When you're over running 3.X but you can't convince your players to try anything else

Star Wars Saga Edition - For when you want to feel nostalgia for the hopeful days leading up to 4th edition, before the dark times. Before the Empire.

Star Wars Fantasy Flight - Be honest, you were just going to buy more dice anyway, weren't you.

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