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Just out of curiosity


Staff member
I saw a window decal on a car that I found...puzzling.

I've been looking for it online, and can't find it, which I find...disturbing.

So, has anyone seen a decal that is a stylized red dragon/wyvern/winged serpent that encircles a 6-pointed star that in turn has something in its center (but I don't know what.

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Staff member
It was definitely pro-quality- clean lines, the color transitions, mix & consistency. No kid did that.

As for it's disturbing side...well...it's an image of a 6-pointed star (possibly a Star of David) encircled by a symbol of either protection or aggression. (I couldn't get close enough to determine what was in the star's center.)

It could have been occult, could have been political...I don't know.


Was it eating it's own tail? If so, then it may be an ouroboros (I've also seen it spelled Oroboros or Uroborus, you know how these things are) with a six point star in the middle.

It is an old symbol. And like so many old symbols, people are going to ascribe it occult significance. If that ascription disturbing you, then I suggest you don't do any more google searches on the subject. I didn't see anything that looked like a window decal, FWIW.

As for what's in the center of the star, it could be anything. An ouroboros can circle lots of things, and people put all kinds of things in the center of stars to make them look vaguely mystical/occultish. I'd let it go.


Staff member
No, it wasn't an Ouroberos- while it was long enough to do do, it's gaping jaws were not closed upon his tail. That, plus the small wings put into the dragon/wyvern/winged serpent family of imagery.


Cute but dangerous
Maybe it has something to do with that conspiracy theory about the 6 pointed star. Can't think of anything else with a red dragon and a star.

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