Release Just Released! One Day Dig 9:: Wizard of the Wastes

Mutant Lord


Just Released! One Day Dig 9:: Wizard of the Wastes
for The Mutant Epoch RPG

Written by Rey Rodriguez | Edited by J. Levesque | Illustrated by William McAusland

A diabolical wasteland wizard
A village enslaved
An island fortress and its steel-clad protectors

Tuvor, a dusty tribesman, interrupts your dig team's drinking to plead for help. To the north, his people suffer under the heel of an evil wizard who has enslaved them and murdered his wife. He seeks a band of adventure-hungry excavators to rid his land of the wizard's blight. Your party has plundered the depths of the long-dead cities for lost tech and defeated mutant horrors of the new era, but have you been heroes before? Perhaps this adventure will answer that question.

This is our 9th One Day Dig, written by Rey Rodriguez, and is a Pay What You Want adventure suitable for both new and experienced players using characters of 1st or 2nd rank and can occur in the Crossroads Region The Mutant Epoch Store or the Game Master's own setting. It includes 3 maps, 11 illustrations, and is 15 pages. Look for upcoming post-apocalyptic adventures and supplements from Outland Arts.

Grab your copy here:

Also, see previous Pay What You Want PDFs:
The Mutant Epoch Quick Start Rules & adventure: Muddy Mayhem The Mutant Epoch RPG Quick Start Rules - Outland Arts | The Mutant Epoch RPG |
Wasteland Treasure Tables 1 Wasteland Treasures 1 - Outland Arts | The Mutant Epoch RPG |
ODDS 1 & 2 One Day Digs 1 and 2 Double Feature - Outland Arts | The Mutant Epoch RPG |
ODDs 3 & 4 One Day Digs 3 and 4 Double Feature - Outland Arts | The Mutant Epoch RPG |
ODD 5 Lilac Towers One Day Digs 5 - Outland Arts | The Mutant Epoch RPG |
ODD 6 Hunt in the Dark One Day Digs 6:: Hunt in the Dark - Outland Arts | The Mutant Epoch RPG |
ODD 7 The Ascent One Day Digs 7:: The Ascent - Outland Arts | The Mutant Epoch RPG |
ODD 8 Baby Bupu One Day Digs 8:: Baby Bupu - Outland Arts | The Mutant Epoch RPG |

Here’s a sneak peek at the 11 illustrations and 3 maps included in this one-shot adventure....




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