Just saw Delicious in Dungeon

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Jolly Ruby

This was written by a gamer.
The "primary source" Ryoko Kui used for the manga is Wizardry, which is surprisingly similar to AD&D. I'm musing about writing some quick rules on Dungeon Meshi OSE Advanced. It would be mostly replacing "XP for gold" with "XP for being healthy" following these three rules:
1. get proper exercise: you gain XP for killing monsters;
2. rethink your lifestyle rhythm: you only gain XP when you sleep 8 hours, and you don't gain XP for monsters you killed more than 24 hours ago;
3. eat a balanced diet: at the end of the day you add a multiplier to the XP amount you gained according to how many nutrient groups you have eaten (proteins, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fat) up to ×5.

Then you just need to decide which monsters have which nutrients and it's done!

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The "primary source" Ryoko Kui used for the manga is Wizardry, which is surprisingly similar to AD&D. I'm musing abou writing some quick rules on Dungeon Meshi OSE Advanced. It would be mostly replacing "XP for gold" with "XP for having a balanced diet" using these principles:
1. you gain XP for killing monsters;
2. you only gain XP when you sleep 8 hours, and you don't gain XP for monsters you killed more than 24 hours ago;
3. at the end of the day you add a multiplier to the XP amount you gained according to how many nutrient groups you have eaten (proteins, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fat) up to ×5.

Then you just need to decide which monsters have which nutrients and it's done!
That's rather elegant. Wonder if you could do this in 5e. Perhaps just make the kill xp lower. And then xp multiplier for making it healthy.

Voidrunner's Codex

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