D&D 5E Kara Tur vs Tarkir vs Kamigawa vs Plane of Mountains and Seas vs Ikoria

Almost of topic, but I suggest a little retcon of the lore of the korokokuru/korpokkur. If the etimology of the name means something like "people below the leaves of the Fuki" then in my OA the origin of this name was a nickname because their traditional clothing used hats made by leaves of butterbunt plats, symbol of health and good luck in their culture.

In my OA the tengus really haven't got long nose, symbol of their pride, but they wore maks with long noses because it was a subtile way to say "I don't want you to be close to me" (This is the reason of the crow-peak masks as symbol of the doctors from past ages).

If we observe current MMOs based in Asian fantasy, sometimes we find a race of little humanoids with cute and animal traits. The new OA should add the "kemonomimi" ( = "animal ears") as PC races.

The hengeyokai as PC race, isn't broken the power of shapesifting?

Usually racism against fantasy races is stupid, but we should take care because sometimes a race could suffer some stereotypes linked with some communities from real world. Let's use as example a race of black-haired minotaurs, like the races of Spanish fighting bulls, and their country has got all the trope of the anti-Spanish black legend (lazies, scoundrels, religious zealots, sloppies). And maybe nobody notices until somebody complains and then the controversy starts.

  • Kara-Tur will come back, but not in this phase yet, maybe even after Dragonlance. OA is too good to not be used as plataform to promote new classes with special game mechanics, for example the martial adepts.
  • Other option would be a adaptation of some new franchise, not created by WotC but by Hasbro, for toys, or some action-live production by One Enternaiment for Asian market.

We have got also the option to publish a SRD of OA to be used by 3PP for their own settings.

* The dokkaebi, from Korean folklore, should be also a OA D&D race.

* Are nezumi/ratfolk canon in D&D yet?

* Could WotC use PC races of "play manga d20" if these are in any SRD?

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Stuff about the races and making them bloody work is something I've put too much effort and thought into

Almost of topic, but I suggest a little retcon of the lore of the korokokuru/korpokkur. If the etimology of the name means something like "people below the leaves of the Fuki" then in my OA the origin of this name was a nickname because their traditional clothing used hats made by leaves of butterbunt plats, symbol of health and good luck in their culture.
Hot take? Just, remove Korokokuru from dwarves entirely. Make 'em gnomes or halflings. Fits with their history. Fits with their living in the forest away from civilization. Brings them closer to the myth and less like their current depiction of "We needed something to fill the Dwarf hole so, this small race that is otherwise completely unrelated to anything remotely close to anything dwarves do"

The hengeyokai as PC race, isn't broken the power of shapesifting?
I would legit split the hengeyokai into individual races. Kitsune and Tanuki alone could easily carry their own races (And hell, in Pathfinder aren't Kitstune stupid popular due to stats?), let alone the others. Heck knows my buddies and I can fish up enough to justify Namazu being a race just in case, y'know, you wanna be a catfish dude.


A suffusion of yellow
I would legit split the hengeyokai into individual races. Kitsune and Tanuki alone could easily carry their own races (And hell, in Pathfinder aren't Kitstune stupid popular due to stats?), let alone the others. Heck knows my buddies and I can fish up enough to justify Namazu being a race just in case, y'know, you wanna be a catfish dude.

I agree thOugh that Korpokkuru should be redeign to not be dwarfs and would indeed fit better with halfling stats.

I always thought that Namazu was a a Kaiju-sized carp that caused earthquakes and that the Hengeyokai Carp was suppose to be a playable Kappa. I could be wrong.

* The dokkaebi, from Korean folklore, should be also a OA D&D race.

* Are nezumi/ratfolk canon in D&D yet?

* Could WotC use PC races of "play manga d20" if these are in any SRD?

Nezumi were playable in 3e, so they are a canon D&D race

Dokkaebi would be great, and if it were me I‘d have them entirely replace the D&D Korokukuru. I like that despite being scary monsters Dokkaebi actual like humans and just want to party (and wrestle).


I always thought that Namazu was a a Kaiju-sized carp that caused earthquakes and that the Hengeyokai Carp was suppose to be a playable Kappa. I could be wrong.
Its complicated. Because, technically right!

Around 1855 following a destructive earthquake in Tokyo there was a big ol' artistic Thing of Namazu/catfish related prints being produced at the time, following the devastation. Said artwork depicts multiple catfish people at points, including a few where multiple catfish are beating up the one responsible for causing the earthquake

Total justification for catfish people with earth-related stuff

Around 1855 following a destructive earthquake in Tokyo there was a big ol' artistic Thing of Namazu/catfish related prints being produced at the time, following the devastation. Said artwork depicts multiple catfish people at points, including a few where multiple catfish are beating up the one responsible for causing the earthquake

The piece of art from that era where the tanuki (a sort of trickster raccoon-dog spirit) is beating up a giant catfish using it's enormously oversized scrotum as a bludgeon is ... an eye-opener. I suspect that bit won't make it to the D&D sourcebook, when/if it happens...


The piece of art from that era where the tanuki (a sort of trickster raccoon-dog spirit) is beating up a giant catfish using it's enormously oversized scrotum as a bludgeon is ... an eye-opener. I suspect that bit won't make it to the D&D sourcebook, when/if it happens...
I mean, its made it to certain cartoons :p But, yeaaah

Tanuki and their scrotums is, A Thing alright.

The piece of art from that era where the tanuki (a sort of trickster raccoon-dog spirit) is beating up a giant catfish using it's enormously oversized scrotum as a bludgeon is ... an eye-opener. I suspect that bit won't make it to the D&D sourcebook, when/if it happens...

That kind of stuff made it into a Studio Ghibli animated movie back in 1994, so lots of kids have already seen the scrotums in action. Not making it into an RPG sourcebook would be dumb.



Last time I went looking, I saw the main one on the DMs Guild just had Gremlins in it. Not like, historic D&D Gremlins, but "The Movie Franchise Gremlins" Gremlins

Coincidentally that one now seems to be missing from the DMs Guild

The author of those supplements pulled all of them from the DMs Guild.

About tanukis I would add a little retcon. The detail about the crotches would be replaced with bags, because in the tanuki culture wearing two (preferly golden) leather bags are a subtile symbol of wealth (and manhood).

About the kappas the change would be the depression on their faces, the dish or sara, would be replace with special hats with concave up shape, and over this hat, a gelatinous aquatic slime (really a variant of water elemental) with a simbiotic relation. Why? Because when kappas use magic, ki or psionic powers their brain heat up too much, and this gelationous slime over their heads would be used to keep cool their brains. This allows water over their heads aren't so easy to be spilled, but still possible. And today these concave up hats are part of their tradional clothings.

About the bakemono, cousins of the goblinoids, the background I would give them it's they are mutants who survived some epidemics by tainted magic, too sentients to be only mindless beasts, but too wild to be really civilitated people. (and sometimes they may be the "monster ally" of some PCs).

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