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[KAUAI]The Rod of Seven Parts: Of Hexes and Gems


Voadam sheathes his wand. "Your insides are back inside, that's an important first step. Nice archery Maelicent. Do you see the Rod? If the beast ate it I don't look forward to gutting it to check the stomach. Gods the beast was mauled, claws torn out, eye blind, an ugly brute." Voadam holds up his light coin to provide more illumination for the goblin.

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Maelicent scuttles over the giant crocodile's carcass to secure the room beyond. An arrow at the ready, the goblin does a careful turn of the hexagon-shaped stone room. Two of his arrows lie intact to the right, and a third arrow is splintered into two nearly useless fragments. One of Voadam's darts lies at hand to the left, and directly behind the crocodile's jagged spiked tail lies an intact bolt that misfired from Gamad's crossbow.

Other than the dishevelled mess within the room, three sets of double stone doors lie closed to the north, south, and east respectively. While the doors are much like the set bashed open by the crocodile, they differ in one marked aspect; each sports a rune some five feet in diameter that has been carefully detailed both with awl and chisel and paint. The rune itself is bold and, though obviously antiquated, draws the eye. In the center of each runic diameter, in a bas relief indentation, lies a large brilliantly-hued gem. The door rune to the north sports a golden gem that glitters as fiercely as the noonday sun during the month of Reven. In the rune gracing the southern doors is a gem azure as the deepest reaches of the most pristine mountain lake, cold, wondrous, and pure. Forward, to the east, the grass-hued stone lying dead in the center of the rune is the largest of the three. Though the green stone does not glitter as fiercely as does the canary-colored gem, nor does it speak of pastoral scenes of lakeside peace, the stone is verdant, alive with life. When Maelicent steps into the hexagonal chamber, a low thrum issues from the eastern doors.


Relaxing somewhat, Maelicent steps lightly over the broken glass littering the floor. Hunkering down the goblin uses an iron-gauntleted hand to search through the shards in an attempt to determine what they once formed. The Gudwulf warrior next walks around the chamber to investigate the room's various cages for hints of what they may once have contained. He then completes his survey of the chamber by studying what remains of the tattered shelving hanging along the far wall. (Search +0) "Thar's plenty o junk aroun tha place, but no sign o' yer magic stick. Tha markins an glowin gems on tha doors sure look queer. Ayeah. Dis one's even a hummin queerly..."


First Post
Brakkus nurses his shoulder as he scrambles over the crocodile corpse and into the room, but does not complain given how much worse Chev's wounds were. "Winter, Spring, and Summer. The beast must have destroyed the gemstone for Fall. But why was a humongous lizard guarding it? And who mistreated the lizard so badly? And why is spring humming?"

Mista Collins

First Post
Finally standing from the battle, Chev quietly prays to Narn and some of his wounds close up further.

With a deep breathe he joins the others in examining the doors.

[sblock=ooc]Swapping out Shield of Faith for another cure light[/sblock]


"Gamad, was this the chamber from your vision?" Voadam holds up the light coin to aid in the searching and peers around himself as well.

(search +7).

Maelicent uses an iron-gauntleted hand to sift through the shards of glass and pottery littering the floor for some hint of what the broken bits might once have formed. The goblin finds several shards of glass have queer etchings scribed on them in the common tongue, all set next to measurement dashes of varying increment. The glass containers look to have been used largely for measuring things, while the pottery shards look to be the remnant of more mundane storage containers. Standing up and crossing the room to search the tattered shelving, Maelicent finds only more of the same broken instrumentation and one treasure--a long glass dropper that somehow managed to escape destruction. Fashioned of murky smoke-hued glass some ten inches long and perhaps half an inch in diameter, the dropper is fixed with a rubber squeeze on one end; when Maelicent pinches the rubber end, air blows out the dropper's opposite end.

Nursing his shoulder, Brakkus scrambles over the crocodile corpse into the room to join the goblin amidst the wreckage. After standing up on his own two legs, Chev quietly prayers to Narn. By the grace of the Father of Battle, some of the worst of Chev's wounds heal and the skin covering his stomach reknits itself anew.

Cure spells are automatically maximized for priests of Narn. No need to roll--Chev gets 11 HP back.

Voadam and Gamad join Maelicent, Brakkus, and Chev inside the hexagonal chamber. The quintet sets to casting a disparaging eye round the room. Cued by the burnt edges of some of the shelving and the fine layer of gritty black ash coating nearly everything within the chamber save for a large swath of the stone floor where the crocodile obviously slid past, Maelicent is the first to notice the blackened scorch marks on the ceiling. Voadam soon arrives at the same alarming conclusion: the room has burnt, though not recently. That, and the crocodile did not originate in this chamber--its tracks all too readily point toward the set of blue be-gemmed double doors on the southern wall.

The thrumming noise of the green gemstone grows louder of its own accord, so much so that the broken bits of glass and splinters of wood rattle from their perch on the floor and the companions feel their teeth bounce.

When Gamad steps inside the hexagonal chamber, the gnawing suspicion suggested by Voadam that this is a room of which he's dreamt is confirmed; this chamber is the laboratory visited by Gamad in the heat of his dreams.


It is the laboratory I saw in my vision.
The dwarf replies and twitches his face in pain as he rubs the blister on his palm again.
Unknowingly he begins to clean the room, the mess and broken glass are too much for him, he swipe the floor with his boots and tries to clear the broken vials and glasses as close as he can to the wall ... for easy collecting later. he tries to turn tables and fix shelves … until he realizes what he do.
Hmmm ... Look at the mess, if we clean it, it will be easier to search for the second segment, now it could be metallic, wooden, ceramic or even glass. We don't know how the second segment is going to look like.

Mista Collins

First Post
With only knowing he is looking for a rod segment that could be made of any material, Chev goes about searching the room. Every so often he will hold up a piece of material that could be viewed as an oddly shaped rod and turns to the others. "Is this it? How about this? Maybe this?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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