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[KAUAI]The Rod of Seven Parts: Of Hexes and Gems


Having completed his survey of the queer room and seeing the giant-kin having finally arrived to investigate themselves, Maelicent turns to head back the way he came, happy to put some distance between himself and the queerly humming portal. As he passes them, the goblin hands Gammad his errant bolt and Voadam his twin darts. Maelicent pauses briefly in front of the green wizard to also show the giant-kin the odd smoked-glass dropper he's found. Giving the rubber bulb on its tip a few quick squeezes to show the device's peculiar function to the human, the goblin asks: "Dis ting aint yer magic stick right?" The Gudwulf Warrior seems mildly fretful that Voadam might disagree.

Assuming Voadam dismisses the glass instrument, the goblin will tuck it into the quiver at his hip and move to investigate the dragon's carcass and the doors it burst through, curious to see if they held a fourth gem stone (Search 0, taking 20).

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Ambrus said:
As he passes them, the goblin hands Gammad his errant bolt and Voadam his twin darts. Maelicent pauses briefly in front of the green wizard to also show the giant-kin the odd smoked-glass dropper he's found. Giving the rubber bulb on its tip a few quick squeezes to show the device's peculiar function to the human, the goblin asks: "Dis ting aint yer magic stick right?" The Gudwulf Warrior seems mildly fretful that Voadam might disagree.
"Thank you Maelicent," Voadam says as he takes back his darts and returns them to his quiver. He inspects the glass dropper "No, the Seven Rods are fragments of one original piece. I would expect them to be similar in appearance. We have the smallest fragment and so the one we are looking for would be bigger than the wand Gamad now bears. I would hazard that this was an alchemical tool, though I am not well versed in that art. It is Gamad's area of expertise. Maelicent, do you have any skinning knives on you appropriate for gutting the beast? Gods that humming sets my bones on edge. I can hardly think of a purpose for these gems or their magic."


The Gudwulf warrior slides the eyedropper into the quiver at his hip for safekeeping and tosses his head dismissively over his shoulder towards Gamad. "Tha's wha I figured, but yer fool dwarf thar's goin on about it bein made of o purty much anythin." Turning his attention to the giant reptile, Maelicent pulls a hunting knife out of his boot. "Yaw. I gots knives a plenty. Was gonna pry tha dragon's fangs out. Why? Ya wants one?"


Ambrus said:
Turning his attention to the giant reptile, Maelicent pulls a hunting knife out of his boot. "Yaw. I gots knives a plenty. Was gonna pry tha dragon's fangs out. Why? Ya wants one?"

"The beast has a big maw, it could have swallowed the rod. We may need to carve open its gullet." Voadam appears distracted by the humming still. "Gamad, how's your hand? We can try wrapping it in wet cloths to give you some protection if you use the Rod to again find the next piece. We should have found it by now from the visions. Maelicent, do you see any other tracks besides the thrashings of the beast? We need to know if someone slipt in and took the Rod and left the beast to cover their tracks."


"Ya want I should gut tha thin? That'll take a bit. Can't ya use yer magic ta tell if its in thar fer sure?" Maelicent looks around the destroyed chamber. "I's can track a field mouse through a swamp in tha pourin rain; aint so easy ta follow boot heels on a cobbled floor, an not through a pile o junk like this. Yer dragon came from tha south doors thar, and not too long ago at that. If somebody let er out, he might be in thar. Don't think tha door shut itself behind the dragon afer it came in."

Maelicent returns to investigating the collapsed stone door for a fourth gem.

OOC: I'm assuming that Mael's thorough search of the room didn't reveal any such tracks; so either he's incapable of finding them or there just aren't any. CB?

Maelicent shifts his attention to the wreckage surrounding the dead crocodile. With the behemoth lying as it is dead in the doorway, whatever might be trapped beneath the creature is lost to sight for the moment, but a quick glance at the inside of the cracked door tells the goblin and whomever else cares to look that these doors bore no rune.

While Chev casts about, holding up various and sundry items asking if each in turn is the Rod, he nears the eastern doors. At his approach, the emerald darkens and becomes cloudy. A maelstrom inside the gem swirls and eddies in fascinating patterns. Chev's eyes swim and his head goes giddy at the beautiful and enticing pattern within the depths of the gem. Shaking off his enthrallment and turning away from the enchanting gem for a bare moment, Chev hears a crack coming from the eastern doors. The green gem flashes tempestously and a hairline crack forms lengthwise down the broad diameter of the bauble.

The thrumming grows steadily louder with anticipation, straining the senses and begins to rumble loose bits of mortar and char from the ceiling.

[sblock=Gamad, Voadam]Knowledge (arcana) check results: Gamad 12, Voadam 11. There is definitely magic in the green gem, though of what quality neither Gamad nor Voadam is able to discern.[/sblock]

[sblock=Brakkus]Sense motive (natural) 20. Just now Chev had the look of a young virgin being charmed out of his coin purse by a commonly pretty but wizened whore with little to no intent of reciprocation.[/sblock]


Seeing no rune on the felled doors, Maelicent steps back over the reptile carcass into the hallway beyond the portal. Once there the Gudwulf warrior examines the head and maw of the green dragon, sizing up his kill for parts worth harvesting and possible trophies. With dagger in hand, the goblin begins prying out the large fangs lining the creature's maw (Survival +8).


Let me see that.
Gamad inspect the Glass dropper.
Interesting but fragile, it will be useful for a potion maker, let me wrap it in a cloth.

When Chev “turn on” the gem, Gamad turns and calls.
Foul magic! Cover the gem immediately. Do not look into it until I’ll check for any magical auras around here.

ooc: Is the gem big? Can we cover it with something, a piece of cloth maybe?
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First Post
"Chev, are you alright? Step back from the gem! I think the gem tried to control you in some way. For a moment there, you looked just like my brother Sven when one of the maiden's of the court was turning him into a fool. There's some foul magic in that gem, and I don't like that humming one bit. I agree with Mael, that beast didn't shut the door on its own. Let's try the south." He makes no move toward the door himself though, being too set in the mindset of a soldier. With all the mysteries present, he is certainly not in a position to command.

If a cloak or the piece of shelving from the room can't be used to cover the gem, Brakkus offers his tower shield if it is tall enough.

Mista Collins

First Post
"I feel fine. I felt enthralled and enticed by the gem for a second there, but everything seems to be alright." Chev says as he walks away from the door rubbing his temples. "But be careful, I heard some cracking coming from that door."

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