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[KAUAI]The Rod of Seven Parts: Of Hexes and Gems



CB[sblock]abyssal "Damnation!"[/sblock] Voadam curses. "If its undead then turning and healing magic will blast it but he can reach through armor. The beast we heard though would be flesh and bone, stay sharp." Voadam casts a spell, invoking ethereal armor around himself as he tries to pinpoint the shadow Chev is referencing as his hand goes to his wand.

ooc cast mage armor as a standard action and spot as a move action. If move action not needed then draw the wand of cure light wounds.

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His ten stone projectiles complete and adorned with streaming ribbons of cloth that, with luck, will air out behind them when thrown, Maelicent stands and turns in a circle, eyeing the malevolent forest assembled around the perimeter with stalwart purpose. The goblin croaks, "I been livin here fer months an I was thinkin we had an understandin. But now ya wanna be startin somethin. Aright. Y'all can get the Hells outta my way or ya can all burn ta tha ground. Yer call ya bastards." The defiant Gudwulf warrior waits to see if the trees will respond to his challenge or not.

The shadows in the wood grow deeper in response to the goblin's throw-down. Nary a cricket peeps in the dank air of the impromptu clearing as a deathly velvet of quiet blankets the wood. From the south, a warm air rustles the tops of the tallest trees overhead and a queer whistling wind whispers from on high. At the lightest touch from the wind, the tallest trees shudder and groan, their bark-encapsulated trunks quivering in the hot Teggest night. Branches that previously had been uplifted that they might catch droplets of condensation with the morning dew turn downward in a cruel arc and dangle precipitously low over Maelicent's head. A sapling, one of the larger of its kind but still young, shambles forward toward the clearing. Perhaps two seasons old, the young tree adopts an alarming pace and, fixing on the goblin with malicious intent, moves in a direct line to intercept the Gudwulf warrior.

Maelicent 7
Sapling 4
Forest 1


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Seeing that the forest refuses to move aside and let him go free, the defiant Gudwulf Warrior grasp the streamers of one of his sling stone missiles in his left hand and dangles the stone head into the fire at his side long enough to let it catch light (as a move-equivalent action). Once flames begin to snake their way up the streamers Maelicent sets the stone weight of the missile to twirl in a large circle before letting it fly free. Arcing high into the air overhead, the fiery tails of the improvised missile trail dangerous sparks as it comes back down to earth while crashing through the upper branches of the clustered trees blocking the curtain wall (ranged attack +7, point blank shot, aiming for T7). Seeing the young sapling threateningly uproot itself, the goblin steps sideways to interpose his bonfire between it and himself (five foot step to P10).


"Its speaking demon." Voadam says to his companions after he hears the hissing, then to the shadow he says "Sie führen zu mich, den es zutreffend ist Aber ich bin ein Zauberer der Energie und konnte, also erklären mir dieses kakku' u zwei Und warum du hier in der Nacht lauerst."
[sblock]"They lead to me it is true
But I’m a wizard of power and might
So tell me of this kakku’u two
And why you lurk here in the night"


First Post
As soon as Brakkus has his armor ready, he thanks Gamad with a nod, and moves with his guisarme in hand to stand next to Chev.

OOC: AC 15, touch AC 12. He will take any available attacks of opportunity, attempting to trip anything medium sized or smaller.

[sblock=All]Everyone had 5 rounds to prepare. Brakkus put on his armor and moved forward. Voadam cast mage armor, drew a wand, spoke (free action), tried to I.D. the shadow, and moved forward. Chev moved forward, spotted twice, cast magic weapon, and has an attack readied. Gamad assisted Brakkus, has been maintaining control over the lamp, and took a five foot step back.

There should be an alpha-numeric grid system on the map. If you all could please reference the map and let me know at or to which grid squares you wish to be standing/move, that will help cut down on the chances of me placing you inopportunely.[/sblock]

Chev intones a quiet warning to Voadam and then, carefully watching the shadow reappear and float forward up the tunnel in a menacing fashion, casts magic weapon on his axe in preparation for glorious battle. Gamad, having finished assisting Brakkus into his armor, takes a step back but otherwise maintains control over the lantern, which itself continues to hover near a nook at the mouth of the downward-sloping tunnel. Slipping his wand from its place, Voadam hurriedly prepares himself for battle by casting a protective spell about his person. A shimmering green sphere forms in the air of the cave, then settles onto Voadam and is soon invisible to the naked eye. Striding forward to stand directly in front of the tunnel mouth, Voadam peers down the dimly light tunnel and spots the moving shadow pointed out by Chev. Searching his memory, Voadam hits a mental stone wall. Whatever the shadow may be, he's certain he's seen one of its kind before but knows not whether it be undead or a demon. His armor hastily donned and the occasional strap still hanging loose at his side, Brakkus moves up to stand stalwartly beside Chev, the tip of his guisarme pointing down the tunnel past Voadam. Like the others before him, Brakkus at last has a goodly look down the tunnel and quickly notes that tripping this foe will prove impossible; judging by the way the creature glides and blinks at whim into and out of the hard rock walls of the tunnel, it lacks corporeality.

The shadow moves as one with the flickering light of the hooded lantern magically held aloft by Gamad. As it floats forward and comes to hovering halt ten feet from Voadam, the shadow's form coalesces. Black wings flutter in the breeze sped up the tunnel from the depths of the earth below and, even so close, the shadow continually flickers to and from view in a perfect melding dance with the lantern light and the rock and dirt of the passageway. The thing hisses again, this time louder. Ragged holes appear where eyes should be in a human, then a nose and beard second the first bits of imagery. The shadow mimicks Voadam's form, albeit grossly distorted and with a mocking twistedness not normally seen upon Voadam's visage.
[sblock=Voadam]Canst thee make the daylight flee?
Canst thee bend time for me?
For shame, for shame.
I come for lust and hunger home,
Not like you, for love of tome.
The Queen he cried, the Queen!
Fetch for me the Green.[/sblock]
The shadow writhes with glee as it hisses, its gaze fixed on Voadam all the while. Just as the shadow wraps its wings about itself and darts forward the last five feet, Chev takes advantage of his own preparedness and lashes out with blazing speed at the shadow, striking it full on with his freshly magically-imbued battleaxe. From Valhalla above, Narn smiles benevolently on his faithful servant and guides the honed edge of Chev's axe true. The blade strikes the shadow, dealing 6 points of damage to the incorporeal creature. Likewise, as the shadow presses forward even closer to Voadam, it passes through a square threatened by the reach provided by Brakkus's guisarme. Brakkus jabs this polearm forward, hoping to hit the shadow, but despite what should have been accurate aim at close quarters, Brakkus watches as his guisarme enters and exits the shadow's form without hitting anything. Whatever malevolent act the shadow was about to attempt on Voadam is staved off for the time being as the creature floats backward a hair, away from its quarry.

You all currently have a height advantage of +1 to attack for being on higher ground than the shadow.

Chev 16
Gamad 14
Voadam 13
Creature 12
Brakkus 12


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Maelicent grasps and lights one of his handmade fire grenades. Arcing the missile overhead and lobbing the fiery bundle at the overgrown mallorn tree guarding the citadel wall at the eastern edge of the narrow glade, Maelicent sees to his delight that the bundle hits an old branch already mostly dead mid-way up the great tree and readily catches fire. The fire springs to life in such fertile ground and soon spreads with rage to nearby limbs. While the glade widens by five feet on all sides, the mallorn uproots itself and moves with fury at the goblin. The burning tree whips a heavy limb to the side that sends the sapling speeding toward Maelicent reeling backward. Having moved 5 feet toward Maelicent, the mallorn brings a second time crashing down at the goblin from on high. By bough, branch, and leafy twig, the mallorn grasps Maelicent by his horned helmet and outer armor and begins to squeeze. The tree is young and strong, but large; Maelicent wriggles free of the mallorn's grasp.


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