[Kickstarter] Broken Empires RPG by Trevor Devall of Me, Myself and Die!

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As someone who watched the show, the latest update made me laugh :
A new and exciting Stretch Goal has been announced - our final one! - which will be of particular interest to my loyal "Me, Myself and Die!" fans. If we make it to the $500k mark today, the last day of the Kickstarter campaign, every backer will receive a Carlos mini for free! Love him or hate him, Season 3's treacherous pirate can now have a new life in glorious molded plastic ;) If you haven’t backed yet but are considering it, take a cue from Carlos himself, and “Do it for love!”


I backed at the digital level. I’m interested. I’m looking for something other than GURPS, PF1, or Savage Worlds to run fantasy games with.
I’m in a similar space, though with D&D rather than PF1. I’ll still use Savage Worlds for pulp fantasy but I think TBE may well become my go-to for gritty fantasy.

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