Pathfinder 1E Kingmaker: Stolen Land


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Having no specific response to his original query, likely due to the many distractions at hand, Shillaadrini adds,

"We cannot chase two rabbits at once. An old expression; but nonetheless, we have prisoners in hand and a runner. I am not interested in chasing the runner. It may work to our advantage to have him spread word of our arrival, especially in the fearful state he is currently in. So Edmure, you seem the most benevolent among us, what say you here for these three? If we are to spare them all or one, I think we should begin marching him or them now and return to the Trading Post."

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Adrin said:
"...If we are to spare them all or one, I think we should begin marching him or them now and return to the Trading Post."

Sarvek nods, "Agreed. Although I am apprehensive about letting that one go, I think Adrin has a point; better to attempt one task with full attention, than to attempt two tasks with divided attention. Let's march all of them back to the Outpost, and decide there which ones we shall hang. Emmie will be in charge of that decision; for it depends largely on the condition of their hearts, which of these men has the capacity for redemption, and which, if any, are beyond it."
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The pockmarked man speaks up after taking a moment to collect himself. "You keep referring to 'these two,' and I can only assume you mean the lad and I... What do you intend for the quiet guy there? I've never heard him actually speak either and people often forget he's even around. I grew up a street urchin and have only ever known banditry. Not sure I'd be of much use doing anything. Never really been the useful sort."

The silent man merely shrugs and keeps his head bowed.

The younger man responds dejectedly, "Apprenticeships cost a premium. I don't have that kind of money... It's why I turned to this to help my family."

Emudre addresses the silent man. "Are you able to speak? If so, do you have something you wish to say for yourself?" She studies his reaction.

To the young man she says "I will inquire about finding an apprenticeship that will allow you to pay off your expenses incrementally."

She nods in agreement when her commrades suggest bringing the prisoners back to the trading post.


The silent man maintains his silence, refusing to look anyone in the eye. The three bandits walk bound and quiet with the party, exiting the forest and marching for eight hours. As the last rays of sunlight begin to sink over the horizon, the party sets up camp for the night. Still in the hills but with the plains in sight, Kuvarious reckons that you should reach the trading post after ten hours or so of travel tomorrow.

GM: I need to know what, if any, precautions you all take tonight. Will anyone stand watch? Do you keep the fire burning? What is the watch order? How are you going to allow the bandits to sleep (tied up, untied, etc)?


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Shillaadrini will release the prisoners, one at a time, and allow them to recirculate their limbs and attend to personal business. He will remain with them, with his sword in hand, at all times. He will not turn his back or look away at any time.
"I suggest the two adults remain tied, even through the night, though they can be tied in a different position to allow them some sleep. The boy can remain free, as a test of trust. I also recommend that we extinguish any fire before we sleep, and we decide upon a system for watches."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sarvek nods in agreement. "No fire, and those of us with Darkvision, myself included, should stand 3-hour watches. Three such watches will allow us 9 hours of sleep, which should be plenty. I agree that the adults should remain tied. I volunteer to take middle watch. What say the rest of you?"


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sarvek nods in agreement. "No fire, and those of us with Darkvision, myself included, should stand 3-hour watches. Three such watches will allow us 9 hours of sleep, which should be plenty. I agree that the adults should remain tied. I volunteer to take middle watch. What say the rest of you?"

Shillaadrini nods to Sarvek.
"That works for me. I will take the last watch."


You all settle down and quickly fall asleep, the days events having drained you. Despite being relatively quick, battle has a way of fatiguing even the hardiest of people. The first watch passes uneventfully. Emudre wakes Sarvek and then drifts off to sleep. Sarvek, it is about 15 minutes into your watch when you hear... something. You sit-up alert at once and strain your senses, trying to determine the source of your unease. Just as you are about to settle back down, one of the bandits – the silent man – lets out a wracked moan before quickly falling still again. What do you do?

OOC: Emudre 21 Perception, Sarvek 24 Perception, Shillaadrini 16 Perception.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sarvek yells, "Alarm! Something's amiss! Alarm!" as he rushes to the bandit's side.

Sarvek suspects that one of two things has possibly happened: either the bandit somehow took poison and killed himself (a fake, hollow tooth that hides a pill?) or that someone has slipped into the camp and has assassinated the "traitor"; in either case, Sarvek knows that it's of paramount importance to wake the party, and to investigate immediately.

OOC: Sarvek will make another Perception check to determine the Bandit's condition. Result = 18.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
At the cry of alarm, Shillaadrini will rise as quickly as possible, ready his sword, and scan the area as best he can to perceive any danger.

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