TSR Kobold Press Deep Magic Kickstsr

Marc Radle


Hey folks! Really awesome to see such great feedback so far on the Deep Magic kickstarter!!

In only 24 hours or so, we've blown through a number of stretch goals, surpassed 1,000 backers and $60,000! That's pretty great!!

This is going to be an amazing compilation of Deep Magic material PLUS more than 110 all-new spells! And, that number will likely go up even more, because every backer can submit a spell for consideration in the final book!

As you might imagine, there are a TON more awesome stretch goals to come, so please spread the word on social media etc!

Marc Radle
Art Director | Kobold Press

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Hey folks! Really awesome to see such great feedback so far on the Deep Magic kickstarter!!

In only 24 hours or so, we've blown through a number of stretch goals, surpassed 1,000 backers and $60,000! That's pretty great!!

This is going to be an amazing compilation of Deep Magic material PLUS more than 110 all-new spells! And, that number will likely go up even more, because every backer can submit a spell for consideration in the final book!

As you might imagine, there are a TON more awesome stretch goals to come, so please spread the word on social media etc!

Marc Radle
Art Director | Kobold Press

You guys make good stuff.
I bought the PDFs and dead tree versions of world book, 2 copies ofvToB and Midgard Heroes Handbook.

Can't get it locally but can via Amazon or direct from your website.

Running a game in Nuria Natal.


Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
Oh, come on!

Those subclass options at $125k look awesome.

Let's go, people, we're halfway there and we have 27 days to go. I want my Circle of the Ancients Druids and my Infernal Magic Stretch goals!! :D

Marc Radle

Thanks everyone!!

Those sub-classes are indeed awesome! There's honestly so much incredibly cool stuff going into this book, I can't wait for everyone to get their hands on the final product!!

Day 2 of the Kickstarter campaign - we've passed 1,200 backers and we're rapidly approaching the $75K stretch goal: very cool variants for the raise dead spell!

If you haven't already, please consider backing Deep Magic for 5E! If you are already a backer, please help us spread the word on social media etc!

Marc Radle
Art Director | Kobold Press

Warlock Patreon
Kobold Press is creating the darkly fantastical 5th Edition Warlock booklets | Patreon

Understood - international shipping is always a challenge, and the Kobolds are unfortunately as reliant on the Postal Rates as everyone else. We are absolutely looking at options to make international shipping as painless as we can though!
Many other US based rpg companies manage to work with European distributors, thereby lowering shipping costs, but more importantly, avoiding import tax and related fees. Just saying.

Voidrunner's Codex

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