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Krauss' Age of Worms (Act I) - The Whispering Cairn

Krauss von Espy

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It had been a good gathering in Owen's favorite hidey-hole, the abandoned mine office, full of excitement and anticipation of the exploration to come. Old acquaintances were renewed, and new comrades-in-arms introduced. Once everyone was satisfied that they were as prepared as they could be, they set off in search of glory, riches, and adventure.

The yawning entrance to the Whispering Cairn lies only about 10 minutes east of the abandoned mine office, a wide monolith-lined portal partially obscured by underbrush and boulders. It would probably be rather difficult to find if Owen didn't already know where to look. Not wanting to waste any time, the party proceeds inside.

Natural light dimly illuminates a long hallway extending north into darkness. A faint breeze brings with it sibilant whispers that sound almost like sighing breath. It must be a trick of the wind, but the effect is almost lifelike.

The walls bear horizontal bands of deceptively simple geometric patterns at waist level. In places the bands reveal startling detail, but in others the walls look as though they have been hacked apart with weapons or eroded by the rigors of time. Flakes of ancient paint, brilliant purple and a dull mustard hue, still cling to the walls in places, hinting at what must once have been a riot of color. A thin layer of dust coats the floor.

Just inside the darkened tomb, the hallway branches into shallow alcoves to the east and west. Here the walls bear the most significant damage. Dozens of clumsy ethcings mar the beautiful ancient masonry like graffiti on a city wall. A clump of soiled cloth about the size of a halfling rests in the rounded terminus of the western alcove.

Outside, the wind picks up, and a chorus of almost human sounds rises from the darkened hall.

(OOC: Okay here we go! I'll need to know about the party's marching formation and light sources, in addition to your regular actions. Feel free to role-play anything your character may have said at the abandoned mine office, upon arriving at the entrance to the cairn, etc. Above all, let's have fun!)

edit: I've attached a map of the entrance to the Cairn, with a random marching order. Feel free to adjust it as you see fit. Also, I've labeled Azten as 'W' to avoid confusion with Alexi.


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Mista Collins

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Brushing aside the overgrowth that hides the entrance, Owen steps inside and is suprised to actually be stepping inside this cairn. Setting his backpack down he pulls out his hooded lantern and lights it. "There we go, much easier when I can see where I am going."

Noticing Gregor heft his huge club, Owen nods in approval. "Good call, Gregor. This place makes me uneasy," Owen states as he draws his rapier and holds it up, looking as if he has no idea how to use it.

Owen searching around to see if there are any signs of anything using this as its home, or any signs of traps or other dangers.

[sblock]OOC: Search of +7[/sblock]
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OOC: March order is fine by me. I need to update my sheet due to my shield mistake - I'm gonna have scale male, a guisearme, and combat reflexes. Will update char sheet soon.

Majakilar studies the etchings on the walls as he passes.

He approaches the halfling-sized cloth and gently taps it with the flat of his guisearm. If nothing untoward happens, he will try lifting the cloth with it, to see what's underneath.


First Post
OOC: Starting tomorrow (Wed) night, I'm going to have spotty internet access through next Monday, as I'll be on vacation. I'll try to check once a day and post actions as required. As a rule, if anyone is severely injured, Azten will use a spell - Cure Minor or Cure Light as warranted. If 24 hours have gone by since my last post, please act for me, within reason. If the party rests, he'll pass out non-magic healing all around where needed.

Combat: If combat breaks out and it looks like he could get involved with his sling, Azten will use his Domain spell Magic Stone to make three +1 sling bullets. When they are used, or if pressed into melee before then, he'll step up with his warhammer and swing away.

Azten doesn't really have a preference for position in the order at this point. The back is fine, as it gets him a bit further away from the humans' light sources that mess with his darkvision. His main interest (ahead of time) is the exploration of an ancient cairn - the discovery of ornate stonework, different/unique architecture, and any evidence that dwarves may have once favored the site.


Following the other members of the party into the cairn, Azten is immediately drawn to examine the stonework and geometric patterns that line the passage at head level, hoping to determine if they are dwarven work. His keen eye also scans for any evidence of traps or secret panels. (OOC: Should I roll this sort of thing or just let you wing it?)

Once he is satisfied with his brief look around- and his eyes have adjusted to the lower light level inside- he takes in a deep breath, testing the air. Muttering something under his breath which may be a prayer to Moradin, or a half-hearted swear at the wanton carelessness of vandals, or both, Azten takes his first tentative steps into a life of adventure.

When he hears Majakilar say something about a halfling, he goes over to where the clump of cloth is to investigate.
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First Post

As they time came closer, Alexi grew more anxious with every minute, urging the others to move out finally. Gregor had to remind her of the possible dangers a few times, before she stopped running in front of the group of friends, dragging them along with her excitement.

When the companions finally arrived, the glitter in Alexis eyes mirrored her anticipation, but the young woman left the honor of opening up the entrance to Owen, who had found it. Also, she remembered Gregor's earlier words about the dangers, and took up a position in the rear of the party formation.

Constantly peeking over Owen's shoulders, but having trouble to see anything through Gregor's hulking frame, Alexi tries to remain patient, not wanting to hurt Gregor by asking him to not stand in the way so much, he certainly did so only to protect them.

Touching the Holy Symbol around her neck and whispering silent prayers, Alexi slowly moves with the group, holding her crossbow ready, and taking in the new experiences and the fresh smell of adventure.


The stones here have a greater solidity to their feel than the everdeepening mine tunnels with their makeshift supports. In the mines the punishing work of breaking up rocks and hauling massive carts of excavated materials was a pretty miserable experience, alleviated only by the camaraderie of Majakallar.

This exploration with a band of friends, particularly with Alexi's enthusiasm and optimism, was a rare joy for Gregor in contrast. He glanced back at the young woman and grinned at her "We're doing it!" he said softly then turned back to scan ahead looking for dangers. Kenneth's tales of underground bone-breaking snailfolk, big-eared cavern giants (sigh), and ghost miners, as well as Atzen's tales of stone guardians and traps the dwarves used in their cairns had him thinking of dangers that could lurk in wait for them.

Gregor's metal "mace" was ready to lash out at anything that threatened his friends.


Quantum Chronomancer

Kenneth picks his way through the foilage, swatting at bugs and wiping pieces of dead grass off his pants. He has not been off a well-tred path for quite some time. Kenneth does his best to stick to the town or the roads, and does not particularly enjoy the burs constantly finding purchase in his clothing. With a resigned sigh, he follows the company into the cavern.

His attention is immediately drawn to the bands lining the cavern tunnel, and he brings up his fingers to trace the detailed patterns.
OOC - Bardic knowledge check +4 (7), Knowledge (history) check +7 (23), Knowledge (local) check +7 (15)

Krauss von Espy

First Post
Mista Collins said:
Brushing aside the overgrowth that hides the entrance, Owen steps inside and is suprised to actually be stepping inside this cairn. Setting his backpack down he pulls out his hooded lantern and lights it. "There we go, much easier when I can see where I am going."

Owen searching around to see if there are any signs of anything using this as its home, or any signs of traps or other dangers.

[Search Check: 11+7=18] Owen begins looking around the entry hall and alcoves, but finds no sign of traps or anything else untoward.

silentspace said:
Majakilar studies the etchings on the walls as he passes.

He approaches the halfling-sized cloth and gently taps it with the flat of his guisearm. If nothing untoward happens, he will try lifting the cloth with it, to see what's underneath.

[Search Check: 17+1=18] Majakilar notices that the patternwork upon the walls contains thin hollow tubes hidden within. The strange whispers filling the hall seem to emit from these holes. The patterned bands bisect the walls northward, all the way down the passage into unexlpored darkness.

Moving on, he finds that the cloth lump is in fact a moldy old bedroll that has hardened and become brittle, as though with age. As he lifts it with his blade, it cracks, but there is nothing underneath.

Azten said:
Following the other members of the party into the cairn, Azten is immediately drawn to examine the stonework and geometric patterns that line the passage at head level, hoping to determine if they are dwarven work. His keen eye also scans for any evidence of traps or secret panels. (OOC: Should I roll this sort of thing or just let you wing it?)

Once he is satisfied with his brief look around- and his eyes have adjusted to the lower light level inside- he takes in a deep breath, testing the air. Muttering something under his breath which may be a prayer to Moradin, or a half-hearted swear at the wanton carelessness of vandals, or both, Azten takes his first tentative steps into a life of adventure.

When he hears Majakilar say something about a halfling, he goes over to where the clump of cloth is to investigate.

(OOC: RE, all you need to do is let me know what skill checks you'd like to make; including your bonuses in the post is helpful as well. I'll make the rolls for you, and report the check's resolution)

Azten joins Majakilar in examining the carved patterns on the wall, but nothing new is revealed (see above). However, the patterned lines and 'whispering' tubes certainly don't appear to be of dwarven work.

Joining his ally in the alcove, Azten does notice that it contains a circular depression an inch deep and 2 feet wide. There are four small anchoring holes along the circle's periphery; whatever they supported is long gone.

jeremy_dnd said:
Kenneth's attention is immediately drawn to the bands lining the cavern tunnel, and he brings up his fingers to trace the detailed patterns.

OOC - Bardic knowledge check +4 (7), Knowledge (history) check +7 (23), Knowledge (local) check +7 (15)

Kenneth's examination of the patterned bands reveals nothing new (see above).

@Kenneth and Owen:[sblock]Upon hearing of the old, brittle bedroll, you are reminded that a local teenage girl went missing about six years ago somewhere in this area.[/sblock]

Thanee said:
Touching the Holy Symbol around her neck and whispering silent prayers, Alexi slowly moves with the group, holding her crossbow ready, and taking in the new experiences and the fresh smell of adventure.

Voadam said:
Gregor's metal "mace" was ready to lash out at anything that threatened his friends.

@Gregor and Alexi:[sblock]Looking ahead down the passage, you notice a faint flickering green light coming from the north.[/sblock]

Further actions in this area?
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First Post
I'd like to head over to the other alcove and look around briefly for anything of interest.
(Spot +3, with an additional +2 for Stonecunning if stonework is involved)

If nothing is found, then I say Anyone find anything? Let's head on.

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