Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tim casually strolls toward the cleric, taking his time, looking almost whimsical as he sizes him up.

Tim says, "I've fought in many battles, both back home, and here. I have faced countless foes, of many varieties. All of them had some smart remark to make. Something to brag about. Some threat to make. But you know what? All of those enemies have one important thing in common: They're all dead now, by my hand. Why should you be any different? Watch this..."

Tim takes a single, half-hearted swipe at the bugbear, which misses. It's one of Tim's worst attempts, in fact. And as the towering knight grins from ear to ear, the bugbear can't help but wonder what will happen when Tim decides to get serious.

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World of Kulan DM
OOC: @Aust Thale.

While Vitus is shouting out to Falen, the living altar is speaking to the half-hobgoblin telepathically...

"Thanks to you and your allies for getting rid of the portal. It won't activate again in this room unless Phelix returns here and revives it. But, I won't let him use me a power source ever again." The voice in Falen's head is smooth and comfortable. There is no strain in the telepathic communication. "However, I sense that the refocused portal is still active in the temple of the Soulkeeper. It will stay there, connected to the Citadel of the Ancients, for another hour. Phelix could send his forces through to the temple. It wouldn't take them long to make their way here from there. Be wary."

There is a pause and then the living altar continues. "The genie is projecting her mind at me. I must apologize to her for not helping her when she was first trapped here all those years ago. I can only hope that she will forgive me for my inaction."

Aust Thale

OOC: @Aust Thale.

While Vitus is shouting out to Falen, the living altar is speaking to the half-hobgoblin telepathically...

"Thanks to you and your allies for getting rid of the portal. It won't activate again in this room unless Phelix returns here and revives it. But, I won't let him use me a power source ever again." The voice in Falen's head is smooth and comfortable. There is no strain in the telepathic communication. "However, I sense that the refocused portal is still active in the temple of the Soulkeeper. It will stay there, connected to the Citadel of the Ancients, for another hour. Phelix could send his forces through to the temple. It wouldn't take them long to make their way here from there. Be wary."

There is a pause and then the living altar continues. "The genie is projecting her mind at me. I must apologize to her for not helping her when she was first trapped here all those years ago. I can only hope that she will forgive me for my inaction."
Falen has had enough. He recalls the Altar Psi-Construct’s warning about not damaging the room. He hears the threat from the bugbear cleric. He telepathically communicates with the genie and his comrades simultaneously, including the APC as a 3rd party observer. “Get. Out. Of. The. Room. The portal is still active somewhere within these halls. We’ve accomplished our mission but risk having to fight our way out. The bugbear has threatened the Altar directly. Its counterattack affects the whole room. Withdraw and let it work. Set a defense against anything else coming.” Falen also sees his telepathic mindsight to work locating any approaching combatants within 100’. As he is mentally communicating, he taps his dimension stride boots, moving 20’ to his west.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I am not just here for you, Loremaster," the bugbear cleric replies. "If you wish to be last to die, so be it. I'll deal with your large friend first."

The devil-touched bugbear turns his head towards Sir Tymbeck. "It seems I must kill you now while your friend hides in terror. Come large one, do your worst. Let's see if you can live up to your reputation on this world, if not the one you call home. Almagra, correct?"

Eeldai only gives Akos a silent nod as she continues to look at the living altar with intense curiosity.

The unicorn neighs once and then moves to help Rockhorn and Spritewing. Standing over the dying form of Parch, the mini-unicorn heals the fellow dungeonbred magical beast with its horn.
"That's not what you said earlier. So, why do you think I'll just wait while you kill others? I came here to draw you away, not to save myself. I thought clerics are supposed to be wise. But I guess goblin blood remains dull regardless of personal power."
Loremaster goads the cleric trying to draw him away from the rest of the group.


second birthdate : 15 Dec 2011
[On Vinny'sturn:to gallan he says, "you are My prisoner until further notice. Understand?"
He grabs the "loyalist's" weapon, bumps the knight's arm, mouths the words 'out, now!' And gestures with the tip of his rapier toward the door then heads toward the door himself. ]

Race: Human
HP: 38/52 SD: 3
22; FF:19 T:14
[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +12
Refl: +6
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [X]Bless; [] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) [X]Avoid Planar effects; [X] Benediction; [X] Status [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ X] Stone Shape [X]; Invisibility Purge; [X ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [X] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
1 Longstrider
2XLocate Object
2Shield Other
3xXProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
4XXDim Door

Vitas is confused when he sees Falen suddenly deciding to flee. Hadn't they just turned the tables? He doesn't question it and, instead, moves ten feet, sheathing his dagger as he does so, he steps over the unconscious woman and grabs her by the scruff of the neck, dragging her as he moves.

"If we're running, I'm taking woman out with us before the cleric heals her"
Getting to the door, he enshrouds himself in Tyches protection.

Since Falen didn't flank and since he told everyone to run, that's what Vitus does instead.

Move action and will sheath dagger while moving.

Grab woman as I go and drag her just outside the door.

My movement should take me just into the hallway, around the corner, 10 feet to the south of the door.(including movement at half movement)

Cast Entropic Shield.
Dm ruling noted

Active Spells:
Benediction (Rockthorn): 56 mins, 8 rounds
Protection From Fire (Tellerian Hawke Big Tim): 6 minutes and 9 rounds -protects from 96 points of fire damage
Invisibility Purge 7 minutes
Avoid Planar Effects 71 rounds
Mass Lesser Vigor: 20 rounds:
Bless : 76 rounds
Entropic Shield: 8 minutes

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria
Last edited:


World of Kulan DM
Falen has had enough. He recalls the Altar Psi-Construct’s warning about not damaging the room. He hears the threat from the bugbear cleric. He telepathically communicates with the genie and his comrades simultaneously, including the APC as a 3rd party observer. “Get. Out. Of. The. Room. The portal is still active somewhere within these halls. We’ve accomplished our mission but risk having to fight our way out. The bugbear has threatened the Altar directly. Its counterattack affects the whole room. Withdraw and let it work. Set a defense against anything else coming.” Falen also sees his telepathic mindsight to work locating any approaching combatants within 100’. As he is mentally communicating, he taps his dimension stride boots, moving 20’ to his west.
The bugbear watches with amusement as Falen 'poofs' away from the corner of the room towards the other Exemplars. He doesn't seem concerned about the half-hobgoblin's movement.

OOC: Note that while Akos is in the antimagic field, Falen cannot telepathically communicate with him. Falen's ability is supernatural (unlike the living altar's which is psionic), so it cannot pass through the field.

Vitus is confused when he sees Falen suddenly deciding to flee. Hadn't they just turned the tables? He doesn't question it and, instead, moves ten feet, sheathing his dagger as he does so, he steps over the unconscious woman and grabs her by the scruff of the neck, dragging her as he moves.

"If we're running, I'm taking woman out with us before the cleric heals her"
The young knight also seems confused by Vitus' fleeing the room, and since he cannot hear Falen's telepathic warning, he looks around for a moment to see what has happened. He notes the bugbear on the other side of the room and the Loremaster standing in the strange glowing field of energy.

He decides he needs more protection, so he steps next to petite unicorn and grabs the closest potion off the table and drinks it down. He leaves the other potion on the table.

OOC: Note that sheathing a weapon is considered a move action on its own and cannot be combined with Vitus' regular move action. A weapon can be drawn as part of a move (with +1 BAB) but not sheathed. Or did I rule previously that I'd allow it? I don't remember.

Regardless, moving a heavy object is considered its own move action as well. A fully armoured character lying on the floor definitely counts as moving something heavy. While Vitus' Strength score is good enough to drag her out of the room, it will be two move actions. Vitus will not be able to cast his spell out in the corridor.

The knight takes a 5-ft. step north, grabs the potion off the table (move action), and drinks it (standard action) It is a bull's strength potion. That ends his actions and Round 7.


World of Kulan DM
Eeldai hears Falen's mental warning and it is all the encouragement she needs to leave this room. She mentally chastises the living altar as she takes to the air and flies over the Exemplars gathered near the doorway leading out into the corridor. Once she squeezes through into the corridor, she stops suddenly.

"Well, this is very different. I don't remember this corridor being here," she says to Vitus. "How long have I been trapped in there?"

OOC: On Vinny's turn...
To Gattas he says, "you are My prisoner until further notice. Understand?"
"Very well," the man replies. "And, if you're all going to flee, I suggest you... we do it quickly." He looks towards the bugbear cleric with concern. "He's planning something... I don't know all his powers, but he might be able to fill this entire room with evil energy at a moment's notice. Not even I will be immune to it."

ScottDeWar_jr said:
He grabs the "loyalist's" weapon, bumps the knight's arm, mouths the words 'out, now!' And gestures with the tip of his rapier toward the door then heads toward the door himself.
The knight watches the djinni exit the room with both awe and confusion. He looks around again and notes that Vincenzo is gesture to him and to the door. While the young knight doesn't understand Vinny's mouthed words, he understands that the group is choosing to retreat.

He nods.

Vinny heads for the door with Gattas in front of him. The two men are soon out of the room.

OOC: Okay, so Vinny must make a 5-ft step to get close enough to pick up Gattas' weapon. Picking up the weapon is a move action and then Vinny can leave room with another move. He can move up to 60 feet while hasted. @ScottDeWar_jr, let me know where you want Vinny to move to in the corridor. South? North?

Note that the genie is now on the other side of the door, so Vinny and Gattas must move past her. Gattas will double move (up to 40 feet) and remain in front of Vinny unless he says otherwise. Vinny could move to stand right next to Vitus with Gattas either one square south or north of him.


World of Kulan DM
A moment after Falen 'poofs' from the corner to the middle of the room, he hears the altar's voice in his head once more. There is more urgency in the construct's mental conversation.

"Wait! The rooms defenses will only activate if he kills me," the altar says. "He can attack me without activating the defenses until then."

It pauses. "If you feel you must flee mindbender, then I ask you to take Ting with you. My psicrystal will be able to guide your in the labyrinth."

The psicrystal mentally objects to being sent away, but the altar orders it to go with Falen. "Hopefully he will be able to protect you, Ting, and you can tell him more about the labyrinth."

"I will not be defenseless against this foul creature and any Loyalists who attack me. And, if I must, I can flee this room with a simple thought. But, I cannot leave the labyrinth. Ever. I will be able to move to one of the Ancients' other rooms. Phelix does not know about them. I can hide myself away and cloak my true appearance."

"The time distortion goes where I go, so I could never flee to your plane, or the power embedded into me by the Ancients will spill out to engulf Bluffside and then for 100s of miles around the city. It can be reduced in power, but I cannot do it without help."

"If you can, save the petrified man in the corner. I will not be able to protect him or take him with me,"
the altar adds. "Phelix placed the poor soul here as a macabre trophy. I do not know his name, but he doesn't deserve to remain lost here in the labyrinth."

OOC: So, let's not flee. We can fire off at least two dispels (low-ish levels, but still) and/or get the priest into anti-magic zone. @Neurotic @Knightfall how long does it last? We can defend from loyalists in the hall where they cannot use their numbers optimally. If someone heals Rockhorn and Spritewing, anyone showing in the hall gets fly-by-attacked. Or I can try to one-shot the priest with enough to-hit buffs

Voidrunner's Codex

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