Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]

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World of Kulan DM
Rockhorn considers his options. Now that Vincenco flank, he and Spritewing are in better position to help, but if he is hit one more time he may not have strength to continue. That last swing nearly took his head off.

He concentrates on the belt, draining it off power completely, but feeling much better than seconds before.
Spritewing, not having to worry about his rider wild swings and keeping his wings safe, rears up and smashes his hoof solidly down on the loyalist between him and Vincenzo.

"You should get off, we cannot charge this way and we can create better situation with 3 vs 2 here instead of fighting mounted."
The Loyalist tries to swing his shield and block the dungeonbred pegasus' hoof from hitting hit leg, but the man is not quick enough as he is still reeling from Vincenzo's shocking grasp attack moments before.

On the other side of the room, Redcap is able to regain some of his senses and notes Akos now standing behind him. He steps away from the Loremaster while keeping his focus on Falen. He tries to stab the half-hobgoblin, but his is still shaken from Akos demoralizing speech. He blad doesn't even come close to striking Falen.

Aust Thale

Using his telepathic communication to his mates, particularly Akos: “The portal…if you can…Dispel it now! It’s vulnerable. Akos!

Delivering the message as Redkin recovers and swinging clumsily at him, Falen savagely attacks the thug again, hitting him again, this time a glancing blow against his thigh. The damage is hardly a kill shot; however Redkin knows that Falen isn’t simply to be trifled with.

Race: Human
HP: 38/52
22; FF:19 T:14
[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +12
Refl: +6
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [X]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) [X]Avoid Planar effects; [X] Benediction; [X] Status [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ X] Stone Shape [X]; Invisibility Purge; [X ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [X] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
1 Longstrider
2XLocate Object
2Shield Other
3xXProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
4XXDim Door

Vitus was no warrior and his gifts from Tyche were now limited. If only he could distract his opponents to let the real fighters take down the loyalists, they could start focusing on the cleric.

"Tuck, forget about the cleric! I know that shadow-spell he cast and it makes him almost impossible to hit. Take that woman out so we can help Rockhorn - he's looking bad..."

He could see that his healing spell was hardly keeping up with the wounds Rockhorn was taking.1

To back up his intentions, Vitus moved towards the Loyalist, activating and drawing his dagger as he did.2

As he moved, he ran towards her, shield out, and bashed it against her thighs, throwing her off-balance. He could feel protection of Tyche dissipate as he finally went on the offense.3 He looked up to Tim with an expression that said, "Don't hold back"

1. Custodio, @MetaVoid Rockhorn, @ScottDeWar_jr Vincenzo and MK get 1hp

Activating Glorious and dedicating two points into defense, bringing my AC to 24

2. Using Aid action to help Tim attack female loyalist.
Attack (Aid)Action vs DC: 10: 1D20+9 = [5]+9+1(Bless) -2 (dagger of defense) = 13

SUCCESS! Giving Tim a +2 to hit on his next attack

Edit: the bonus in the link is wrong because I forgot the +1 for Bless. The result is the same.

3. this will cancel Sanctuary and allow everyone who was previously being repelled to attack him again

Active Spells:

Benediction (Rockthorn): 57 mins
Protection From Fire (Tellerian Hawke Big Tim): 7 Minutes+1 rounds -protects from 96 points of fire damage
Invisibility Purge 7 minutes and 2 rounds
Avoid Planar Effects 73 rounds
Mass Lesser Vigor: 22 rounds:
Bless : 78 rounds

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria
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World of Kulan DM
Using his telepathic communication to his mates, particularly Akos: “The portal…if you can…Dispel it now! It’s vulnerable. Akos!

Delivering the message as Redcap recovers and swinging clumsily at him, Falen savagely attacks the thug again, hitting him again, this time a glancing blow against his thigh. The damage is hardly a kill shot; however Redcap knows that Falen isn’t simply to be trifled with.
The thug glances back towards the bugbear cleric after Falen nicks his leg with Bane. While he doesn't say anything, he meaning seems to be understood by the evil cleric.

Vitus was no warrior and his gifts from Tyche were now limited. If only he could distract his opponents to let the real fighters take down the loyalists, they could start focusing on the cleric.

"Tuck, forget about the cleric! I know that shadow-spell he cast and it makes him almost impossible to hit. Take that woman out so we can help Rockhorn - he's looking bad..."

He could see that his healing spell was hardly keeping up with the wounds Rockhorn was taking.1

To back up his intentions, Vitus moved towards the Loyalist, activating and drawing his dagger as he did.2

As he moved, he ran towards her, shield out, and bashed it against her thighs, throwing her off-balance. He could feel protection of Tyche dissipate as he finally went on the offense.3 He looked up to Tim with an expression that said, "Don't hold back"
The woman is surprised by Vitus' appearance next to her but she keeps her focus on Custodio and Big Tim. Now surrounded, she takes a more defensive stance.

The young knight considers moving to help Falen and Akos against the strange cleric, but he instead bows to the djinni and steps past her and around the pillar next to him to go and help Rockhorn and Vincenzo. He comes up next to the Sectarian cleric and swings his bastard sword at the thug while keeping his shield up to protect himself. The blade cuts deep into the roguish villain.

"Blast! Why won't you just die already!" The thug yells at the knight.

End of Round 6


World of Kulan DM
The thug tumbles away from the table and comes up behind the knight next to Vincenzo. He stabs at the young warrior with his short sword and cuts a deep wound in the knight's back. "Ha! Got you again!"

"You should be more mindful of your surroundings, villain!" Eeldai exclaims. She slashes out with her large scimitar once, twice... and the thug falls to the ground next to Vinny, dead. The man doesn't even get a chance to cry out.

The silent knight glances at the genie woman with awe... and then a quick smile before turning his attention back to the two Loyalists facing off against him, the Sectarian, and Rockhorn.

Parch growls at Rockhorn. He grips his sword tightly and swings it at the wild swarf with some extra strength added to the blade's cutting edge. The weapon dances past Rockhorn's defenses and cuts another deep wound on the wild dwarf's torso. "Take down that damn Sectarian, Gattas!"

The Loyalist next Vinny, Gattas, seems more concerned about the knight. He tries to hit the young man with his blade but nearly drops it on the floor. He follows it up with a clumsy attack against Vinny with his shield. Then, he steps away from both of them to put his back towards the chair and trunk sitting against the wall.

"Damn it Gattas! Stay on him!"

"The k-knight, he's too close," the man replies. It is the first sign of fear you've seen from these foes.

"Worry more about me!"

The female Loyalist finds herself surrounded by Custodio, Vitus, and Sir Tymbeck. She slashes out at the young cleric of Tyche while protecting herself from the other two, but her sword strike isn't precise enough against Vitus.


World of Kulan DM
The unicorn's presence next to the portal doesn't seem to have any effect on the magical effect. However, the unicorn's presence does inspire the living altar's own strength of will. It strains against the bonds tying it to the portal. It takes more than a few seconds for it to push back against the power of the Renegade's dark portal.

It breaks free!

The view of the other room on the other side of the portal winks out and the magical creation retreats towards the ceiling. As it does, the pitch black evil sky of the Unseen Abyss begins to flicker. The portal goes completely inert and the view of the Far Realm fades away to reveal the true ceiling of the room. It is a detailed map of the cosmos. The darkness retreats to the southeast corner of the room above Falen and Redcap. It swirls around a sigil denotes the Unseen Abyss... and then it gone.

The true form of the living altar comes into view for all to see. It's plain-looking appearance is replaced by a huge and strange edifice that is covered in what looks like levers and bumpy protrusions that appear to be mechanical in some form. Only Falen was aware of the altar's true appearance. Not even's Vitus' invisibly purge showed him the construct's true form. A small section on the top of the altar opens up to reveal a secret alcove and tiny flying glowing crystal zooms up into the air above the altar.

"YES! Freedom at last!" The crystal exclaims in a tinny, childlike voice. It emits a soft light and spins in the air wildly.

The altar's powerful telepathic mind booms out for all to hear. "Loyalists! You now face my wrath for your hubris and crimes against the Ancients!"

The power of the living altar's mind threatens to overwhelm those in the room.

OOC: Everyone except Falen and the Deaf-Mute Knight must immediately make a Will saving throw after the unicorn's action for this round. That means that Vincenzo (@ScottDeWar_jr), Sir Tymbeck (@Tellerian Hawke), Custodio, Tuck, the bugbear cleric, and the unicorn all have their actions before the save is required. All the other characters must roll the Will saving throw before their actions take place.

I believe the result is that if a character fails, they are stunned for 1d4 rounds. On a success, the character is only shaken, if I'm remembering correctly. I need to doublecheck the details of the save I required @Aust Thale to make for Falen. I'll post the exact details in the OOC thread.

Since the altar has no malice towards the PCs (or their allies), they all gain a +2 circumstance bonus to the Will save. The Brelish thugs, Loyalists, and bugbear cleric, on the other hand, have a -2 circumstance penalty to their saves. Any bonuses against fear also apply. As well, since Falen has already saved vs. the living altar's mind, he doesn't have to save again. The knight is completely immune to the living altar's abilities. He doesn't react at all when it is freed.

While spell resistance applies against the living altar's mind, the effect is psionic and not magical, so SR is reduced by 10 against its powerful mental ability [psionics are different]. (I believe only Akos and the bugbear cleric have SR.) Note that the living altar's PR is also reduced by 10 vs. magic.
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Race: Human
HP: 38/52 SD: 3
22; FF:19 T:14
[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +12
Refl: +6
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [X]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) [X]Avoid Planar effects; [X] Benediction; [X] Status [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ X] Stone Shape [X]; Invisibility Purge; [X ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [X] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
1 Longstrider
2XLocate Object
2Shield Other
3xXProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
4XXDim Door

"Vitus, unicorn is in place."

"I guess it's not working...maybe she has to be on the altar for the protection to encompass the entire thing?"

Vitas was disappointed that his hunch wasn't going to pay off when, suddenly,

"YES! Freedom at last!" The crystal exclaims in a tinny, childlike voice. It emits a soft light and spins in the air wildly.

The altar's powerful telepathic mind booms out for all to hear. "Loyalists! You now face my wrath for your hubris and crimes against the Ancients!"

Vitas raised his arm triumphantly but, almost immediately, his hand went to his head as he doubled over in pain,

"Akos, it workedeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

Will save vs Altar: +2 bonus from altar, +1 from Bless: 1D20+12+2+1 = [4]+12+2+1 = 19 (edit. Succeeded the new difficulty but will keep post the same.)

damage from altar: 2D6 = [2, 4] = 6

Active Spells:

Benediction (Rockthorn): 57 mins
Protection From Fire (Tellerian Hawke Big Tim): 7 Minutes+1 rounds -protects from 96 points of fire damage
Invisibility Purge 7 minutes and 2 rounds
Avoid Planar Effects 73 rounds
Mass Lesser Vigor: 22 rounds:
Bless : 78 rounds

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Akos looks at the squire, first with a smile then immediately with concern. Still, the warning came just in time, his mind was ready for the assault and the will honed through hours of prayer, negotiations and best of all, fey mind games easily rebuffs the mental attack.

OOC: rolled 33 on discord

Voidrunner's Codex

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