Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]

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Eying the thug in front of him, what was his name? “Redcap”? He felt the poison bubbling below the surface. It was fast acting and unpleasant. He’s been wounded and poisoned before. Just another day at the shop. He looked at him with…pity? Yes, perhaps. His eyes met Vitus’; he heard him clearly. He mentally reached out to his mates with specifics, “Vitus, engage the thug to your right…’Mitrik’. Akos, a moment and I’ll assist you with the bugbear. First things first…”. he drew Bane from its scabbard. “Not every fellow you are fighting is a paladin, Redcap.
He whispers to him. “Dispatching you isn’t my first choice. Still, you may go now.” He uppercuts the dagger into the bottom soft tissue of the thug’s shoulder. The dagger hisses, something new. Perhaps his not involving the poison annoyed the dagger?
The human thug winces as Bane hits him. The man cannot do anything to defend himself while under the effects of Akos' words of fear.

Vitus can’t bring himself to draw his dagger and strike the man in front of him. If The half ogre can finish off the loyalist, he will be able to turn his attention to the enemies attacking Vincenzo. Vitus’ years as a page makes the decision easy. Besides, he’s dressed as a squire, he might as well act like one.
Vitus watches as the half-hobgoblin's dagger cuts a deep wound in the thug named Redcap.

TaranTheWanderer said:
Trusting that the thugs are too afraid of Tyche to strike him, Vitus runs past both of them, around the altar to where Big Tim’s sword lies on the ground. He lifts it and offers it up to the Exemplar,

“Sir Tymbek, your sword.”
Tim smiles, "Why thank you, kind sir."
He then graciously accepts the sword offered to him.
Vitus decides he doesn't want to risk the weapon of the bugbear either, so he jumps up on the living altar. Hopefully the living construct won't mind the young cleric of Tyche walking over it. Falen's mental message noted that the altar was a living thing, although not a natural creature. Vitus is forced to duck his head slightly to avoid the renegade's dark portal above him as he crosses over the altar and jumps down on the other side.

Tim is able to reach out and take the blade in his hand without having to divert his attention from the Loyalist in between him and Custodio.

A moment later, the young voiceless knight lets loose with his attacks against the other thug. Mitrik cannot defend himself and the knight slashes out with his greatsword with anger in his eyes. his first two sword strikes hit the mark and the thug has two gaping wounds on his chest. However, during the young knight's backswing for the third swing, his blade clips the pillar next to him, which causes his attack to go high above the man's head.

End of Round 5

The thug by the table takes a short step towards the Loyalist soldier and turns towards Vitus. He raises his hand to throw his dagger at the young cleric of Tyche, but Vitus' will is stronger. His arm cannot move.

Eeldai moves out of Akos' antimagic field and feels her magical abilities return to her. She also feels one of the powerful spells inflicted on her by her old nemesis try to take hold once more. She stops and strains against the old magic as it tries to send her back into stasis. While she is weak from the damage inflicted on her in circle, she is able to withstand the old magic and shrug it off.

She looks towards Akos and he can hear her speaking to him in his mind. 'You weren't able to remove some of Akalin's magicks. But, it seems I am truly free now. You have my thanks.'

She glares at the thug who is motionless under the fey cleric's power. She slashes out with her large scimitar over the knight's head and Mitrik crumbles to the floor next to the brazier. The silent knight turns his head and stares at her with awe.

"We are not done yet. Steady yourself, warrior!"

He blinks and then nods his head. She is not sure if he truly understands. She tries to speak to the human telepathially... but there is nothing. It is if he is not there. 'This man... he is... a mystery,' she says to Akos telepathically. 'It is if he is mindless.'

Parch glances over his shoulder to see that the genie is free. He curses and slashes out at Rockhorn. He shifts his weight to try to do more damage with his longsword. It is well-aimed strike, and he nearly takes the wild dwarf's head off with his blade. Spritewing shifts under his rider and moves Rockhorn just enough to keep the dwarf from being killed or critically wounded. Still, Rockhorn is in trouble.

Next to Parch, the other Loyalist swings his own blade at Vincenzo and cuts another deep wound in the Sectarian's side. Vinny knows he can't take many more hits like that.

The woman in between Tim and Custodio looks as if she is going to slash out at Tim with her longsword, but she then pivots and catches the Vanquisher cleric by surprise. He isn't able to get his shield up in time and she cuts into his side with her blade. The metal blade scraps against his armor leaving a large scratch and a smear of blood on his tunic.

He grits his teeth and nods to Tim behind her. These Loyalists are more dangerous than any they've faced before. 'We need to turn the tables on them', he thinks.

Using defensive dodges as a rythum Vincenzo weaves arcane magics, invoking ancient powers. Electrical power gathers in his hands and are focused through his blade.


Defensively cast shocking grasp then attack vs touch ac at +3 against metal armor


@Tellerian Hawke:
Using defensive dodges as a rhythm Vincenzo weaves arcane magics, invoking ancient powers. Electrical power gathers in his hands and are focused through his blade.


OOC: Actions
Defensively cast shocking grasp then attack vs touch ac at +3 against metal armor
Vincenzo steps to his right, pivots, and stabs out at the Loyalist who is now standing in between him and Rockhorn. He doesn't strike out to penetrate the man's chainmail just to touch the metal armour with the tip of rapier. Lil' Vinny taps against the man's shoulder, which causes the electricity from Vinny's spell to be transferred from the blade into the man.

The Loyalist shudders in pain but does not fall.

With his blade in hand, Sir Tymbeck turns on the woman between him and Custodio and lets out with a flourish of blade strikes. She dodges the first one with her shield easily enough, and when Tim comes round for his second sword stroke, the blade nearly slips from his hands again. This time, he manages to hang onto it. He resets himself and brings the blade down again in a vicious arc over his head, but the Loyalist just manages to block the strike with her shield.

"Still not good enough, knight," she sneers at him.

Custodio calls upon the healing power of the Purifier and the healing energy of his spell undoes some of the damage the woman has inflicted on him. He knows he needs to stay standing to help Tim try to take the woman down.

Tuck deftly reloads his crossbow and fires at the bugbear cleric once again but the evil creature easily deflects away the bolt with his heavy steel shield. Tuck reloads again and turns and fires at the woman. His bolt finds his mark. He reloads again and turns and fires at the bugbear once more, but the shot doesn't even come close to hitting the Cleric of Darkness. It shatters against the wall behind the evil cleric.

At the clerics threat he turns serious.
"I've already heard such threats. What you miscreants seem to not get is that I am not alone. And you cannot stand against all of us. As you can see, I am willing to put myself in the line of fire to protect innocents. Can you say the same? Who of your companions will stand in front of you because it is right thing to do and not out of fear? How long will they hold on after you're done for?"
He speaks to the cleric, but takes care that his voice carries over the battle, both for the benefit of the thugs, to sow discord and for the genie.
"You like to talk, That's fine," the bugbear cleric replies as he calmly moves towards Akos. As he moves, his visage begins to change. His facial features become more horrific and devilish horns grow from his forehead. His body shifts and his skin seems to crack with red. There is fire in his eyes and two bat-like, darkened wings seem to tear from his back, which fold against his armour as if it isn't there.

"Let's see if that fey skin of yours can hold out long enough for your allies to protect you from me," the cleric raises his heavy mace and slams it into Akos side. Against anyone else, the weapon would have crushed ribs. Regardless, the weapon bruises Akos side and the steel weapon singes his skin.

The cleric says nothing else in retort. He just looks at the Loremaster with wide burning eyes of pure evil and malice that glare out from the protective shroud of darkness surrounding the cleric.

Neurotic said:
Changing to Sylvan he speaks to the unicorn.
"Your time with us is nearly at the end. If you find a path, rush over next to the portal and stand there. After you move, heal the allies only if they come close enough so you don't have to move. Otherwise attack the enemies as you see fit. Thank you for your service."
The mini-unicorn manages to find his way past Sir Tymbeck without being attacked by any of the Loyalists. The magical creature is soon standing next to the altar in between Vitus and Tuck.

OOC: @Neurotic, you're up for Akos. I've moved the unicorn to stand next to the living altar in between Vitus and Tuck. It does not take any AoOs to move to that spot. The altar is 5 feet high and the portal is hovering another 5 feet above the altar.

The unicorn is close enough to heal either Big Tim or Tuck. Both have been injured but aren't critically wounded.

@Aust Thale:
Next to the silent knight, the magic circle's energy flickers and its bright blue light fades to a soft green glow.

In his head, Falen hears the voice of the living altar. 'Now, now is the time. Dispel... dispel the portal...' The altar's voice is barely a whisper.

Akos nods at the cleric.
"I firmly believe that most conflicts can be talked out. I'm a peaceful man by nature. You should enjoy life with others, not cause suffering."
Frowning at the pain in his chest
"Good hit. And yet, you think for some reason that I need others to protect me."
Loremaster flickers and blinks over behind Redcap and shoots stream of thorns toward the cleric. The stream rebounds back toward the cowering cultist.

On the other side of the room, the unicorn touches the big knight with his horn infusing him with the calm energy of the spring meadow.

Swift: translocation to flank position with Falen against Redcap
Standard: (I forgot bless bonus, increased the results of the rolls by one)
hits touch AC 21 on the cleric for 12 force damage (ignoring +2d6 from eldritch admixture, it is swift action to activate which I already used for translocation).
If the cleric is hit, chain attack hits touch AC 22 on Redcap (shaken, and should be still flat-footed) for 6 force
neurotic: D20 + 9 + 4 + 2;3D6 + 2D6 + 4 + 2#akosadmixturedattack → 20; 18(5 + 9 + 4 + 2);( (2 +1 +3) + (2 +4) + 4 + 2)
neurotic: D20 + 9 + 4 + 2#akoschainedattack → 21(6 + 9 + 4 + 2)#Akos chained attack

neurotic: D8 + 4#unicornheal → 6(2 + 4)#Unicorn heal - heals Tim

Akos nods at the cleric.
"I firmly believe that most conflicts can be talked out. I'm a peaceful man by nature. You should enjoy life with others, not cause suffering."
Frowning at the pain in his chest
"Good hit. And yet, you think for some reason that I need others to protect me."
Loremaster flickers and blinks over behind Redcap and shoots stream of thorns toward the cleric. The stream rebounds back toward the cowering cultist.
The stream of thorns is dispersed as it impacts the bugbear cleric's shroud of darkness. It is as the thorns wilt and are then consumed by the shadows surrounding the bugbear. The cleric's glowing eyes flash within the shroud of darkness. "We shall see."

Neurotic said:
On the other side of the room, the unicorn touches the big knight with his horn infusing him with the calm energy of the spring meadow.
The unicorn's healing power closes the worst of Tim's wounds inflicted by the Loyalist.

Rockhorn considers his options. Now that Vincenco flank, he and Spritewing are in better position to help, but if he is hit one more time he may not have strength to continue. That last swing nearly took his head off.

He concentrates on the belt, draining it off power completely, but feeling much better than seconds before.
Spritewing, not having to worry about his rider wild swings and keeping his wings safe, rears up and smashes his hoof solidly down on the loyalist between him and Vincenzo.

"You should get off, we cannot charge this way and we can create better situation with 3 vs 2 here instead of fighting mounted."

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