Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
The thug standing by the table quickly drinks down the healing potion in his hand. He looks at the other potion on the table but decides to pick up his dagger, which is lying at his feet. He sees that there is no poison left on the blade. All of it is in the knight's bloodstream.

Parch moves as if he wants to take Rockhorn's head off with his sword, but he then tries to cut Spritewing's legs out from under the dungeonbred pegasus. His sword strike isn't good enough, however.

At the same time, the other Loyalist takes a step towards Rockhorn and Spritewing. He lashes out at the wild dwarf with his own sword while trying to bash Vinny across the head with his shield. Neither attack come close to hitting.

The woman, finding herself in between Custodio and Big Tim, takes a step towards the Tall Knight and brings her sword around in a vicious arc. Sir Tymbeck isn't able to shift his stance fast enough to avoid the strike, but he manages to to keep her from cutting his shoulder to the bone. Still, the attack leaves a deep gash on his sword arm.

She glances at Tim's sword lying on the floor. "I dare you to try to pick it up, knight," she says with a calm, cold voice.

Tim feels the poison from her blade in the wound she has given him. It starts itching almost immediately.

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World of Kulan DM
OOC: Place holder
Rolls on discord
Hit ac 18, 5 and 26. If first was a hit, then 7 points damage, if third is a hit then 9 damage
Vincenzo stabs out at the Loyalist soldier once, twice, thrice. The man blocks the first sword strike with his sword, easily avoids Vinny's second rapier thrust, but leaves himself open against the Sectarian's third strike with lil' Vinny. A fresh wound opens up on the man's arm. It is a good hit.

She glances at Tim's sword lying on the floor. "I dare you to try to pick it up, knight," she says with a calm, cold voice.
"Ha! I don't need my sword to put you down, villainess!" Tim boasts as he easily shrugs off the effects of the posion. He brings Rizvan around to hit her from the left, but she shifts her stance and ducks out of the way. Tim Then brings the shield up and tries to slam it down on her head. She gets her own sword and shield to block the second shield bash, but it leaves off balance just enough that the Tall Knight can pivot and swing the shield around from the right and hit her in the chest with Rizvan. There is a satisfying crunch against her chainmail armour, yet Tim has only managed to hit her once with his shield.

A moment later, Custodio pulls a potion from his belt and drinks it down. He looks towards the bugbear cleric for a second but decides it is best to try to stay in position to help Sir Tymbeck. He takes a step to flank the woman again.

Tuck quickly begins reloading his light crossbow as he takes a step south past the southwest stone column by the altar. He takes aim at the woman and fires, reloads and fires again. The first shot misses her but the second slices the back of her thigh. Then, with the power of his ability to reload and Vinny's haste spell, Tuck reloads again and fires at the bugbear cleric twice. The shots aren't as good and only hit the stone wall next to the cleric.

The cleric seems... amused by Tuck targeting of him. He calmly moves towards the western wall and stops 10 feet in front of tuck. He calls to the darkness above him. "Old Ones from the Unseen Abyss! Grant these soldiers and I the ability to defeat these hated foes.. for glory of darkness!"

Motes of eerie yellow light appear and descend from the swirling dark ceiling above and settles over the Loyalist soldiers and the bugbear cleric. The eerie light bathes them in an unnatural sparkling radiance.

Falen hears the living altar in his mind once more. "NO! You must stop him from calling out the dark gods! He will attract one of their horrific servants! We will all be lost!" In Falen's mind, the altar's voice is like a scream in the distance during a storm at sea. There is desperation and struggle in its plea. "No... No... No!"

OOC: @Aust Thale, no save is required this time, but feel free to post and play up the agonized plea of the living altar. The altar's voice is still distant sounding. I'll leave it up to you to describe Falen's reaction.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Akos is glad that genie decided not to attack him after her sudden awakening. He vacillates between further healing of the knight and her, but they seem fine for the moment. The cleric is the real problem here and while he is not really offensive yet, he can turn easily. And the best way to finish the fight is not to heal allies, but the turn the tables. On this side of the room there were Falen, Vitus and him, all casters of one sort or the other. And with the cleric and two thugs it may go either way.

And he knows he can hurt them badly, but at this moment, he needs to disable the cleric quickly. That will mean risking the blades of thugs. He plans his movement carefully, but cannot avoid at least one attack. He could teleport, of course, but risk of grappling like in the last fight remains in his mind.

"Unicorn, heal whomever you think is most wounded, I don't really see from this side!"
Time to put fear of Titania into their hearts.
"You think you have us on the ropes here? Well, I have news for you..." he starts as his aspect changes to more fey as he removed himself from the antimagic field and blessings of Titania reasserted themselves.

He walks next to Mitrik, right through magic circle
"You think you're doing something useful? You think the world owes you something?" he scoffs at the thug
"Poor you." he moves away as the thug swipes at him angrily.
"The truth is, you cannot intimidate The Exemplars. And your pathetic overlord cannot control even his own domain. He cannot even use most of it and depends on this poor genie which is now free. You didn't disable any of us and your people are dying. Here's the deal. Back off now...or suffer the consequences. I am never outnumbered, and believe me, you don't want fey sense justice on you or you or you."

The end needs work he thinks as he points at the thugs and the cleric in order. Still, the magic of his Queen is still enhancing his presence and everything he said was literal truth.

He even tries with compassion after the threats.
"You, bugbear, I can understand with all prejudice against your kind. But you're not helping with your behaviour. Now note that you can try diplomacy and peaceful solution. But when that doesn't work, you stride in and punish those that work against people."

Swift action: wild frenzy (using turn undead attempt) - gain 10 or 20 temp hp (depends on what double class level means in the description), gain +2 to attack and damage with melee attacks and eldritch blasts for 7 rounds

Move: left-diagonal down-left, down
Standard: neurotic: D20 + 23#akosdemoralize → 38(15 + 23)#Akos demoralize level check 38 of Mitrik, Redcap and the cleric cower for 1 round and are demoralized for one additional round

Move: next to Rockhorn and Spritewing (takes OA from female loyalist?)
Standard: heal Spritewing neurotic: D8 + 4#curelightwoundsunicorn → 8(4 + 4)#Cure light wounds Unicorn - equine solidarity at work!

Race: Human
HP: 38/52
22; FF:19 T:14
[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +12
Refl: +6
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [X]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) [X]Avoid Planar effects; [X] Benediction; [X] Status [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ X] Stone Shape [X]; Invisibility Purge; [X ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [X] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
1 Longstrider
2XLocate Object
2Shield Other
3xXProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
4XXDim Door

Vitus' celebrations were short-lived as he watched the evil chaos bolstering their enemies. It occured to the boy that this cleric was the antithesis of Tyche, using maligned chaos to seal victory. Chaos to divide.

Vitus had a sinking feeling as he took in the combat: the Exemplars were divided, fighting 3 separate fights. Custodio and Vincenzo were fighting three enemies while Tuck, Custodio and Tim were fighting others. Akos, Falen and himself were engaged with the other thugs. The bugbear was alone, sowing confusion.

Vitus was scared. These were not some disorganized band of goblins - these were formidable foes and Vitus felt he was out of his league. Would Tyche put Vitus on a path that would lead to his destruction? Had he been unworthy?

Never! I'd follow her to hell and back!

There was one among the group that Vitus felt a special connection to and he looked to Falen for reasurment but the cool confidence the hobgoblin had exuded yesterday was replaced by some other desperate, fearful emotion.

"By Tyche, Falen, organize the group! I could hear you! Use it to coordinate everyone."

That's when Akos invoked the fearful power of the Summer Queen, Titania, and Vitus witnessed the goons cowering before it.

Of course. How could I have doubted you Tyche? You lead me here. To help these people.

Vitus could draw his dagger and try to finish him off but he couldn't bring himself to attack a helpless foe. Then Vitus met Falen's eye as the man between them cowered. Vitus held up his shield, waiting to help his new comrade, if need be.

A long post for, basically, a delay action. :p

Spellcraft for the cleric's spell: 1D20+10 = [14]+10 = 24

So, Vitus is going to delay to go AFTER Falen. If he drops the goon, Vitus will move 40 feet to the position where Tim's sword is lying and use his action to pick it up so that Tim can take it from him on his turn. 2 rounds of sanctuary left so I might as well use it to be mobile and useful.

I'll let you, @Knightfall narrate that. He'll request that Tim use the sword to finish off that last southern loyalist.

If Falen FAILS to finish the goon off, I'll post again because that may be a tough moral choice for Vitus to make.

Custodio, Rockhorn, Knight and Vincenzo get 1hp each.

Active Spells:

Benediction (Rockthorn): 58 minutes and 1 rounds
Protection From Fire (Tellerian Hawke Big Tim): 7 Minutes+2 rounds -protects from 96 points of fire damage
Invisibility Purge 7 minutes and 3 rounds
Sanctuary: 2 rounds
Avoid Planar Effects 74 rounds
Mass Lesser Vigor: 23 rounds:
Bless : 79 rounds

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria
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[OOC: double-Post]
Race: Human
HP: 38/52
22; FF:19 T:14
[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +12
Refl: +6
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [X]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) [X]Avoid Planar effects; [X] Benediction; [X] Status [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ X] Stone Shape [X]; Invisibility Purge; [X ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [X] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
1 Longstrider
2XLocate Object
2Shield Other
3xXProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
4XXDim Door

Vitas looked behind him, wondering if there was a way for the genie to help Falen as well, but the Magic Circle prevented her from easily moving this way.

Magic Circle Against Good?

Vitas looked at the Altar which was the centre of the Darkness above......

A conduit?

Suddenly, an idea struck Vitas and he spoke to Akos in Ticin,

"Tell the unicorn to stand on top of the altar if it gets a safe path!"

Active Spells:

Benediction (Rockthorn): 58 minutes and 1 rounds
Protection From Fire (Tellerian Hawke Big Tim): 7 Minutes+2 rounds -protects from 96 points of fire damage
Invisibility Purge 7 minutes and 3 rounds
Sanctuary: 2 rounds
Avoid Planar Effects 74 rounds
Mass Lesser Vigor: 23 rounds:
Bless : 79 rounds

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria

Bolstered by blessing of good god, hasted up, backed up by the unicorn, and more determined than ever, small ranger and his trusty steed lash out at the loyalist in front of them, this time with better success. After the flurry of axe blows and hoof attack, Parch reels with several new wounds.

OOC: Short version: 29 damage total with 15 S damage, 7 S damage and 7 B damage (if 28, 31 and 27 hit), I assume 21 misses



World of Kulan DM
Akos is glad that genie decided not to attack him after her sudden awakening. He vacillates between further healing of the knight and her, but they seem fine for the moment. The cleric is the real problem here and while he is not really offensive yet, he can turn easily. And the best way to finish the fight is not to heal allies, but the turn the tables. On this side of the room there were Falen, Vitus and him, all casters of one sort or the other. And with the cleric and two thugs it may go either way.

And he knows he can hurt them badly, but at this moment, he needs to disable the cleric quickly. That will mean risking the blades of thugs. He plans his movement carefully, but cannot avoid at least one attack. He could teleport, of course, but risk of grappling like in the last fight remains in his mind.

"Unicorn, heal whomever you think is most wounded, I don't really see from this side!"
The unicorn steps along the wall next to the chest. She touches Spritewing on the hindquarters with her horn and healing energy flows into the other magical beast. Spritewing neighs and bobs his head in thanks while keeping his senses focused on the foes in front of him and Rockhorn.

Vitus' celebrations were short-lived as he watched the evil chaos bolstering their enemies. It occured to the boy that this cleric was the antithesis of Tyche, using maligned chaos to seal victory. Chaos to divide.

Vitus had a sinking feeling as he took in the combat: the Exemplars were divided, fighting 3 separate fights. Custodio and Vincenzo were fighting three enemies while Tuck, Custodio and Tim were fighting others. Akos, Falen and himself were engaged with the other thugs. The bugbear was alone, sowing confusion.

Vitus was scared. These were not some disorganized band of goblins - these were formidable foes and Vitus felt he was out of his league. Would Tyche put Vitus on a path that would lead to his destruction? Had he been unworthy?

Never! I'd follow her to hell and back!
Vitus tries not to glance at the darkened ceiling above him as the cleric's motes descend down on the bugbear's evil allies. He knows it an unnatural thing that should not be here. There is a power coming from it that is very disturbing, and frightening.

Neurotic said:
Time to put fear of Titania into their hearts.
"You think you have us on the ropes here? Well, I have news for you..." he starts as his aspect changes to more fey as he removed himself from the antimagic field and blessings of Titania reasserted themselves.

He walks next to Mitrik, right through magic circle
"You think you're doing something useful? You think the world owes you something?" he scoffs at the thug
"Poor you." he moves away as the thug swipes at him angrily.
"The truth is, you cannot intimidate The Exemplars. And your pathetic overlord cannot control even his own domain. He cannot even use most of it and depends on this poor genie which is now free. You didn't disable any of us and your people are dying. Here's the deal. Back off now...or suffer the consequences. I am never outnumbered, and believe me, you don't want fey sense justice on you or you or you."
Mitrik stabs at Akos with his blade. The weapon hits the Loremaster in the ribs but his fey heritage protects him from taking any damage. He can still feel the heat of the iron trying to burn through his skin.

The thug grins in victory until he realizes that Akos isn't bleeding. He growls in frustration. Then, he feels the power of the Loremaster's words hit his soul and his knees begin to shake. Not even the magical aid from the bugbear had any hope of keeping the Loremaster's words from cutting into his soul.

Both he and Redcap cower from the fey creature in front of them.

TaranTheWanderer said:
There was one among the group that Vitus felt a special connection to and he looked to Falen for reassurment but the cool confidence the hobgoblin had exuded yesterday was replaced by some other desperate, fearful emotion.

"By Tyche, Falen, organize the group! I could hear you! Use it to coordinate everyone."

That's when Akos invoked the fearful power of the Summer Queen, Titania, and Vitus witnessed the goons cowering before it.

Of course. How could I have doubted you Tyche? You lead me here. To help these people.

Vitus could draw his dagger and try to finish him off but he couldn't bring himself to attack a helpless foe. Then Vitus met Falen's eye as the man between them cowered. Vitus held up his shield, waiting to help his new comrade, if need be.
The man in front of him, Redcap, begins to shake uncontrollably, as does the other thug next to the silent knight.

Neurotic said:
The end needs work he thinks as he points at the thugs and the cleric in order. Still, the magic of his Queen is still enhancing his presence and everything he said was literal truth.

He even tries with compassion after the threats.
"You, bugbear, I can understand with all prejudice against your kind. But you're not helping with your behaviour. Now note that you can try diplomacy and peaceful solution. But when that doesn't work, you stride in and punish those that work against people."
The bugbear cleric of darkness listens intently to Akos' speech. And, when looks at him, his eyes go wide, but only for a split second. He laughs and shakes his head. "Ah ha! He warned me you'd try this against me," the cleric smiles a toothy evil grin. "I was hired to deal with you," he nods his head towards Akos and then looks casually towards Tim. "And, your large friend over there."

"Your fey powers cannot break my soul,"
the cleric says more sternly. "It belongs to the Midnight King."

The cleric sets his stance and lowers his head. A low growl emanates from deep in his chest. "I am coming for you, Loremaster Akos. Make your final prayers to your goddess."

Bolstered by blessing of good god, hasted up, backed up by the unicorn, and more determined than ever, small ranger and his trusty steed lash out at the loyalist in front of them, this time with better success. After the flurry of axe blows and hoof attack, Parch reels with several new wounds.
Rockhorn and his mount keep their focus on the foes in front of them. After a quick step by Spritewing, the duo manage to get through Parch's defenses. Rockhorn's first and third strike with his axe are solid hits, and Spritewing manages to kick the Loyalist soldier in the torso for good measure. The man is only able to block Rockhorn's second axe swing.

The man is now wounded and bleeding, but he still seems to have some fight left in him.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Akos smirks at Mitrik
"Didn't they tell you you need silver to harm me?"

At the clerics threat he turns serious.
"I've already heard such threats. What you miscreants seem to not get is that I am not alone. And you cannot stand against all of us. As you can see, I am willing to put myself in the line of fire to protect innocents. Can you say the same? Who of your companions will stand in front of you because it is right thing to do and not out of fear? How long will they hold on after you're done for?"
He speaks to the cleric, but takes care that his voice carries over the battle, both for the benefit of the thugs, to sow discord and for the genie.

Changing to Sylvan he speaks to the unicorn.
"Your time with us is nearly at the end. If you find a path, rush over next to the portal and stand there. After you move, heal the allies only if they come close enough so you don't have to move. Otherwise attack the enemies as you see fit. Thank you for your service."

Aust Thale

Eying the thug in front of him, what was his name? “Redcap”? He felt the poison bubbling below the surface. It was fast acting and unpleasant. He’s been wounded and poisoned before. Just another day at the shop. He looked at him with…pity? Yes, perhaps. His eyes met Vitus’; he heard him clearly. He mentally reached out to his mates with specifics, “Vitus, engage the thug to your right…’Mitrik’. Akos, a moment and I’ll assist you with the bugbear. First things first…”. he drew Bane from its scabbard. “Not every fellow you are fighting is a paladin, Redcap.
He whispers to him. “Dispatching you isn’t my first choice. Still, you may go now.” He uppercuts the dagger into the bottom soft tissue of the thug’s shoulder. The dagger hisses, something new. Perhaps his not involving the poison annoyed the dagger?

Race: Human
HP: 38/52
22; FF:19 T:14
[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +12
Refl: +6
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [X]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) [X]Avoid Planar effects; [X] Benediction; [X] Status [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ X] Stone Shape [X]; Invisibility Purge; [X ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [X] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
1 Longstrider
2XLocate Object
2Shield Other
3xXProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
4XXDim Door

Vitus can’t bring himself to draw his dagger and strike the man in front of him. If The half ogre can finish off the loyalist, he will be able to turn his attention to the enemies attacking Vincenzo. Vitus’ years as a page makes the decision easy. Besides, he’s dressed as a squire, he might as well act like one.

Trusting that the thugs are too afraid of Tyche to strike him, Vitus runs past both of them, around the altar to where Big Tim’s sword lies on the ground. He lifts it and offers it up to the Exemplar,

“Sir Tymbek, your sword.”

I can use my 40 foot movement to get to the sword and stand between Big Tim and the altar.

Active Spells:

Benediction (Rockthorn): 58 minutes and 1 rounds
Protection From Fire (Tellerian Hawke Big Tim): 7 Minutes+2 rounds -protects from 96 points of fire damage
Invisibility Purge 7 minutes and 3 rounds
Sanctuary: 2 rounds
Avoid Planar Effects 74 rounds
Mass Lesser Vigor: 23 rounds:
Bless : 79 rounds

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria
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