Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Quinn looks hung over, even as he continues to drink water. All the various news bits finally look like they are sinking in as he eats some as well as drinks more water.

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Caerth looks amazed.

"You heard all that in just a few hours?" he says, baffled, to Aereus. "Takes me half an hour just to say 'hi'," he mutters to himself, realizing he's not a people-person much. Although hanging out with these friends has improved that quite a bit, Caerth still feels most comfortable surrounded only by animals, plants and earth.

The half-orc sighs. "Well, no matter who the blackmailer was, we've got more important issues to deal with. That cult needs to be stopped."

He does not realize that his words may come across as rude to the Lady Pendour; it is just that he finds blackmail a political thing that he does not care much about. Same about the other issues, with the possible exception of gnoll raids. Caerth does not mind gnolls, as long as their pack doesn't outgrow their available resources.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Quinn looks like he is about to say something several times, then shuts his mouth with a contemplative look every time.

"Your ladyship, Where you are tied to your people, your people are likewise tied to you, All of the things going on are very important." He scratches his rather greasy scalp from not getting a recent proper wash, "I myself am of a straightforward skill set. I fight. My methods are not .. .. .. delicate, and I feel finding a blackmailer requires much subtlety and delicacy to find and defeat, which I have never been taught in the gladiatorial arenas. I would prefer dealing with the cult. I still need a more diverse skillset."

He seems to have spoken his peace.
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World of Kulan DM
Quinn looks hung over, even as he continues to drink water. All the various news bits finally look like they are sinking in as he eats some as well as drinks more water.
The idea of another party and more drinking makes his head swim a bit more.

Caerth looks amazed.

"You heard all that in just a few hours?" he says, baffled, to Aereus. "Takes me half an hour just to say 'hi'," he mutters to himself, realizing he's not a people-person much. Although hanging out with these friends has improved that quite a bit, Caerth still feels most comfortable surrounded only by animals, plants and earth.
"I've come to like learning and speaking this new 'common' tongue of your world. And I'll only get better at it by listening and speaking to people." She look at Phar, "Learning his elf language was much harder and I still don't understand all the variations between it and my old world's Elvish."

JustinCase said:
The half-orc sighs. "Well, no matter who the blackmailer was, we've got more important issues to deal with. That cult needs to be stopped."

He does not realize that his words may come across as rude to the Lady Pendour; it is just that he finds blackmail a political thing that he does not care much about. Same about the other issues, with the possible exception of gnoll raids. Caerth does not mind gnolls, as long as their pack doesn't outgrow their available resources.
"I think she's likely to be more concerned with the threat of the cultists," Aureus agrees. "I don't know, I didn't get a chance to go to the manor and speak with her. Maybe once Hornauer and Lycia leave Carnell, she will be more agreeable. I will be sad to see them go, but I think we can trust Sir Balorix to keep his word."

Quinn looks like he is about to say something several times, then shuts his mouth with a contemplative look every time.

"Your ladyship, Where you are tied to your people, your people are likewise tied to you, All of the things going on are very important." He scratches his rather greasy scalp from not getting a recent proper wash, "I myself am of a straightforward skill set. I fight. My methods are not .. .. .. delicate, and I feel finding a blackmailer requires much subtlety and delicacy to find and defeat, which I have never been taught in the gladiatorial arenas. I would prefer dealing with the cult. I still need a more diverse skillset."

He seems to have spoken his peace.
Aureus looks at Quinn quizzically and then at Caerth. "Does he realize he's talking to someone who isn't here? Just how drunk is he?" The hutaakan rogue swishes her tail back and forth with a bemused canine grin on her face. "We should get some rest and start fresh in the morning, I think."

The rest of the night is uneventful, thankfully. In the morning, Sir Balorix and his partner prepare a light meal for all of you and the werekin. Sir Gareth even comes down to enjoy the food and he doesn't seem concerned by Hornauer and Lycia's presence. Once you see Sir Ghal Ebal, standing on the zenith of the worn path that leads up to Carnell from the beachhead. He is there only a moment and is then gone.

Once the meal is done, Balorix and Avanth pack up their camp. They embrace as warriors before Avanth gathers up his horse and rides off on his mission to to speak to the Senate in Ironsoul. Hopefully, he will be able to convince them to let the werefolk stay in the Strandlands in someplace more, remote.

The last few hours of the 24 hour period fade away quickly. The few locals who come down to visit you are in good spirits, at least. The dwarf blacksmith, Mabron Bronzethegn, appears and offers you some sharping of weapons and two full quivers of arrows for the fight against the cultists.

"Aye, I wish I could go with ya, but my place is here with the militia. Good luck, lads and lady."

Soon you're saying goodbye to Hornauer and his mate under the watchful eye of Sir Balorix. He keeps the locals in check and prepares his horse and another old mare he bought for Lycia. The horse doesn't balk at her although she isn't too happy about riding the horse. But she's ready to burst, or so the wererat tells you. Aureus hugs her goodbye. The trio leave quickly and with no fanfare. you can only hope they'll be okay on their ride through the Wasting Shores to Knightswall.

Once they leave, Sir Ghal and the warriors he's chosen to go with you come down to the beachhead — old Timmins Walmsley who looks gangling in his armor; the guard Wieland Bowen and his cousin Meridith who looks like she's ready for action; Gareth Porthglaze, surprisingly; and the big lad Brutus Wruck.

Sir Ghal isn't very friendly with you, but he's polite. The tension is unnerving. "I won't be going with you," he says plainly. "I don't want to be a distraction to you, so Gareth will take my place. I will stay at the manor and perform my duties as Defender for Lady Pendour, as she wishes. If you can convince him, take Quinten with you too." He looks to the old wharf shack. "With both of the boats gone, he won't have anything to do but eat and sleep, but I can't order him to go. I hope," he pauses. "That once you've returned we can work though our differences, but, for now, my place is here. Good luck!"

He walks away without another word. You note that Gareth is both eager to go and obviously nervous. He mumbles something under his breath about 'his wife'. Brutus turns out to be a massive young half-ogre with muscles nearly as big as Phar's head. Still, he looks a bit green in his gear, however.

"Let's get those cultist bastards," Timmins says with zeal. "Old Betty here hasn't tasted blood in ages." He pats an old longsword in a well-worn scabbard. It looks to be in better shape that his armor.

OOC: I'm going to forget the idea of using different colors for speech. The colors just don't come through on a white screen.


World of Kulan DM
Quinn, in his still hungover state had made his speech while staring off into empty space. He holds his head and remains silent.
"We should check on Quinten," Aureus suggests. "He nearly drank as much as you did." The hutaakan rogue heads over to the wharf-shack and raps on the open doorframe. "Quinten, are you up!"

"Ugh, not so loud."

"It seems you're to come with us," Phar adds in a quieter tone.

You hear a yawn from inside and the sound the young man trying to get up out of his cot without knocking everything over. "By the gods, never again." Then he pauses. "Wait! What did you just say?"

"Sir Ghal says you are to come with us to Gurnard's Head," Aureus says while holding her nose. "Whew, you might need a bath first."

"S-sir Ghal s-said that, really?" The young man sticks his head out of the doorway and Aureus steps back from the smell. "There's no way in Hade's Underealm I'm going out there! I want some adventure not death!" He pauses again. "Besides, I- I have to watch the other boat."

"We will be taking both of them," Aureus says insistantly. "Now, get cleaned up."

"No, no way! I'm not going!"
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Aw, come on, Quintin. If you are man ennough to drink like you did, you are man enough to be taught how not to die. I will teach you." mumbles Quinn through his own hangover.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
”Death is just an aspect of life,” Caerth says drily.

Then realizing it wasn’t a very helpful remark, the druid continues, ”But you’ll not die today. Not while I’m around.”


World of Kulan DM
"Aw, come on, Quintin. If you are man ennough to drink like you did, you are man enough to be taught how not to die. I will teach you." mumbles Quinn through his own hangover.
"I don't know," Quinten replies. "I don't think I'm skilled enough to fight alongside you."

"C'mon, lad," Ol' Timmins says. "If I can brave that place, so can you."

"I- I don't know..." The young ranger replies.

”Death is just an aspect of life,” Caerth says drily.

Then realizing it wasn’t a very helpful remark, the druid continues, ”But you’ll not die today. Not while I’m around.”
"How comforting," Quinten quips with a smirk. He sighs and shakes his head in resignation. "Well, if Sir Ghal has ordered that I go, I really can't say no, can I." He moves gingerly to gather up his things while trying not to set off his hangover. Aureus insists again he get cleaned up, so he scrubs himself with sand and seawater and changes into some new clothes.

While he does, Gareth and Timmins help you prepare the two boats to head out to Gurnard's Head while the other young adventurers go over their gear and supplies with both excitement and a bit of fear. Of the youngsters, only Weiland seems unfazed by what he's likely to face, but he's a bit older (and an experienced guard).

His cousin, young Meridith, takes up the oars of one of the boats as she is a skilled boater while Quinn handles the oars of the second launch, as he's become quite adept. Everyone finds a seat in one of the two launches and soon you're all headed towards the rocky islet with the tower. This is the third time you've headed out across the shallow isthmus to Gurnard's Head. Hopefully it will be the last.

The waters are choppy but manageable, and you can still see the bottom below, although the sand swirls slightly. The tide is lower than the last time, and as you reach the grotto the water smooths to glass. It is quiet and eerie. You don't see any signs of the juvenile scrags you've already faced twice, and there is no scent of aquatic hobgoblins.

"I'm really beginning to dislike this place," Aureus whispers uneasily to Caerth as the two boats glide into the old dock of the grotto.

"Hmm, do you see that?" Quinten asks while pointing at the two old chest sitting in the bottom of the grotto in the sunken rowboat.

"Don't even think about it," Phar notes. "There are young sea trolls that use this grotto as their shelter against the weather. Everyone stay out of the water."

"Yes, there are plenty of other dangers here," Aureus adds. She helps Caerth tie up one boat to the wharf's pylons while Quinn and Phar tie up the other. Again, the ledge connecting the wharf to the stairs are empty of any threats and soon you are all gathered at the base of the carved stairway leading up to the top of Gurnard's Head and the tower. As you climb the rough stairs, you keep an eye out for rooks, and the youngsters being to become nervous.

"So, what can we expect here, besides these cultists?" Quinten finally asks as you near the exit leading out onto the narrow ledge where you found Cruel Justice embedded in the rock.

"All sorts of evils," Aureus replies quietly. "And keep your voices down. We now know there are more rooks; an entire hatchery of them. Lets not sound like an army."

The door at the top of the stairs stands open, as Hornauer and his mate left it. While you don't sense any rats, something beyond that doorway stinks something awful. The hutaakan rogue takes the lead and sneaks to the top of the stairs to listen for danger. She comes back down and whispers to Caerth. "There are definitely rooks in there; could be as many as a dozen, but I can't tell. It sounds like they are eating something — smells like those little water-trolls from the grotto."

OOC: Move Silently: 1d20+15=23; Listen: 1d20+11=23

Your group has the chance to surprise them. They didn't hear or see Aureus.

Voidrunner's Codex

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