Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Caerth nods. They need to get rid of those rooks.

”Let me go see,” the druid says, and he dives forward. As he does, his body elongates, his limbs merge with his torso, and he decreases in size until a small snake slithers silently up and inside. He goes as far as he dares, hoping to see the number of rooks and what they are doing.

OOC: Wild Shape into a small viper snake, then scout ahead unless it is too far or too risky.

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World of Kulan DM
Caerth nods. They need to get rid of those rooks.

”Let me go see,” the druid says, and he dives forward. As he does, his body elongates, his limbs merge with his torso, and he decreases in size until a small snake slithers silently up and inside. He goes as far as he dares, hoping to see the number of rooks and what they are doing.

OOC: Wild Shape into a small viper snake, then scout ahead unless it is too far or too risky.
While the others prepare themselves for battle, Caerth quickly slips into viper form and slithers forward to scout up and through the door. Sticking to the shadow of the doorway, he quickly counts seven rooks in the main hall of the tower. They are not being quiet and are fighting over the scraps of dead baby scrags and what looks like a bloated shark carcass. One of the rooks seems more formidable than the others. It wears a bloodstone gem in its left eye-socket.

The rooks don't see or hear him in his snake form.

OOC: I believe him moving would count as an action for round 1, since wild shape is a standard action, which is his action for the surprise round. You can choose to stay where you are and attack or double move back out of the tower (for round one). Timmins, Gareth, and Aureus will all hold their actions for round one until you come back out, if that's what you choose.

Regardless, roll both a Hide and a Move Silently check for me for round one, if you have him stay in the tower! You don't have to roll if you get out, quickly!

Reminder! The rooks have a Frightful Caw ability that can cause fear to all those within 300 feet. They also carry disease. Did you remember to restock up on wax? (Note that while Aureus is a 1st-level divine bard now, she doesn't have any ranks in Perform.)

Quinn readies his bow as quietly as possible.
You watch as Caerth changes form into a snake and slithers ahead to check out the doorway clandestinely. Aureus backs him up while staying out of the doorway. She motions for her blade but then holds off until she is sure what the druid sees.

You note that most of the others draw blades, although Quinten readies his shortbow and Wieland unclasps a sickle (made of mithral) from his belt. None of them move forward. They seem content to let Caerth lead the way. You note that Brutus doesn't ready a weapon and looks around a bit confused as what to do. He has this look on his face like he wants to charge forward.

OOC: If no one stops him, Quinn can tell that Brutus will charge up the stairs and through the doorway (on his turn in round one). Quinn's seen that look in the arena before.


World of Kulan DM
Quinn holds a hand up to Brutus for him to wait, hoping he will understand the gesture.
The young half-ogre nods to Quinn. He fingers the strap for his greataxe but doesn't unleash the weapon. He watches the doorway with wonderment. He wonders what Caerth will do next.

OOC: BTW, Brutus is based on the half-orc from Tome of Horrors not the one in Savage Species, so he's medium-sized.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Caerth returns swiftly, satisfied to now have a number.

”Seven,” the druid says as he comes out of his Wild Shape and turns back into the familiar half-orcish form.

”One has a gem for an eye. Must be the alpha.”

With a soft whistled tune, Caerth lets his owl Screech know to stay out of this fight.

OOC: Using that double move to return quickly and inform the others.


World of Kulan DM
Caerth returns swiftly, satisfied to now have a number.

”Seven,” the druid says as he comes out of his Wild Shape and turns back into the familiar half-orcish form.

”One has a gem for an eye. Must be the alpha.”

With a soft whistled tune, Caerth lets his owl Screech know to stay out of this fight.

OOC: Using that double move to return quickly and inform the others.
Aureus gets close and whispers to both Caerth and Quinn. "I still have my rope." She points to opening above. "I could get in that way and attack from the stairs, as long as there aren't any surprises up there."

"If I can get close enough to the door, I can cast fireball through it," Phar whispers. He looks at the steps leading up. "But I don't think I could aim it properly from down here. I'd have to be near the door."

Brutus sticks his head into the conversation. "Can't we just rush 'em. Please?" He keeps his voice low, but his heritage makes even his lowest tone rumble in his chest. Everyone looks at the door but nothing happens.

"Brutus, just wait," Timmins insists quietly. "They've been here before. We need to follow their lead." He looks at Caerth. "While I'm not much of a climber, I might make it up with that rope."

"I can too," Meridith says with hushed eagerness. "And so can Wieland."

Her cousin nods and then looks at the sheriff.

Gareth just shakes his head 'no'. Quinten does the same.


World of Kulan DM
Aureus motions for Brutus to stay with the group. She takes Meredith with her and the two of them make the climb into the tower. The young ranger almost loses her grip on the way up but makes it. They disappear inside.

Phar heads quietly up the stairs and sets himself to cast. You motion for Quinten to go with him, but the young archer balks a few steps up the stairs. He looks nervous, as he holds his bow.

There is an angry squawk-like yell just before the paragon elf wizard finishes his incantation. The fireball pellet flies from his fingertips and explodes somewhere inside the tower. The rooks howl and curse in language that none of you recognize.

"I got most of them," Phar exclaims. "But they didn't die!"

"Quinten, get up there!" Timmins yells.

"Can I attack now?" Brutus asks loudly at the foot of the stairs.


World of Kulan DM
Caerth moves back into the tower, an arrow already nocked to his massive longbow. He moves quietly for his size, but cannot avoid being seen as the druid fires at the alpha rook.

The alpha, already stinging from Phar's spell, cannot avoid the arrow. It hits the beast squarely in the shoulder. Caerth notes an evil gleam in one of its eyes. "Get them!" It shrills in a feminine voice.

All, but one of the other rooks, look like their near death. Phar's spell wasn't able to get them all. That lone rook snarls and flaps its wings looking toward the wizard with malice.

Both Gareth and Brutus rush up the stairs behind Caerth while Timmins stays behind to try to get Quinten to move forward. "Move it! Move it!" Timmins yells. "They need our help!"

Gareth comes up into the room and immediately moves in front of Phar to protect the elven wizard with his sword and shield. Brutus rushes up and sees that there isn't a foe in range of his greataxe. He pauses and decides not to rush forward without the others. He stands next to Caerth.

The alpha female incants a spell that shimmers around her. A few of her burnt feathers fall away, as a minor wound closes. She moves away from you to put the three rooks in the center of the room between you and her.

OOC: The female Alpha Cleric casts a minor cure spell and moves diagonally 5 ft.
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Brutus, defend Caerth with the Ax. ", Says Quinn once he advances up the steps. He sees the rook with the jeweled eye and takes aim, then looses his arrow. He draws another to shoot at the next chance.

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Voidrunner's Codex

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