Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
The sign of Gurnard's Arms hangs at an awkward angle. The door of the inn & tavern stands slightly ajar and the light of a flickering fire shines from somewhere within. The noise of loud snoring can be heard from within in between the sound of the gusting of the wind. The rain pounds on the overhang above you as Lorien leads the way inside.

Inside you find a near empty room filled with well used tables and only half-a-dozen useable chairs. A low bar stands to one side of the room opposite a roaring fireplace. An old dog lies next to the bar; it doesn't move a muscle as you step through the doorway. An old but sturdy looking stairway climbs the back wall of the inn to the second floor.

The inn's three best chairs sit next to the fireplace. Two of them are occupied by two old men who appear to be locals. One is the source of the snoring while the other warms his hands close to the fire. He cocks his head slightly before speaking.

"The inn is closed right now, but you're welcome to stay and dry off. Old Rosie will be around later if you want something from the kitchen or a room. And don't mind old Wilber's snoring. He's had a tough day... damn cold and rain."

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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
"Ah, thank you good man." Lorien says and sweeps the hood off of his head, revealing the shining silver hair and his pointy ears. He shakes lightly to get most of the water off him. "The rain's been on our back for better half of the day, and a warm hearth is a welcome sight indeed" He swings the cloak from his back and spreads it to dry. The clothes underneath are sturdy and practical, if somewhat ornate for human eyes. "We are looking for the village constable actually. Sir Porthglaze we've been told. Our friend up north told to look out a woman called Rosemergy too, in case she could help us. I imagine that would be this Rose you referred to."


First Post

“...and...” Sheyla adds “...we are definitely up for something from the kitchen and a room or a few later.”


First Post
Halmar will ignore the two men sitting by the fire, shaking his head at the poor beast lying next to the bar. "Better to put it out of its misery than let it exist like this" he thinks, as he walks over to one of the open tables. The barbarian unstraps his greataxe from his belt, and unslings his bow leaning them in the corner closest to him.

Halmar gingerly sits in the chair, slowly lowering himself into the seat, in case it can't hold his weight. Thinking that Wilbur had the right idea, Halmar will put his head down on the table, using his pack as a pillow, and close his eyes, the weariness of the road beginning to weigh on even his strong form.

Dog Moon

"Is there room in the stables for my horse Broo?" Reneg adds, still currently standing in the doorway after all the others have entered.


World of Kulan DM
"Ah, thank you good man." Lorien says and sweeps the hood off of his head, revealing the shining silver hair and his pointy ears. He shakes lightly to get most of the water off him. "The rain's been on our back for better half of the day, and a warm hearth is a welcome sight indeed" He swings the cloak from his back and spreads it to dry. The clothes underneath are sturdy and practical, if somewhat ornate for human eyes. "We are looking for the village constable actually. Sir Porthglaze we've been told. Our friend up north told to look out a woman called Rosemergy too, in case she could help us. I imagine that would be this Rose you referred to."

“...and...” Sheyla adds “...we are definitely up for something from the kitchen and a room or a few later.”

"The sheriff... Gareth is up at the manor, right now. Rosie is out rounding up her sheep, I guess. If you sit and wait, I'm sure they'll both be around in a while. You could share a tale or two with old Timmins while you wait, eh?" The old man turns to look at you and raises an eyebrow upon seeing your features. "Elves, eh? Did you come in from the islands? Frey, eh?"

"Is there room in the stables for my horse Broo?" Reneg adds, still currently standing in the doorway after all the others have entered.
"You'll find the community barn two buildings over. You can't miss it. I hope your horse doesn't mind sharing his space with pigs and sheep." The old-timer tucks his arms under a wool blanket and coughs horsely. "Damn this weather. It's going to be the death of me."


World of Kulan DM
Halmar will ignore the two men sitting by the fire, shaking his head at the poor beast lying next to the bar. "Better to put it out of its misery than let it exist like this" he thinks, as he walks over to one of the open tables. The barbarian unstraps his greataxe from his belt, and unslings his bow leaning them in the corner closest to him.

Halmar gingerly sits in the chair, slowly lowering himself into the seat, in case it can't hold his weight. Thinking that Wilbur had the right idea, Halmar will put his head down on the table, using his pack as a pillow, and close his eyes, the weariness of the road beginning to weigh on even his strong form.
The chair creaks under your weight but it holds. The table seems structurally sound despite its apparant age. The old dog lifts its head, curiously, at the sounds you make. It yawns and stretches before rolling over on to its back with its paws posed in the air.

The sound of the rain hitting the roof attempts to lull you to sleep. As your eyes flutter open and close you notice a glint of light along the wall behind the bar. The soft red and yellow glow from the fire seems to be reflecting off something made of metal.


First Post

“No, we took the road,” Sheyla answers swiftly, then looks for a seat, as they were likely to stay for a while and wait for the woman Rosie and the constable.

The elven cleric removes her cloak and hangs it somewhere near to dry, and she puts her backpack down near her chosen seat.


First Post
Halmar had just closed his eyes, when something caught his attention behind the bar. Having long been on edge when it came to civilization, the barbarian will walk over to the bar, trying to look as if he wants to pet the old dog.

He glances behind the bar as he crouches to scratch the top of the dog's head.

Dog Moon

"You'll find the community barn two buildings over. You can't miss it. I hope your horse doesn't mind sharing his space with pigs and sheep." The old-timer tucks his arms under a wool blanket and coughs horsely. "Damn this weather. It's going to be the death of me."

Reneg glances at the horse which gives him a pained expression before shivering slightly. "It'll do," Reneg says. "Broo would prefer to be out of the rain."

Reneg brings Broo to the barn and, after taking very good care of the horse, returns to the inn.

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
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