Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
Can I tell what the reddish bile is or where it might have come from? If it seems interesting, I'll investigate. If not, Reneg is going to return to the others.
The liquid in the pool is a mixture of blood, bile, and rain water. There are bits of torn flesh, likely from an animal, mixed in with the brackish mixture. Something has killed a sheep, or maybe a goat, and dragged it off somewhere. There are strange markings and a foot impression on the ground that makes you think "harpy."

The rain and wind have obscured any sort of trail beyond the immediate area, however. Tracking the beast would be very difficult at this point.

At this point, Quinn rushes by you mumbling to himself. He is headed for Gurnard's Arms, the inn & tavern. He doesn't appear to notice you in the rain.

OOC: I'll be back later.

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Voda Vosa

First Post
"It was not my intention to unsettle anyone good old man. I keep having flashes of memory from my past days as gladiators. It's a hard life as you may know. And I was on the easy side of the game, there were many that were slaves and had no chance in the arenas." Quinn says noticing the sword. "Your weapon is not neccesary I assure you, I mean no harm to you or to anyone who doesn't mean harm to me." The gladiator starts to pull out his shining armor, leaving a dirty shirt over his torso.
"I'll be delighted to hear your story sir, I'm always willing to learn what I can, specially from wise and nimble old men" he says pointing at the sword, smiling.


First Post
Halmar will gingerly place Drakk's Heart back upon its place upon the wall and turn towards the elderly men.

"I am called Halmar, son of Helgar. I could never purchase a piece of your history, I do appreciate the care and craftsmanship that went into that weapon." the human says, leaving the bar area.

He returns to his seat and carries it over to Timmins, sitting down "If you have any tales of the weapons previous owners, I would be glad to hear them." Halmar says, thinking that any new techniques or tips he can learn will undoubtedly help him in his quest.

Dog Moon

Reneg looks out from the village, not seeing much due to the weather. While a part of him wants to attempt to figure out what did this, the other part is wary. He probably wasn't a good enough tracker and even if he was, it would be dangerous going out alone. Besides, he didn't really feel up to it. All he really wanted to do right now was to lie down somewhere comfortable and sleep.

Reneg heads back to the inn, arriving shortly after Quinn. While he starts to think about trying to find a careful place to sit, his feelings of emergency disappear and he just plops himself down at a spot nearest to where he is standing.


First Post

Sheyla had not really taken notice of the weapons and armor so far, but curiously looks around now, that they have been mentioned.

“Quinn, if the cold weather is a problem for you, let me know. I can help you against it.”


World of Kulan DM
<snip> Reneg heads back to the inn, arriving shortly after Quinn. While he starts to think about trying to find a careful place to sit, his feelings of emergency disappear and he just plops himself down at a spot nearest to where he is standing.

"It was not my intention to unsettle anyone good old man. I keep having flashes of memory from my past days as gladiators. It's a hard life as you may know. And I was on the easy side of the game, there were many that were slaves and had no chance in the arenas." Quinn says noticing the sword. "Your weapon is not neccesary I assure you, I mean no harm to you or to anyone who doesn't mean harm to me." The gladiator starts to pull out his shining armor, leaving a dirty shirt over his torso.
"I'll be delighted to hear your story sir, I'm always willing to learn what I can, specially from wise and nimble old men" he says pointing at the sword, smiling.
Timmins nods to you, sure of your good intentions. He stands the weapon against the edge of the fireplace. "I'm sure you understand my caution in this matter."

Halmar will gingerly place Drakk's Heart back upon its place upon the wall and turn towards the elderly men.

"I am called Halmar, son of Helgar. I could never purchase a piece of your history, I do appreciate the care and craftsmanship that went into that weapon." the human says, leaving the bar area.

He returns to his seat and carries it over to Timmins, sitting down "If you have any tales of the weapons previous owners, I would be glad to hear them." Halmar says, thinking that any new techniques or tips he can learn will undoubtedly help him in his quest.

"Well, gather 'round then. I'll tell you what I know about Drakk's Heart as well as that shield there over the fireplace." Timmins points to a fine steel shield encased in a wooden frame behind a glass pane. "They are just two of the relics that were used during the defense of Gurnard's Head, which was, and still is, a strategic landmark along the coast just east of Carnell.

"This naturally formed rock rises high above the Karmine Sea and it is considered nearly impossible to assail as it only connected to the mainland by a low, narrow sand isthmus. When the tide comes in, the sand bar disappears under the sea.

"It has stood as a fortress since the time of the Second Ogre War. Near the end of the war, the fortress came under attack by a force of ogres and merrow. The siege quickly turned into a blockade and the fortresses defenders starved to death. It was a sad day in our history. The weapons and armor you see here belonged to the Strand soldiers that died during that siege. Many more relics from the Siege of Sorrow, as it was called, were lost."
Timmins shakes his head in grim remembrance.

"I was never stationed at Gurnard's Head, but it is rumored that the defenders turned on each other as they starved to death, ravaged by disease. Drakk's Heart and the shield belonged to a survivor who managed to flee back to Canell before he died of disease. It was an unnatural thing for sure.

"Now, since you're here to see the sheriff, I assume that it might have something to do with a rumored threat against Lady Pendour. The rumor is that someone is blackmailing her. more than likely it has something to do with her husband. Lord Pendour died at Gurnard's Head. He was trying to rid the harpy infestation that now plagues the old tower that sits atop the rock fortress."
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First Post

“Yes, you are right, the Lady Pendour is the reason why we are here,” Sheyla acknowledges. “As far as we know, she needs help in recovering a key, a family heirloom of hers, which was lost recently.”

Voda Vosa

First Post
"An important story you have told us old man, I thank you for that." Quinn says, turning to Sheyla "As my doubtlessly beauty comrade says, Lady Pendour hired us. I hope this blackmail she's suffering can be undone with our help. After all we are going to be paid to assure that."


World of Kulan DM
“Yes, you are right, the Lady Pendour is the reason why we are here,” [color] Sheyla acknowledges. “As far as we know, she needs help in recovering a key, a family heirloom of hers, which was lost recently.”

"A key, eh?" Timmins replies. "I hadn't heard any specifics, of course. But that sounds likely. Lord Pendour often kept a key around his neck. I've no idea what it was for, but I'm sure the Lady will tell you if she feels you'll need to know."

"An important story you have told us old man, I thank you for that." Quinn says, turning to Sheyla "As my doubtlessly beauty comrade says, Lady Pendour hired us. I hope this blackmail she's suffering can be undone with our help. After all we are going to be paid to assure that."
"So, you've been to see the Lady already, eh? Hmm, I wonder why she's still looking to hire mercenaries then... perhaps she's looking for guards to protect her too. I don't know what the blackmailer threatened her with but it could be death for her and her daughter."

Wilbur, who's been sleeping sounding through your conversation with Timmins, begins to cough fitfully. His breath becomes ragged and he starts to shake. Timmins looks with concern at his old friend. He throws his own blanket over Wilbur and looks at Sheyla. "You're a healer, eh? Can you do anything for him? He's been sick for some time. We don't have a divine healer here, so Wilbur's had to rely on herbal remedies. They've done little for him. I know he's old, but he's only a few more years older than me."


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Lorien locks the tale to his memory. No doubt with some coloring he could make it more interesting, and use it to win the hearts of peasants in some other village. Then turning his attention back to the conversation he answers. Ah, no. We have not met her ladyship yet, but we are confident that she will welcome our aid.

Waiting for the sherif to arrive, Lorien takes out his lute and rests it on his leg. I hope you don't mind if I play a little. With that he starts a quiet elven tune, not loud enough to bother the conversation.

Voidrunner's Codex

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