Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


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“I can, at the very least, see what I can do,” Sheyla replies, and heads off to take a look at old Wilbur's ailing.

OOC: Heal Check 23 to get an idea (i.e. whether a Remove Disease would help).

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World of Kulan DM
“I can, at the very least, see what I can do,” Sheyla replies, and heads off to take a look at old Wilbur's ailing.
Your examination of Wilbur quickly determines that he has a severe lung infection brought on by a disease called Red Lung. His skin is blotchy and his eyes are poached like an egg.

He'll die without magical healing... and soon.

OOC: Heal Check 23 to get an idea (i.e. whether a Remove Disease would help).
OOC: Remove Disease will definitely cure the Red Lung. He'll need at least a week of bed rest after that, however, to keep it from coming back.

Lorien locks the tale to his memory. No doubt with some coloring he could make it more interesting, and use it to win the hearts of peasants in some other village. Then turning his attention back to the conversation he answers. Ah, no. We have not met her ladyship yet, but we are confident that she will welcome our aid.

Waiting for the sherif to arrive, Lorien takes out his lute and rests it on his leg. I hope you don't mind if I play a little. With that he starts a quiet elven tune, not loud enough to bother the conversation.
"Well then you might have some competiton. She's been speaking to a group of mercenaries for several hours today. I think there were four of them... warriors mainly... although one of them might have been an arcanist. He certainly did dress like one." Timmins replies. "They were quite rude while waiting here to speak wit her... rude and impatient. Plus, I had the feeling they were only after coin. They're not heroes but heartless scoundrels as far as I could tell."

Timmins picks up the kettle and pours a cup of tea for both Lorien and Sheyla. "Would anyone else like a cup?"

Before you can answer, the inn's door swings open and a large bear-of-a-man stomps his way in. He shakes rain and sleet off his clothes and swears at the sky behind him. "Sanh, you've ruined my good cloak, you have. God, the weather is almost alive out there."

"Gareth, you big mule. Watch your tongue. Rosie will make you sweep the floor tonight if she hears you cursing at one of the North Gods." Timmins says.

"Timmins, you old fart." Gareth laughs. "You know I respect all the North Gods. Now, who do we have here? More mercs or are these ones heroes?"

Gareth Porthglaze looks at each of your one by one. He tries to be serious but his face is too comical to pull it off. He's like a big puppy looking to play. Still, he's a tough looking man who makes Quinn look small. His gear is well cared for and his sword is a massive blade that hangs across his back.

Then he laughs...

"Welcome to Carnell. I bet you've come to see Elisabeth Pendour. Well, you'll likely have to wait until tomorrow morning. She met with some mercs today and they were quite rude to her. I had to throw them out of the manor and escort them out of town. The louts tried to extort a fortune for their services. Cads, all of them."

Gareth sets his gear on the bar and unstraps his sword from his back. The weapon appears plain but it appears as strong as its wielder.

"Rosie should be around shortly. I saw her crowding her sheep into the town barn. It's going to smell awful in there tomorrow, but it can't be helped. Her private homestead was raided by those damn harpies again. Gods! Harpies... I can't stand those creatures!" He laughs again. "If any of you want to drink something else besides tea then I could use some help bringing in one of the kegs from the back room. The first round is on me! HA!"

Gareth pulls a key from his tunic and walks behind the bar. He doesn't wait for anyone to answer as he unlocks a door and steps inside.

"Some things never change," Timmins sighs with a hint of a smile.

OOC: Sanh is the North God of Wind and Sky, Lord of Thunder, The Stormmaker.
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Voda Vosa

First Post
"I'll help you with that sir. You can call me Quinn, the gladiator." Quinn springs into motion, apparently happy to see such a big man, such a big potential rival. Quinn was one of those stupid persons that look forward to the next challenge, expecting to be harder each time.


First Post

“Well, looks like you saved this man's live,” Sheyla says to Timmins. “I will need a moment of tranquility to ask Corellon for the help that this man needs.”

The elven cleric then looks for a reasonably silent place, where she sits down in meditation and prayer, preparing the spell necessary to cure Wilbur.

OOC: Gladly, I have left one 4th-level slot open, so I can prepare a spell in there later. Takes 15 minutes to do so. Preparing Cure Disease, of course.


World of Kulan DM
“Well, looks like you saved this man's live,” Sheyla says to Timmins. “I will need a moment of tranquility to ask Corellon for the help that this man needs.”

The elven cleric then looks for a reasonably silent place, where she sits down in meditation and prayer, preparing the spell necessary to cure Wilbur.
"The Gods be praised," Timmins sighs in relief. "I thank you healer and your deity."

Timmins sits back in his chair listening to Lorien play.

"I'll help you with that sir. You can call me Quinn, the gladiator." Quinn springs into motion, apparently happy to see such a big man, such a big potential rival. Quinn was one of those stupid persons that look forward to the next challenge, expecting to be harder each time.
"Good lad," Gareth replies to Quinn. "We'll share some spirits and good cheer."

The big man takes one end of a large keg and gets Quinn to take the other end. The two of you easily move the ale keg to the bar. Then the town sheriff takes two large mugs from behind the bar and fills one for himself and another for Quinn.

"May the North Gods watch over you all," Gareth toasts the room just as the inn's door opens again and a matronly halfling enters. She is older but still spry. She takes in the view with an ease of one who has seen all sorts. This must be Rosemergy.

"A good toast, Gareth, but I need you to help me set up before you get too drunk." Rosemergy wanders through the inn straightening chairs and shaking hands with you all before heading behind the bar. Gareth nods to the old halfling and goes into the back room one again to bring out more goods including some dry foodstuffs and more wood for the fire.

The door opens again and several more locals enter Gurnard's Arms leaving the rain and wind behind them. They greet Old Rosie and Gareth with the smiles of old friends. Most of them pay no mind to you as they spread throughout the inn sitting together in small groups. Soon the inn is filled with conversation and drinking.

"I'm assuming you five would like rooms. I have a room for each of you if you prefer, which comes with a meal and a bath. There's only one tub, so you'll have to take turns. It's 7 silver for each day and night including the bath or 5 silver if you just want a room and a meal. If you want anything special then now would be the time to ask," Rosie says.

Rosemergy takes out an old ledger and begins to write in it with an inkpen. She motions to each one of you to make your mark in the ledger. She is obviously a no nonsense person and expects her guests to be up front and respectful.

Voda Vosa

First Post
"For battles ahead, for challenges and for Health of course." Quinn smiles and drink his ale.
"Full services for me madam." Quinn replies to the halfling, a bit astonished by her efficiency.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Ah, I have no need for a room, nor breakfast really. Just a place to sit down, and maybe some more of this tea. Though bath does sound tempting. Lorien answers, a little cryptically. Those who have spent some time with him, knows that he doesn't need nourishment due to some magic, which also has cut his need to "sleep" to couple of hours. He does however pay the full 7 silver coins. He has never been too carefull in spending, a fault from rich childhood.

As the room starts filling with people, Lorien picks up the sound and pace of his lute, giving them a free night of entertainment, with limericks and songs that the country folk everywhere love.


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Halmar stands up from his seat, nodding to the older man and thanking him for his tale. He walks over to the counter where the elder-halfling is situated and places a gold piece upon the book.

"Thank you, this is a welcome evening of rest." Halmar says as he makes his mark in the ledger.

The large man will eat his meal while listening to the elf's tune and after the repast, he'll grab his weapon and head up to his room, the weariness of the road weighing on him.


First Post

After a while, Sheyla comes back to the others, having prepared the prayer that will hopefully cure old Wilbert.

Voidrunner's Codex

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