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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
Lorien plays long to the night, first to entertain others, then just for himself when everyone has left. It is the midnight that he loves and one of the reasons he enjoys his ring so much. Eventually, he'll settle in a corner of the common room to meditate. It is again, long before the others have awaken that he is already up, taken a bath and dressed in his best, an outfit of a young elven noble. He's just playing to amuse himself, waiting for his friends to join him and greeting them all cheerily as is his way.
Timmins sleeps soundly in his chair near you with Wilbur sleeping on the floor next to the fireplace. The fire is embers but there is no chill on the floor this morning. Your playing doesn't disturb either of them.

Rosie was up and at work preparing breakfast while you were in the bath. Now, the inn's bar has been converted to a fine sampling of foodstuffs. She's gone all out, it seems, this morning. It turns out she made more money last night than she had made in a week. She is complimaentary of your skills as a musician and uses the honorific "Master" before your name.

It is a strange human word when said with your name but it is an honor nonetheless.

Halmar will stretch his muscles as he stands up from his comfortable bed. Going through a brief set of stretches to get the feeling back and the blood flowing, Halmar begins to pack up his gear.

The barbarian strides downstairs and is greeted by the elven's tunes, smiling to himself Halmar will grab a seat at the table and nod his approval to Lorien. His stomach begins to rumble, adding a new element to the elf's performance, as Halmar looks around for Rosie.
You quickly find Rosie setting out platters and a few utensils for you and the other guests. There is already a fine feast of foodstuffs prepared and set out on the bar. You hadn't realized that your stomach was rumbling due to the smell of the food until you had set your eyes upon Rosie's work.

"Go ahead," she says. "I've prepared this in honor of Master Lorien's fine performance last night. Hopefully, he'll be able to do the same thing once you've helped Lady Pendour. Gareth should be here soon enough to take you to see her. So, eat your fill and then some if you wish. I can afford it after last night."

Sheyla gets up and prepares herself for the day. When dawn breaks, she sits down to pray to Corellon, thanking him for his help for the human and preparing her spells for the coming day.

Once she is ready, Sheyla heads down into the common room. She once more checks on Wilburs condition and then goes to get some breakfast.
During your prayers, you sense the presence of the Elf Lord watching over you. It is a strong sensation not typical of your meditations. Is it a sign of praise for your actions or a warning of dangers yet to comes? You can't be sure.

Regardless, you find a less awe-inspiring but still wonderful sight in the common room of Gurnard's Arms. Rosie has laid out a wonderful breakfast, more than you had expected. She gives you her reason pointing to Lorien and then offers you some berry wine.

OOC: Wilbur seems fine to you. He should make a full recovery as long as he continues to rest. (It's too bad a spell couldn't do that for my flu as well. :yawn: )

Reneg awakens and feels that something is wrong. He reaches over to embrace his beloved, but she is gone. Panicking he is instantly alert and glances wildly about the room, looking for her. Then reality strikes him and he falls back to bed, breathing heavily. Why did he always do that? She was gone; that's why he was here. Foolish Reneg, he thinks.

Tired and with a slight headache, he is nonetheless wide awake. He climbs to his feet, dresses and grabs his equipment, stopping for a brief moment to grab the Stone of Alarm from the door. He once thought the stone was stupid until it alerted him of thieves attempting to enter his room. Smiling faintly in appreciation, he pockets the Stone in his pack and heads downstairs to see how the others fare in the morning.
Once out in the hallway you can here two sounds. First, you here the sound of Quinn snoring loudly, the last to wake, which isn't surprising considering how much he had to drink last night. Several of the townsfolk had bought the big man a drink.

Second, you hear the sound of Lorien's playing from downstairs. Doesn't he ever sleep? You also smell food. Good food. It draws you forward like the smell of cheese to a hungry mouse. However, there is no trap protecting this cheese. You simply have to get some of it before Halmar eats it all. Quinn better wake up soon or he'll miss out.

Just then, the door of the inn opens and Gareth walks in. His lovable persona is tempered by his rather large hangover. He seems a little smaller this morning.

"Gods, never again!" He moans. "Awake, I see. Here I thought you'd still be sleeping. By Hades' Beard, I wish I was still asleep."

"Quiet you," Rosie says pointing her finger at him. "Some of my guests are still sleeping!"

"Sorry," Gareth tries to smile. "I got quite the lecture from Maggie last night and this morning too. She put me in a sour mood; although, she was right to put me in my place. I should know better than to let the drink get the best of me."

Gareth continues to speak without addressing anyone specifically. His head must really hurt.

"I've already been to see Lady Pendour," he says. "She's agreed to meet with you in three hours. I'll take you up to the manor myself to introduce you to Gar Ebal, her seneschal. He'll formally introduce you to the Lady. It can't be helped. That man is all about protocol."

The big man steps up to the bar and grabs some pork shank and pours himself some sweetwater. He sits right at the bar and chews his food slowly... carefully... and without another word.

OOC: I'm going back to bed. :yawn:

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First Post

“My thanks to both of you, then,” Sheyla says, nodding to Rosie and Lorien in turn. “This is a good day.”

She then sits down to enjoy her breakfast. When Gareth comes storming in, the elf listens to what the big man has to say.

“Three hours? We shall be ready by then.”


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
To be polite Lorien has some of the breakfast. He did enjoy eating once in a while though he wasn't really hungry. Dressed in his best and having tied his hair he appears almost different person. Instead of a hardy adventurer there now sits a noble youth.
"Thank you Gareth. We will be ready by then." Lorien does hope they get Quinn up by then...

Voda Vosa

First Post
Quinn nose tickles with the scent of food, and the man wakes up, with only one thing in his head. Food.
He dresses up quickly and gets downstairs, where most of his partners are, along with the bear of a man, eating. "Damn he's quick..." the gladiator thought, as he crosses the room, nodding in salutation to his comrades.
He sits next to Gareth and pats him on the shoulder. "Seems you got me in disadvantage." he says, before looking for Rosie "Is there some bread and cheese?"


World of Kulan DM
“My thanks to both of you, then,” Sheyla says, nodding to Rosie and Lorien in turn. “This is a good day.”

She then sits down to enjoy her breakfast. When Gareth comes storming in, the elf listens to what the big man has to say.

“Three hours? We shall be ready by then.”

To be polite Lorien has some of the breakfast. He did enjoy eating once in a while though he wasn't really hungry. Dressed in his best and having tied his hair he appears almost different person. Instead of a hardy adventurer there now sits a noble youth.
"Thank you Gareth. We will be ready by then." Lorien does hope they get Quinn up by then...
"Aye, it can't be helped." Gareth mumbles as he chews. "Gar would make you wait outside the manor until the appropriate time if I took you up there sooner. It's a stupid thing to make you and the Lady wait for protocol's sake."

He stops to wash down his food with some sweetwater.

"Hmm, I could try to sneak you through the kitchen. Marabelle would be up and about by now. Gar wouldn't expect that."

"Now Gareth," Rosie says. "Don't you be making trouble for these young heroes. You know Gar would be irate if you did such a thing. It would reflect badly on them."

"Aye," Gareth replies. "It was just a thought..."


World of Kulan DM
Quinn nose tickles with the scent of food, and the man wakes up, with only one thing in his head. Food.
He dresses up quickly and gets downstairs, where most of his partners are, along with the bear of a man, eating. "Damn he's quick..." the gladiator thought, as he crosses the room, nodding in salutation to his comrades.
He sits next to Gareth and pats him on the shoulder. "Seems you got me in disadvantage." he says, before looking for Rosie "Is there some bread and cheese?"
"Quinn!" Gareth pokes you in the ribs. "Finally awake I see. I hope your head hurts less than mine. Har!"

Rosie gives you a big smile and brings you some fresh bread and a plate of cheese. There are only a few types but its a good selection for such a small town.

"Help yourself to anything else you want," she says. "This special breakfast is in honor of Master Lorien's wonderful playing last night."

Once she's satisfied that you have everything you want and even more so, she heads back into her kitchen beyond the back room. You hear a chicken clucking, the fall of a cleaver, and then there is no clucking anymore. You can hear her humming to herself as she works.

More of the inn's guests come down from upstairs. Most of them are locals but there appears to have been a couple of travelers staying at the inn last night as well. A man and woman. They have the look of peddlers... or tinkerers, perhaps. They're definitely not adventurers, regardless.

Timmins helps himself to some food while trying to avoid conversing with Gareth too much. Even Old Wilbur manages to eat something. Rosie brings out more food and drink as the need arises.


First Post
Halmar remains quiet during the exchange with Gareth as the other explains protocol and delaying them for the sake of saving face.

Once Gareth leaves he leans forward in his chair, "I've never understood these people gesturing to the town-dwellers, "Where I come from, if the chief calls us, we come, we don't wait for hours. I'm surprised they get anything done". The large man bites loudly into an apple as he waits for the main course.

Voda Vosa

First Post
"I suppose they live at a different peace. I don't truly like protocols too, but I respect the decisions of others to live constrained in rules made of iron." Quinn adds, chewing a cheese sandwich.

Dog Moon

Reneg understood a little about protocals. He didn't care much about them himself, but he understood that they should be followed when required. Odd though, that the leader herself couldn't just dismissed the protocals like the leaders at home. Guess these people have other, odder, protocals he just wasn't familiar.

"That's fine," he tells the others, "I don't mind waiting." The longer he had to wait the better. Pity he couldn't help these people just by staying at the inn... or himself, for that matter.

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