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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
Halmar remains quiet during the exchange with Gareth as the other explains protocol and delaying them for the sake of saving face.

Once Gareth leaves he leans forward in his chair, "I've never understood these people gesturing to the town-dwellers, "Where I come from, if the chief calls us, we come, we don't wait for hours. I'm surprised they get anything done". The large man bites loudly into an apple as he waits for the main course.

"I suppose they live at a different peace. I don't truly like protocols too, but I respect the decisions of others to live constrained in rules made of iron." Quinn adds, chewing a cheese sandwich.

Reneg understood a little about protocals. He didn't care much about them himself, but he understood that they should be followed when required. Odd though, that the leader herself couldn't just dismissed the protocals like the leaders at home. Guess these people have other, odder, protocals he just wasn't familiar.

"That's fine," he tells the others, "I don't mind waiting." The longer he had to wait the better. Pity he couldn't help these people just by staying at the inn... or himself, for that matter.
The morning soon progresses past breakfast. The wait starts out slow but is soon filled by conversation. Timmins tells you more about Gurnard's Head. How it's defenders went mad during the seige and that they ate each other, and how the sea rock and its tower is said to be haunted by their spirits. There is a sea cave that allows for access from the bottom but only at low tide. There is also said to be lost treasures in the abandoned tower and perhaps lost magic as well. And, of course, there are the harpies. Always the harpies.

Soon the three hours are nearly over and the mood in the in has become more somber.

"Well, I should be taking you to the manor now," Gareth says. He leads you out of Gurnard's Arms and into the daylight of a crisp Spring morning. The way to Carnell Manor is a simple walk up the north road from the town square. The road branches northwest towards the manor, which you must have passed by last night in the rain. You hadn't even seen it.

Now you do. The manor is aesthetically pleasing to the eye and seems designed more for show than for defense. The manor is framed by "black and white" timbers and only has a low stone wall surrounding its estate as protection. The wall seems designed more to keep out livestock as a flock of sheep graze nearby.

At the wall, Gareth leads you through a sturdy wooden gate that he closes behind him. The road up to the manor is a simple yet decorative path that matches the manor's aesthetic grace. You are surprised to see the manor door wide open and a man standing in the doorway. He is a tall man with piercing black eyes and pitch black hair. His lips are as thin as parchment and his face is just as thin but fluid. He hold a ledger under one arm.

"You are early, Gareth." Gar says.

"Only by minutes, Gar," Gareth replies. "Would you rather I had been late bringing them up?"

"I would have preferred you'd been exactly on time but I know better than to expect that from you. Early is better than late. So, these are the ones I've heard about, hmm? They don't look like much but anyone is better than the last bunch of rogues."

Gar Ebal looks each of you up and down without speaking to any of you. He eyes Halmar suspiciously and nods in approval at Quinn. He barely acknowledges the rest of you.

"You will follow me inside. Touch nothing or the guards will put you in your place. They are there even if you think they are not. The last group learned that the hard way." Gar steps towards the open doorway.

"Good luck," Gareth says. "I'll talk to you again later. Try not to let Gar intimidate you."

With that, Gareth turns around and walks back towards Carnell. Gar disappears inside.
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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Thank you Gareth. Lorien acknowledges the sheriff and steps to follow the steward. He catches up to the man and asks. If you don't mind, master Ebal, how should we adress the lady? Is "lady" sufficient, or does she hold a title that we should rather use?


First Post

Sheyla remains silent, while she follows the others, listening closely to Lorien's question and hopefully an answer to it.


World of Kulan DM
Quinn waves Gareth goodby and follows the vermin-of-a-man inside the building at quick peace, smiling to the others at Gar's back.

Thank you Gareth. Lorien acknowledges the sheriff and steps to follow the steward. He catches up to the man and asks. If you don't mind, master Ebal, how should we adress the lady? Is "lady" sufficient, or does she hold a title that we should rather use?

Sheyla remains silent, while she follows the others, listening closely to Lorien's question and hopefully an answer to it.
"First of all, you may address me as either Lord Ebal or Master Seneschal." Gar replies. "Do not mix the two forms of address. It makes you sound like a commoner. If you wish to address Her Ladyship properly then I suggest you stick with either 'Your Ladyship' or 'Lady Pendour.' Do not refer to her by her first name.

"More than likely her daughter will be at her side during your interview. I would prefer if you do not address her at all but if she speaks to you then you may address her as 'Lady Chartrese.' Chartrese is her betrothed name, which is used at formal functions. She is an attractive girl, so I must insist you do not stare. It would be quite inappropriate. I would hate to have to inform her husband to be of any inappropriate behavior on your part."

Gar says all this as he leads you down a long, dim-lit corridor. There is just enough light to see with torches evenly spaced along the walls. There are no doors except for the double doors at the end of the hall. Two guards flank the doors on both sides and they come to attention as the seneschal approaches.

He opens the doors and light floods into the hallway momentarily blinding you. Once your vision clears, you see a fine feasting hall with adornments aplenty. The hall stretches to the back of the manor and up to the buildlings roof where a stained glass skylight lets in the morning sun. The hall is two-tiered with the upper level stretching around the hall as a high balcony. A large rectangular, wooden table sits in the center of the hall and you note a seat for each of you around it with two larger chairs at the head, which are obviously for Lady Pendour and her daughter. A large man in plate armor stands at attention behind and to the left of the chairs.

"My son, Ghal." Gar says. "He is the Captain of the House and Lady Pendour's personal guard. You may address him as 'Sir Ebal.' However, it would be best if you simply ignored his presence once Lady Pendour arrives. She will be here shortly. I will leave you to wait for her under Ghal's watchful eye. He will make sure you do not act inappropriately."

The seneschal quickly removes himself from the room and closes the doors behind him. You are left alone in the room with the knight who quickly relaxes once his father is gone.

"I'm sorry about that," Ghal says. "Father can be a bit rude at times. He doesn't think much of outsiders or people in general. Feel free to sit or look around but please do not touch anything not on the table. There is food and drink if you are hungry."


First Post
Halmar will have half-listened to the pretentious seneschal's ramblings and instead turned his focus to the various adornments of the room. He had not expected such grandeur from such a small town and was geniunely taken aback.

At Ghal's words the barbarian will nod "Thank you for the offer...Sir Ebal" as he struggles to remember all the titles that Gar had gone over. He will help himself to the offered refreshments.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Lorien smirked inside. He was tempted to call the seneschal "young man" or even "boy", but kept his tongue. He had been courting with nobles and royalty when this human's father was still a boy. Sometimes the insolence of humans was almost unbearable. But he pulled up a smile and bowed at him instead. Thank you Master Seneschal. And if you wish to keep with the etiquette, you may refer to me as Lord Mornyano. He had to give the man a little jab by informing him subtly that he was infact a noble too.

It was only then he realised that Sheyla hadn't been aware of his heritage as far as he knew, and this embarrassed him. He tried to keep a low profile about his lineage afterall.

Dog Moon

Yep, Reneg was definitely fine with letting the Bard speak with the 'Lady'. He looks at the comfortable chairs and hesitates for a moment before unceremoniously plopping himself down into it. What he needed was a fine layer of dirt and maybe a twig or two, but he highly doubted these nobles would appreciate him bringing inside the natural world.

His eyes glance over the daughter and pause for a brief second as his thoughts turn to his Beloved, but he quickly looks away and inspects the nearby adornments upon the walls, keeping his mind from heading down that terrible, dark road.


First Post

“Thank you, Sir Ebal. There are certainly worse flaws to be found amongst your kind, than the desire for correct etiquette.”

Sheyla nods to the knight and takes a seat on the table.


World of Kulan DM
Lorien smirked inside. He was tempted to call the seneschal "young man" or even "boy", but kept his tongue. He had been courting with nobles and royalty when this human's father was still a boy. Sometimes the insolence of humans was almost unbearable. But he pulled up a smile and bowed at him instead. Thank you Master Seneschal. And if you wish to keep with the etiquette, you may refer to me as Lord Mornyano. He had to give the man a little jab by informing him subtly that he was infact a noble too.

It was only then he realised that Sheyla hadn't been aware of his heritage as far as he knew, and this embarrassed him. He tried to keep a low profile about his lineage afterall.
If Gar Ebal hears your comment, he doesn't react to it before he leaves the room. Gar's son shakes his head in disgust at his father's behavior.

"Lord Mornyano, please try to forgive my father's behavior. For all his talk of etiquette, he has almost none himself regarding outsiders. You must allow me to apologize for my family's sake. Please, let me offer my hand in friendship? Please?"

Sir Ebal holds out his hand in hopes you will accept his apology on behalf of his family.

Yep, Reneg was definitely fine with letting the Bard speak with the 'Lady'. He looks at the comfortable chairs and hesitates for a moment before unceremoniously plopping himself down into it. What he needed was a fine layer of dirt and maybe a twig or two, but he highly doubted these nobles would appreciate him bringing inside the natural world.
The chair is indeed comfortable and looks to have been carved from some of the finest oak. You note the table is carved in the same way. The furniture looks old but it is well cared for. You can tell from the craftmenship that the wood came from deadfall and not a live tree.

The walls of the all suggest this isn't just a noble's hall but a hunting hall. There are dozens of heads scattered throughout the room from animals and other more exotic beasts. You can tell they are mounted in honor to the North Gods -- specifically The Hunting Princess, Larea, one of the deities honored in your homeland.

Halmar will have half-listened to the pretentious seneschal's ramblings and instead turned his focus to the various adornments of the room. He had not expected such grandeur from such a small town and was geniunely taken aback.

At Ghal's words the barbarian will nod "Thank you for the offer...Sir Ebal" as he struggles to remember all the titles that Gar had gone over. He will help himself to the offered refreshments.
"Good. I thank you for accepting our hospitality. It honors the Lady and the god Sanh." Ghal replies. "If there is anything specific you wish then I can call for the staff. I'm sure they can make you something special if you prefer."

“Thank you, Sir Ebal. There are certainly worse flaws to be found amongst your kind, than the desire for correct etiquette.”

Sheyla nods to the knight and takes a seat on the table.
"I thank you for that courtesy, dear lady. It is most graceous for you to say so considering my father's behavior. I assuse you that Lady Pendour isn't such a sticklier for etiquette. You can relax here." Ghal replies. "I'm sure that the Lady will be here shortly. She had some other matters to attend to this morning. There was an attack on a local homestead last night by two harpies. The beasts got away and the homestead's family was killed."

The knight pauses a moment to sigh and bow his head in sorrow.

"It is sad news, especially for me. I knew the family well. Brennen, the father, was a childhood friend of mine. I wish I could destroy these harpies myself but, alas, I'm not allowed to leave my post here in the manor. Tradition and all that."
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