Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]

Dog Moon

"Just a room and a meal for me, thanks," Reneg says as he drops five silver into the woman's hands. After all, he just had a shower. Why would he now need to take a bath? Strange folk, he thinks as he sits back down to relax near the fire. All he needed now was to dry off a little bit and enjoy this quiet time before the real trouble started soon enough.

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World of Kulan DM
After a while, Sheyla comes back to the others, having prepared the prayer that will hopefully cure old Wilbert.
As your spell settles over Wilbur, his breathing becomes steady and strong. The blotches on his skin seem less pronounced and you're sure that they'll be gone in a few days. Timmins thanks you for your help and motions for you to sit near him whie Lorien plays. He offers you more tea and calls Rosie over with some sweetmeats.


World of Kulan DM
Ah, I have no need for a room, nor breakfast really. Just a place to sit down, and maybe some more of this tea. Though bath does sound tempting. Lorien answers, a little cryptically. Those who have spent some time with him, knows that he doesn't need nourishment due to some magic, which also has cut his need to "sleep" to couple of hours. He does however pay the full 7 silver coins. He has never been too carefull in spending, a fault from rich childhood.
"Thank you very much," Rosie replies. "You're welcome to remain here in the common room until morning. Let me know if you wish to have that bath."

With that, Rosie passes the ledger to her next guest, a local man looking for a night's rest away from from his rundown shack.

As the room starts filling with people, Lorien picks up the sound and pace of his lute, giving them a free night of entertainment, with limericks and songs that the country folk everywhere love.
The crowd listens intently to your performance. They clap and dance along to the music. Several of the offer to buy you an ale. The night's revelry will be a memorable one for all in attendance.

OOC: Perform rolls: Perform checks - one for singing and one for string instrument. (Sing: 1d20+12=26; String Instrument: 1d20+9=27)

Halmar stands up from his seat, nodding to the older man and thanking him for his tale. He walks over to the counter where the elder-halfling is situated and places a gold piece upon the book.

"Thank you, this is a welcome evening of rest." Halmar says as he makes his mark in the ledger.
Rosie's eyes light up when she sees the gold in front of her. The halfling matron smiles pleasantly to you as you make your mark. "If there is anything else you want deary then just ask. I'm known for my back rubs as long as you don't mind me using my feet."

She flashes you a wink with a laugh before taking the ledger over to Reneg.

The large man will eat his meal while listening to the elf's tune and after the repast, he'll grab his weapon and head up to his room, the weariness of the road weighing on him.
The meal is fair and the company is good. Lorien is in good form tonight. He plays several tunes that you've come to know on the trail with your elven friend.

After having your fill of food and fun, your room is a welcoming place. It isn't large or toasty warm but it is clean, dry and peaceful. You drift off to sleep without much difficulty.

"Just a room and a meal for me, thanks," Reneg says as he drops five silver into the woman's hands. After all, he just had a shower. Why would he now need to take a bath? Strange folk, he thinks as he sits back down to relax near the fire. All he needed now was to dry off a little bit and enjoy this quiet time before the real trouble started soon enough.
Rosie thanks you for your patronage and informs you which room is yours at the top of the stairs before she moves back to the bar to deal with several locals seeking food and ale.

The late afternoon quickly turns to night and the conversation's pick up just after sunset. The whole of Carnell seems to make an appearance at Gurnard's Arms that night as word spreads that there is a bard in town.

Lady Pendour does not attend, however.

"What a great night, friends!" Gareth appears near your group near the end of the evening. "I must thank you, Master Lorien, for your great performance. You've lifted our spirits during one of the hardest times in memory. I will be honored to escort you and your friends to the manor to see Lady Pendor in the morning. Unfortunately, I must leave you now. I must be getting home. Family and all that."

The big man shakes hands with each one of you before heading for the door.

"I'll come here to get you just after dawn," he turns and shouts near the door. Then he's out the door and into the night.

It has stopped raining, for now.

The crowd call for one more song before the night ends.


First Post

Sheyla listens to the music played by Lorien, quite appreciative of his art. The elven cleric looks for Wilbur every now and then, seeing that there is no change in his improved condition. When the day finally comes to an end, she also retreats to a room, that she rents from Rosie, to get some rest. On the next day, they would learn more about what trouble the Lady Pendour is in. Hopefully they will be able to help her.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Quinn heads to his room after drinking too much ale with the bear of a man. He is just happy to sleep in a warm and dry place after he has cleaned away the tiresome of the travel.


World of Kulan DM
Sheyla listens to the music played by Lorien, quite appreciative of his art. The elven cleric looks for Wilbur every now and then, seeing that there is no change in his improved condition. When the day finally comes to an end, she also retreats to a room, that she rents from Rosie, to get some rest. On the next day, they would learn more about what trouble the Lady Pendour is in. Hopefully they will be able to help her.
Your room is simple and quiet. The rain has ended and the celebrants have all returned to their houses and homesteads. You easily find the rest you need in this sanctuary of peace.

Quinn heads to his room after drinking too much ale with the bear of a man. He is just happy to sleep in a warm and dry place after he has cleaned away the tiresome of the travel.
Your bleary eyes lead you up the stairs and to the room Rosie points out to you at the end of the hall.

Almost everyone else is asleep or has left the inn. As you pass by Halmar's door, you can here the barbarian snoring away. Sheyla and Reneg retired hours before you while Lorien stays in the inn's common room near the fire, along with several of Carnell's less fortunate including Wilbur, fortified by Sheyla's magic.

Timmins stays with his old friend keeping him warm and dry as possible. Rosie laid out some extra bedding for Old Wilbur and Lorien. Before you stumbled up the stairs, you looked back through the haze of ale and wine to see Timmins sitting in his chair with his sword at the ready, watching Wilbur carefully. The inn will be well protected this night. You can rest easy.

The door to your room is wide open and you stumble in with some guidance from the halfling innkeeper. She watches as you stumble to your bed and plop down onto the dry straw bedding. You hear her close the door behind you as you find sleep through sheer exhaustion and intense intoxication.

Sleep finds you a minute after your eyes close. Tomorrow should be an interesting day.

Night descends on the Thorp of Carnell and all is quiet. No one hears the sound of beating wings carrying evil over the heart of the community. The creature wings away as quickly as it appears heading back towards Gurnard's Head. Its screech is drowned out by the surf pounding the cliff face.

OOC: Your PCs are able to rest without incident. I'll post again tomorrow in order to introduce the new day.
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First Post

Sheyla gets up and prepares herself for the day. When dawn breaks, she sits down to pray to Corellon, thanking him for his help for the human and preparing her spells for the coming day.

Once she is ready, Sheyla heads down into the common room. She once more checks on Wilburs condition and then goes to get some breakfast.

Dog Moon

Reneg awakens and feels that something is wrong. He reaches over to embrace his beloved, but she is gone. Panicking he is instantly alert and glances wildly about the room, looking for her. Then reality strikes him and he falls back to bed, breathing heavily. Why did he always do that? She was gone; that's why he was here. Foolish Reneg, he thinks.

Tired and with a slight headache, he is nonetheless wide awake. He climbs to his feet, dresses and grabs his equipment, stopping for a brief moment to grab the Stone of Alarm from the door. He once thought the stone was stupid until it alerted him of thieves attempting to enter his room. Smiling faintly in appreciation, he pockets the Stone in his pack and heads downstairs to see how the others fare in the morning.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Lorien plays long to the night, first to entertain others, then just for himself when everyone has left. It is the midnight that he loves and one of the reasons he enjoys his ring so much. Eventually, he'll settle in a corner of the common room to meditate. It is again, long before the others have awaken that he is already up, taken a bath and dressed in his best, an outfit of a young elven noble. He's just playing to amuse himself, waiting for his friends to join him and greeting them all cheerily as is his way.
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First Post
Halmar will stretch his muscles as he stands up from his comfortable bed. Going through a brief set of stretches to get the feeling back and the blood flowing, Halmar begins to pack up his gear.

The barbarian strides downstairs and is greeted by the elven's tunes, smiling to himself Halmar will grab a seat at the table and nod his approval to Lorien. His stomach begins to rumble, adding a new element to the elf's performance, as Halmar looks around for Rosie.

Voidrunner's Codex

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