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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Galzadar, you fought hard to resist the control. Your will to resist was such that you imprinted on the familiar. You are important enough to Lady Pendour that she didn't even consider judging you or killing you. What you did under the curse is not your fault. You fought. You resisted. The pain of the body will pass. Emotions will dull over time. But your will...your inner strength...your...elfiness, for lack of better word, for your people live free and abhor the all kinds of enforced rule...asks...no...requires that you make this final push.

Once you're free, you can work on undermining the demons. You can redeem the quasit. You can research into things like polymorph, permanency, mind blank...you're a wizard. Powerful one. The reality bends to your wishes. But they need to be YOUR wishes, not some demon whore's.

Now, resist the pull of nihilism and get up. UP! The pain shows you the displeasure of your FORMER masters. You are Galzadar again, show it!"

Maur doesn't do nice. But he knows how to motivate those willing to fight. If the wizards surrendered already it is too late...but the champion doesn't think so.

OOC: diplomacy roll 25

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World of Kulan DM
Angus stands nearby, at the very edge of the grove, far enough away not to interfere, but close enough to observe all that is happening. He feels helpless, knowing nothing of ritual magicks, incantations, and the like. He pities Galzadar for the pain he is enduring, and he sympathizes with Eutharic, a fascinating creature that seems to defy known archetypes of its kind. Although Angus is aware of the deceitful nature of demonkind, he can sense Eutharic's genuine emotional attachment to its master, as well as its sense of anxiety over its master's suffering. Such concern would seem to go against a self-serving, remorseless nature. Is it possible that to begin with, Eutharic was never actually truly evil?

When Aries tells Eutharic to stay back, and not to enter the grove, Angus nods in agreement.

Angus says, in a low tone, barely above the volume of a whisper, "Aries is right, little one. Please stay back. Come, you can sit next to me, on this low branch. We can keep each other company. Neither of us can be helpful in this ritual, but both of us can watch, and hope, and pray. A little bit of hope is a powerful thing. Especially when you love the one you're being hopeful for."

Angus glances knowingly at Eutharic, and smiles. He can sense that the little demon considers his master in a familial way, likely in a "master and his beloved pet" fashion; although it is Eutharic who is bound to its master's service, the demon is obviously very ancient and wise, and finds something very special in Galzadar. Being that the weight of knowledge and experience likely rests with Eutharic, it would be difficult to imagine the nature of their bond being anything otherwise.
Eutharic nods to Angus as he lands on the branch next to the centaur. "There isn't a being I could pray to that would listen or care," the quasit replies to Angus. "But I will silently thank those the dwarf worships, if my master survives."

"If you are genuine in your feeling, then they might just hear you," Aries says. He looks back towards Angus and the quasit with some obvious doubt in his eyes.

"I don't want him to die. Shouldn't that be enough?" Eutharic asks. "Yes, there is some selfishness in me but that is my nature. I can't be any more honest about how I feel."

"Then the North Gods will judge you on your heart and what is in it," Aries says. "It is even possible for a demon to have a heart?"

"Blood pumps through my body just like yours," Eutharic replies without understanding Aries meaning. "My heart isn't mortal but it is there. Do the gods truly care about the color of my blood. It is black. Is that a bad?"

"That's not what I meant," Aries says, clearly irritated.

Eutharic looks at Angus and shakes his head. The tiny demon looks confused and then shrugs its shoulders. Eutharic looks towards Galzadar and the others as Caerth stares at its master.

Caerth looks Galzadar in the eyes. His stare is powerful, and the half-orc knows it.

"We all make mistakes, friend. I know I did. It is not easy to let go, or for others to let you forget, but you will have to forgive yourself first."

OOC: Adding a post to the Aid Another check rolled by @Knightfall above.
"Forgiveness... I used to know what that meant," Galzadar replies. "I don't know if it is something I can still do."

"Lady Pendour said you were a good man once," Aureus note. "You can choose to be a good man, again. Don't let Tarrak and this Vok take that away from you. Galzadar, you might not be the same person anymore but this new you has a chance to choose a better path. On my home world, Maran, evil is everywhere, yet there are those who were once the black-hearted villains who sought redemption and chose another way. Yes, it is rare but that's what makes it worth it."

Galzadar looks like he wants to say something to the hutaakan, but then Phar speaks...

"Galzadar, we are both Elves. Perhaps outwardly different, but we have trod similar paths. I have been a wizard for decades. We did not have to do this for you. We have other important matters that need our attention desperately. But owing to the kinship I feel I have done this ritual to help you. And the ritual has succeeded. I could not make you fully what you once were, but the hold that was used to control you has been broken. You are no longer cursed. Not without some pain and suffering on your part, but we have succeeded. I have nothing to gain by speaking falsely.

You are a very unusual person, who has now overcome much. You have earned the love of a demon. That is a thing I can barely believe. I have traveled far and studied much and nowhere have I heard of this thing. But that little demon waits outside the grove. He pleaded with us to help. He spoke for you when you were unable.

I hope that you will seize the opportunity to seek atonement for the past. These good people have worked their most powerful magics to perform this ritual for you the next step can only be done with your consent. I hope you will give it. I hope we can become friends after all is done."

diplomacy: 1D20+8 = [15]+8 = 23
Galzadar closes his eyes and ponders his connection with Phar and the natural world. "It has been so long since I've seen... home." He opens his eyes and looks at Phar with sadness. "I was raised in the Highborn Lands, not Silverleaf! My heart was once sylvan as much as it was once tied to the elves of Taurn Nostandor." He pauses. "Would the Tree Lord, Emninrieman, allow me to come home?" He sighs. "Neither one of us can answer that question, but I don't think I'd like the answer."

"You could make a new home here in the Strandlands or somewhere else," Aureus insists.

"Lady Pendour might hope for my redemption, but I doubt very much she will let me have a home in Carnell after what I've done. I know the laws of this land. Even with atonement, I will have to face justice for what I have done."

"That is what it means to atone," Aureus replies.

"Even if it means my death," Galzadar whispers. He looks towards Angus and the quasit. "If I do this and then reject him, you must promise me that you will not hurt Eutharic."

Aureus sighs. "I promise that the demon won't be physically harmed by us, here, in the now, as long as he doesn't betray you or us," the hutaakan replies. "That is the best I can do." She folds her arms. "As I said, my world is place of darkness and evil. Demons and devils stalk the great continent and threaten to devour the world. You cannot ask me to trust Eutharic without it also seeking atonement."

"I- I understand."

OOC: Phar knows that Emninrieman is the great treant ruler of the Highborn Lands. It is a forested land in the Eastern Shores that is populated by elves, fey, halflings, half-elves, and humans. Emninrieman is rumored to be a powerful druid.

"Galzadar, you fought hard to resist the control. Your will to resist was such that you imprinted on the familiar. You are important enough to Lady Pendour that she didn't even consider judging you or killing you. What you did under the curse is not your fault. You fought. You resisted. The pain of the body will pass. Emotions will dull over time. But your will...your inner strength...your...elfiness, for lack of better word, for your people live free and abhor the all kinds of enforced rule...asks...no...requires that you make this final push.

Once you're free, you can work on undermining the demons. You can redeem the quasit. You can research into things like polymorph, permanency, mind blank...you're a wizard. Powerful one. The reality bends to your wishes. But they need to be YOUR wishes, not some demon whore's.

Now, resist the pull of nihilism and get up. UP! The pain shows you the displeasure of your FORMER masters. You are Galzadar again, show it!"

Maur doesn't do nice. But he knows how to motivate those willing to fight. If the wizards surrendered already it is too late...but the champion doesn't think so.

OOC: diplomacy roll 25
"Not... your... fault..." Galzadar repeats Maur's words. He looks towards the ordained champion with tears in his eyes. "But, it is my sin. One that I must let go, it seems. But... how do I do that with the knowledge..." He shakes his head. "I cannot worry about the how. I must do this for... her, if not just for myself." He pulls himself up on the altar and looks at Caerth. "Invoke your prayer, druid. I will accept nature's judgement on my soul and will pray for my own gods to forgive my sins." Galzadar bows his head but then looks towards Eutharic. "I hope the person I will become will give the quasit a chance."

Caerth casts atonement.

The world around you seems to slow down as the spell encompasses the shadowstar elf. The magic takes hold and everyone prays. Even Eutharic has his head bowed down, although Angus isn't sure he is praying. Galzadar's body seems to shift and there is an internal struggle in hime that appears to those gathered as two aura battling on the elf wizard. He gasps. In an instant, it is over, although it feels like it lasted hours.

"What just happaned?" Aries says. He looks confused and little frightened.

"I don't know," Aureus says. "Did it work?"

Galzadar lets out a short laugh. While his body remains tied to the legacy of the Shadowstar Sea, Maur can clearly see that his aura has shifted. The taint of evil is gone. There is still chaos but Galzadar's soul has been purified.

"I can hardly believe it!" Galzadar exclaims. He hops off the altar and rushes to hug Phar. "Brother, it worked. I truly am free!"

"Thank the gods," Aries says, relieved.

Once Galzadar finally lets Phar go, he goes to Caerth next and give the half-orc a big hug. "I never would have thought a half-orc would be my savior. I promise to not judge your people so harshly in the future."

"He's a hugger," Aries says with a smile.

The elf wizard moves to Maur next and hugs the dwarf. Then Aureus. Then both Angus and Quinn. Then the Soldier of Iron. Then, Galzadar moves to Eutharic. He has a stern look on his face. "You and I have a lot to talk about." Then he smiles wryly at Eutharic. "We will see if you can serve me with good in your heart. I will expect nothing less."

"I- I'll try my best," the quasit says. "Are you alright?" He looks at Caerth. "He didn't turn back into a silver elf."

"That was not my fate," Galzadar replies. "I must become someone new, once again. I will let you join me, but it will be very hard for you! I will push you to let go of the evil in your soul! I will be tough on you! A lot harder as I was as Galzadar the Fallen! Do you understand?"

"I- I do."

"Very well," Galzadar says with a laugh. "But, we will start tomorrow. Today we celebrate!"

OOC: So, with Galzadar's cure broken and his redemption, each PC receives 2,500 XP. Aureus gets 1,250 XP. I will also give that to Aries since he was present.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Maur stiffens at the hug, half of it is he is just not used to it in all the armor he usually wears, the other is obviously this is the elf mage. Regardless of his soul, it is treachery incorporated.

But right now it seems Galzadar is too overjoyed with his freedom.

He follows him and listens to his speech to Eutharic.
"I am glad you decided this. Eutharic deserves a good chance, he risked and sacrificed much for you to have this chance. But both of you beware, the demon lords have a long reach. And some of them are subtle enough.

Eutharic, I've never seen the demon redemption, you hold on fast to your new self, I will speak to everyone about what I witnessed. Gods of Good, if you'll take to them, see more than your actions, your thoughts. And they accept failure as long as the striving is there. But the striving must be real and you have much higher mountain to climb than mere mortals. But I think you two can do it."

He looks back at the team, motioning for Angus to join him on the short walk back to them.
"Can we afford to celebrate? There are killers on the loose. On the one hand, we can prepare new spells tomorrow and be faster. Also, the demons might come for Galzadar immediately. Do we take him with us tomorrow? Or we go now and hope for the best?"


the magical equivalent to the number zero
A big grin appears, uncharacteristically, on Caerth's face when Galzadar is lifted of the burdens of his troubled past.

He did not see the hug coming, however, and he stands tensely, awkwardly, as the elf puts his arms around him. The half-orc is released when it is over, and barely hears Galzadar's words about treating "his people" better. He may have reacted more harshly, but instead he just smiled and mutters, "Sure, welcome..."

Then Caerth turns to Maur, his expression once again stern and serious.

"The longer we wait, the harder it will be to track them. We've no time to waste; celebrations will come after we've caught those fleeing captives and made sure the battleground is clean enough."

Privately, he decides not to say anything about the fey'ri demon lord Vok ruling over Narda'taur who's had a big hand in this, and the need to confront that foul fiend. That's not for today, and would spoil the starlight elf's happy moment.

But soon they will have to make a plan for that, and allies to call upon.


Phar returns the unexpected hug with warm and all the grace he can muster. "I am pleased. And I believe Emninrieman is vastly wise. You might well find you can return home. But that is a worry for another day. Today rejoice that you have overcome this."


World of Kulan DM
Phar returns the unexpected hug with warm and all the grace he can muster. "I am pleased. And I believe Emninrieman is vastly wise. You might well find you can return home. But that is a worry for another day. Today rejoice that you have overcome this."
"Yes, it is for another day," He pauses. "I will have to face Lady Pendour's justice here in Carnell before I can return home," he looks at his altered form. "It is too bad that the ritual didn't turn me back completely into who I was before. I remember feeling different then... more serene in my thoughts." He laughs. "My atara always did tell me I was more like my sire in temperament. Now, I feel strangely fierce inside. No more dark and vile thought, but there is still the wild emotions I experienced under the curse." He pauses again then smiles. "Perhaps I can find my way back to who I was through time, but if not, I will learn to be who I am now."

OOC: Atara means "mother" in Elven.

A big grin appears, uncharacteristically, on Caerth's face when Galzadar is lifted of the burdens of his troubled past.

He did not see the hug coming, however, and he stands tensely, awkwardly, as the elf puts his arms around him. The half-orc is released when it is over, and barely hears Galzadar's words about treating "his people" better. He may have reacted more harshly, but instead he just smiled and mutters, "Sure, welcome..."
"Ah, I hope I did not offend you," Galzadar replies. "Will find our own accord in time, I hope. At the very least, I owe you a drink." He laughs.

Maur stiffens at the hug, half of it is he is just not used to it in all the armor he usually wears, the other is obviously this is the elf mage. Regardless of his soul, it is treachery incorporated.

But right now it seems Galzadar is too overjoyed with his freedom.

He follows him and listens to his speech to Eutharic.
"I am glad you decided this. Eutharic deserves a good chance, he risked and sacrificed much for you to have this chance. But both of you beware, the demon lords have a long reach. And some of them are subtle enough."
"Eutharic might not be good in his heart," the elf wizard replies. "But there is something there besides the instinctive evil that exists in all demons and devils." He looks at the quasit. "We will have to wait and see how you do, won't we?"

Eutharic nods.

"Do you wish to be a he or a she, or choose something else?" Galzadar asks his familiar. "Before you answer, think about it carefully. It is an important decision if you want to be accepted by goodhearted mortals. Some form of clothing might help too. Nothing to restrictive, of course."

"I- I've never thought about such things," the quasit looks down at his naked form, confused. "If it's important to you, I will think about it."

Neurotic said:
"Eutharic, I've never seen the demon redemption, you hold on fast to your new self, I will speak to everyone about what I witnessed. Gods of Good, if you'll take to them, see more than your actions, your thoughts. And they accept failure as long as the striving is there. But the striving must be real and you have much higher mountain to climb than mere mortals. But I think you two can do it."
"Thank you," the quasit says awkwardly. "I hadn't really thought beyond lifting the curse." Eutharic looks at its master. "I was sure you would dismiss me."

"I must give you a chance to prove yourself," Galzadar replies. "As I said, it won't be easy."

The quasit nods again.

Neurotic said:
He looks back at the team, motioning for Angus to join him on the short walk back to them.
"Can we afford to celebrate? There are killers on the loose. On the one hand, we can prepare new spells tomorrow and be faster. Also, the demons might come for Galzadar immediately. Do we take him with us tomorrow? Or we go now and hope for the best?"
"I'd like to vote for taking some time to celebrate," Aureus replies. "But, you're right. The longer we wait, the more time Xander and that damn cultist have to get away." She looks at Caerth. "One of them has a horse, so they might not be fleeing together. If they were to ride together, it would slow them down."

"The few spells I still had in my mind were wiped away during the ritual," Galzadar notes. "I noticed it almost right away. If I go with you, I will have to rest and meditate first."

"Justice must be meted out to those villains," Cruel Justice speaks from within the scabbard on Quinn's hip. "You must not delay. Galzadar must stay and face justice for his crimes unless Lady Pendour grants him clemency. She likely bend to her peoples wishes, but I don't think the elf will be put to death. Lady Pendour would not have let the ritual go ahead if she planned to execute him."

"I will stay and accept her judgement," Galzadar replies to the blade. "I am glad to see you have escaped that horrific island too. Peregrine would be happy that you have found a new companion who fits your ideals."

"Yes, Sir Quinn is a fine soldier and we have come to rely on each other," Cruel Justice says. "Lady Aureus and I also bonded for a while, but our souls clashed."

"You know you love me, CJ," Aureus says with a grin.

"CJ!" Galzadar is shocked at the hutaakan's informality with the intelligent blade. "You let them call you CJ?" Galzadar laughs.

"Lady Aureus is allowed to call me that! And only her!" The blade intones loudly.

Eutharic stifles a laugh.

JustinCase said:
Then Caerth turns to Maur, his expression once again stern and serious.

"The longer we wait, the harder it will be to track them. We've no time to waste; celebrations will come after we've caught those fleeing captives and made sure the battleground is clean enough."

Privately, he decides not to say anything about the fey'ri demon lord Vok ruling over Narda'taur who's had a big hand in this, and the need to confront that foul fiend. That's not for today, and would spoil the starlight elf's happy moment.

But soon they will have to make a plan for that, and allies to call upon.
"Then, you should not wait for me," Galzadar insists. "Go and catch those murders and body snatchers. I really do need to rest. I hope Elisabeth will allow me to center my mind before any judgement. But, I cannot hope for favoritism even though Peregrine and I were friends and adventuring companions before he came to came Carnell. While many here in the village knew me as who I was before, I cannot hope to be forgiven based only on my past self."

"You were cursed," Aureus notes. "That's got to count for her judgement."

"Perhaps," Galzadar says. "It is strange. There is a part of me that wants to run away and hide. It is very strong. The wildness in my mind. But, then I remember my friendship with Peregrine and I know that I must stay and face judgement."

"It would best if Eutharic stayed out of the village," Aries suggests as all walk the path back into Carnell. "Lady Pendour won't accept it near her people. She's said as much."

"Hmm, I'm not sure what to do about that," Galzadar says. "I will not force my familiar to flee. I wonder, is there someplace Eutharic can retreat to that is nearby but not too close."

"I- I don't want to leave your side," Eutharic pouts.

"We will honor Lady Pendour's wish, Eutharic," Galzadar insists. "It will be temporary, at best." The shadowstar elf wizard pauses on the path, then he looks at Caerth. "Can Eutharic go with you to help find the fugitives?"

"The quasit could also go scout the island," Aries suggests. "Its ability to be invisible will provide it protection from danger."

"Not from the undead," Eutheric replies. "I'd rather go hunt Xander. The duergar was always cruel to me." The quasit ponders. "Is vengeance an okay emotion to keep inside?"

"Justice, not vengeance, demon," Cruel Justice insists. "You must learn the difference."

"Regardless, until we go, you're going to have to wait far outside the village," Aureus suggests. "I'd say go down to the beachhead and search along the shoreline for any signs of trespassers. There are also two locals missing that need to be found. Sir Gareth is the village's sheriff and Quinten is a young man who runs the pier. If you can help find and rescue them, the people might accept you more."

"I can do that!" Eutharic says excitedly. The demon flits around Aureus and claps its hands. "What do they look like. You mortals all look so alike."

Aureus gives the quasit a short description of the two missing citizens.

"Search as far as you feel is safe, Eutharic," Galzadar says to his familiar. "Don't take any risks."

"And watch out for giant sand spiders," Aureus adds. "The locals believe they might have been taken by sand spiders."

"S- sand spiders!" Eutharic replies with fear. "Those are dangerous!"

"As I said, don't take any risks. if you see any signs of spiders, retreat back to the pier. We will let Lady Pendour know you are helping to find the missing villagers. Consider this your first real test."

Eutharic lands on the ground. It looks afraid. "I- I don't know."

"You said you would try," Galzadar says with his arms crossed. "Just be careful, retreat if there is danger, and if you encounter the vermin, do not lead them towards the village. If you have to retreat far away, then fly to Gurnard's Head and hide on the other side of the island away from the tower and temple. Go to one of the old fishing shacks, and one of us will come find you, when we can."

"If you're invisible, the sand spiders won't be able to detect you as long as you avoid their webs or any ground near them. Stick to the air and you'll be okay," Aries says to the quasit.

"Um, okay." The quasit doesn't sound convinced.
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"Galzadar, I wish we had more time to talk. I hope once things calm down we shall meet again. I hope your mind eases and that Lady Pendour's justice will leave you at peace."

"Eutharic, your assitance to this good elf and with this land's missing folk is most noble and I am proud to know you. I wish you well. "

With a final bow he motions to his companions to begin their quest.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Angus nods, and accompanies Maur on the short walk to re-join the other companions.

When Euthartic balks at the thought of Sand Spiders, Angus roars in laughter.

Angus says, in broken Harqualian, "My little friend, let them chase you. Lead them to me, you must. Away fly you then, when close to me the spiders are. Short work of them, I will make. Ha ha ha. Scared of puny spiders, Angus is NOT."


World of Kulan DM
"Galzadar, I wish we had more time to talk. I hope once things calm down we shall meet again. I hope your mind eases and that Lady Pendour's justice will leave you at peace."
"There will be time to talk later," Galzadar says. "For now, I must go face Lady Pendour and hope she will allow me to prepare myself for judgement." He glances at Phar. "She will probably want one of you to speak for me, so let's hope she will hold off on judgement until you return."

"I'll go ahead and let her know that the ritual was successful," Aureus says. "I'll meet you all back at the smithy."

"Partially successful," Galzadar replies. "She must know that while my soul has changed, my form has not." Galzadar pulls a long vine from around a tree and uses it to tie back his hair.

The hutaakan rogue nods and then dashes down the path back to the village.

Angus nods, and accompanies Maur on the short walk to re-join the other companions.

When Euthartic balks at the thought of Sand Spiders, Angus roars in laughter.

Angus says, in broken Harqualian, "My little friend, let them chase you. Lead them to me, you must. Away fly you then, when close to me the spiders are. Short work of them, I will make. Ha ha ha. Scared of puny spiders, Angus is NOT."
"He has reason to be concerned, Angus," Aries says. "Sand spiders are monstrous creatures that are typically as big as any man. Solitary, they aren't very dangerous, but when encountered in a colony, the vermin can be deadly.

"Lorien and I faced a colony out at the pier before we ever set foot on the island," Quinn notes. "We haven't encountered them since but if there are more around, the beasts could be trouble."

"Yes, and while the smallest ones are smaller than you, centaur, the largest ones can be twice the size of a, well, horse," Aries adds.

The quasit makes an 'eep' sound.

"Just be very careful," Aries tries to assure Eutharic.

Scotley said:
"Eutharic, your assistance to this good elf and with this land's missing folk is most noble and I am proud to know you. I wish you well. "

With a final bow he motions to his companions to begin their quest.
Eutharic seems to be bolstered by Phar's words. It steadies itself and takes to the air again. "I will go and look for them. And I will be careful."

The tiny demon flies way towards the beachhead to begin its search. Galzadar is pained to watch the quasit leave his side. "Do be careful," he whispers to himself, so that only he and Phar can hear.

Once back in the village, you can tell that Aureus has quickly spread the news that Galzadar's curse has been lifted. You can hear her voice in the distance as she performs a lore-chant to ease the troubled minds of the villagers. The performance is enjoyable but not great. Still, the villagers don't balk when they see the shadowstar elf. He is bold and does not hide his features. He walks among them freely and professes his profound guilt about what happened at the cave.

"I promise you that will accept whatever fate Lady Pendour and you all decide upon," the elf wizard says. "I must go to her at once and beg her forgiveness. Escort me, please," he says to one of the local guards.

The guard, one of those that defended Carnell from the rooks, nods to Galzadar. He doesn't manacle the wizard as Galzadar doesn't resist. You know he is called Jasper Johns. You watch Galzadar go towards his fate, whatever it might be.

"Let's hope they don't execute him before we can return," Aries says.

It takes time to prepare for the journey to hunt down the fugitives. Once back at the smithy, you find that Mabon has been preparing for you all to come back. The horses used to return to Carnell have been brought down to the smithy and readied; all except Lady Pendour and Sir Ghal's warhorses. They look well rested and seem to be in good spirits.

"I here that ye managed to help that cursed elf," he says. "That is good." He pulls out a bundle of arrows and hands it to Caerth. "I went through the village and gathered up any castoff arrows that were still good from last night. There should be enough for ye to refill yer quivers. I've watered & fed the horses and checked their shoes, so they should be fine on the road. Try not to push them too hard though. These aren't warhorses."

He smiles at Angus. "For those of ye that don't already gallop. Har!"

The smith takes some time to inspect everyone's gear and sharpens any blades that need it. Aureus soon reappears and she picks the same horse as she used last night. She whistles a happy tune at the black filly and feeds it a sweet apple. She mounts up on the animal and pats her on the neck. "I will take care of you, I promise."

There are enough horses for everyone, even a Skewblad pinto for Aries. Mabon has found a stout Connemara pony for Maur. The animal is thick with a shaggy mane and clear white coat, a rarity. There is a large Rabicano roan for Caerth and a fast-looking Ovaro pinto for Phar. The largest horse, a Knabstrupper, is reserved for Quinn.

Aureus looks towards the inn. "It feels strange leaving without Wieland... and Meridith."

"That family's been through enough," Mabon replies. "He's the last son of the Bowens. He would go with you, if he could, but the village needs him here and his family needs to bury his cousin."

OOC: Aureus - Perform (Lore-Chant) check: 1D20+6 = [11]+6 = 17
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Maur claps old smiths shoulder
"Good work, elder. Well, let's hope we don't get into another fight immediately after riding out. Phar and Caerth, when you prepare spells, lets coordinate for some proper combination of locate creatures, locations and similar. I intend to summon a creature that can track Eike so we can focus on the wizard."

OOC: @Knightfall in case you missed it, Maur had shield other up and took half of whatever Galzadar took - I asked if Vile damage applies since it does 'soul' damage more than physical, but either way...Maur is hurt somewhat

Voidrunner's Codex

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