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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
Angered at the sight of the treacherous Duergar, and fueled by the memory of poor Brutus, Angus charges the diminutive mage, screaming in broken Harqualian:

The Harqualian centaur rushes through the air empowered by his ring and slams his blade down on the duergar. Angus's clan blade slams down on Xander and the duergar growls in pain and anger. He steps back from Angus and Maur, pulls his axe from its harness on his back, says an Infernal phrase, and slams the weapon on the ground in between himself and the dwarf champion.

Maur can see that not only has the duergar been changed by Vok's curse, but his weapon has also been altered. It wasn't noticeable before since the dwarven waraxe was on Xander's back. The handle is blackened, almost as it has been burnt, and the metal axe head is covered in Infernal runes.

As the axe hits the ground, the handle cracks and the runes flare to life with raw abyssal flames. These flames explodes outward engulfing the battlefield as if a fireball spell had exploded in between Xander and Maur. The flames quickly engulf them both, as well as Angus, Aries, Dannia, one of the villagers, the Lantern Archon, and the two wagons. The infernal flames rush around the edges of the wagons but do not touch Aureus, Caerth, Phar, or Quinn.

The villager is burned to a crisp and those hiding in the wagons shout out in fear.

"Blast!" Aries yells out.

As the abyssal flames explode, the red mist hanging over the battlefield begins to glow brightly. Then, it begins to crackle with red energy that ignites into red-tinged lightning that arcs towards everyone. The lightning is strongest where the fireball exploded but beyond that, it also ignites and arcs to threaten everyone gathered near the pillar, hiding in the copse, and or fleeing along the northern trail.

Several of the villagers scream out and are burned by the lightning. A handful of them fall to the ground unconscious.

As the flames around Angus and Maur dissipate, they can see that Xander has not been affected by the abyssal flames. "Yessss.... burn you all," he hisses.

Vok's Flaming Strike of Retribution: The duergar destroys his weapon, which has been infused with abyssal fire. This releases a 6d8 fireball plus an additional 1 point of vile damage for every 5 points of fire damage inflicted to a character. The Reflex Save DC against the fireball is 17 and a successful save halves the fire damage taken. A successful DC 17 Will save negates the vile damage completely.

As well, the fireball ignites the red mist covering the battlefield, which causes red lightning bolts to arc into all the PCs and NPCs. All those within range of the abyssal fireball must make another Reflex save or take electricity damage equal to half of the fire damage they take from the fireball. The save DC is 20. If the save is successful, the character takes half damage.

Those outside of the range of the abyssal fireball must also save at DC 20, but the damage is only 2d6 if the character is within 10 feet of one of the campfires or 1d6 if not close to one of the fires. On a successful save, the damage is halved.

Spell Resistance applies to the abyssal fireball and the vile damage but not for the electricity created by the red mist.

The red mist remains after the abyssal fireball goes off and can be ignited by any other fire magic. As well, the campfires are now considered hazards. If a character begin or ends their turn within 10 feet of a campfire on Xander's turn (starting in round 5), they automatically take 1d6 electricity damage (no save). Also, if a character comes within 10 feet of a campfire while moving, they must make a DC 10 Reflex save to avoid taking 1d6 lightning damage. On a successful save, the character takes no damage.

I will roll the damage dice on the OOC thread (next), as well as the saves for the NPCs (later). Xander is immune to the abyssal flames and vile damage but must still make a save to determine if he takes any lightning damage.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Maur interposes his shield between himself and the fire blast, his trained mind remains focused against the vile assault and insulated earth silk resists the lightning dancing around his armor.

He doesn't know what effect the explosion had on the townspeople, but given his singed beard even through the armor and developed toughness, it cannot be good.

Glaring at the mage he steps close
"You have really fallen, duergar. What Moradins hammer made, it can unmake!"
Invoking Moradins name in this way, hammer flares shortly with subdued glow of the forge. Slamming it downward, Maur bring his not incosiderable weight into the swing connecting strongly enough to crack walls. Return swing deflects off duergar without any real strenght behind it as the champion resets his stance

OOC: hit AC 28 for 29. AC 19 (miss?) for 14; Maur has +2 AC until he moves more than 5'
HP 46/92 (temp 57/103 while the tranformation lasts)

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Caerth is startled by the exploding magic, just on the other side of the wagon. Luckily he is shielded from the flames, but when the very air itself ignited, small tendrons of lightning sting his arms and head painfully.

He smiles, however, seeing the unicorn start to form before him. It will be over soon.

OOC: See OOC thread for rolls. If I understand correctly, I finished casting my spell on my turn, so there's no need for a Concentration check, right?

Oh, and it's not my turn yet; just describing the impact of the ignited red mist on Caerth.


World of Kulan DM
Aries holds up his shield to try to block the flames that rush out to engulf him and the lantern archon in front of him. The celestial is torn apart by the abyssal magic and Aries is burnt badly by the flames. He grits his teeth and tries to stay on his feet. Then the red mist erupts and lightning flashes all around him. He manages to avoid the worst of it but he knows another hit like that will finish him.

Once he can see again, he can see that Xander stands unaffected by the magic he just unleashed while both Angus and Maur have been burned by the abyssal flames. While he know that the Harqualian centaur and dwarf champion are their best chance to defeat Xander, Aries knows he won't be of use to anyone if he dies himself, so he casts a cure spell on himself and then moves in to back up Maur with his mace.

OOC: Aries - Cure Serious Wounds on self: 3D8+5 = [3, 4, 8]+5 = 20

Quinn's grace of movement is as effective as his training of his instincts as a fighter. Will it be enough to dodge the bolts of lighting?
The lightning flashes out and singes Quinn's forearm but the damage is minimum. He watches as Phar is also singed but not as badly as the big fighter. Aureus manages to avoid the red lightning completely.

Maur interposes his shield between himself and the fire blast, his trained mind remains focused against the vile assault and insulated earth silk resists the lightning dancing around his armor.

He doesn't know what effect the explosion had on the townspeople, but given his singed beard even through the armor and developed toughness, it cannot be good.

Glaring at the mage he steps close
"You have really fallen, duergar. What Moradins hammer made, it can unmake!"
Invoking Moradins name in this way, hammer flares shortly with subdued glow of the forge. Slamming it downward, Maur bring his not inconsiderable weight into the swing connecting strongly enough to crack walls. Return swing deflects off duergar without any real strength behind it as the champion resets his stance

OOC: hit AC 28 for 29. AC 19 (miss?) for 14; Maur has +2 AC until he moves more than 5'
HP 46/92 (temp 57/103 while the transformation lasts)

Maur fines that Xander is tougher to hit in this new cursed form, but his smite attack still crushes the duergar in the chest. The fiendish dwarf's leather armor buckles under the blow and he reels in pain. But, he has enough foresight to avoid Maur's second hammer blow. The duergar doesn't acknowledge the dwarf champion's words. Xander simply hisses and locks his eyes on Maur's.

OOC: Note that the save DC for the second Reflex save is 20 not 17, so a 19 is a failure.


World of Kulan DM
Quinn moves away from the fires and climbs up onto the nearest wagon. He stomps out a smoldering ember on top of the wagon and then takes aim at Xander. The ember is hotter than he expected, and he shifts his foot uncomfortably while trying to balance for his shot. The arrow disappears into the sky and comes down on the other side of the copse of trees Xander and Maur are battling in front of.

The burly fighter near drops his bow over the edge of the wagon. The wooden top of the wagon creaks under his weight but it remains intact.

End of Round Four


World of Kulan DM
Phar is thankful for the healing magic from Aureus, but refuses to take any more from her. "Help the villagers."

Aureus nods.

"But watch out for more lightning," Phar says to her. "As long as those fires are burning, the bolts will continue to hit us." He turns to the villagers hiding in the copse. "Get back from the fires!" He then shouts out to his companions. "No fire or lightning magic. It will ignite the mist again."

"Caerth, we need to put the fires out! Water or cold magic. Wind magic will get rid of the mist for a while but it will come back."

Phar moves past the wagon to get a better angle on Xander and readies his elvencraft bow. His arrow flies, but his aim isn't good. He hits a tree trunk behind the duergar.

"We need to put him down. If he falls, the mist will probably disappear," Phar shouts to those in between him and Xander.

"Are you sure?" Aries asks.

"I can't say," Phar replies as he glances into the sky looking for any signs that Vok is flying above them.

Aureus moves to try to help the fallen villagers. Those closest to her on the ground dead look like they are dead, but she moves to check on those in the wagon. The scene inside is not good, but their burns aren't as bad. She can smell wood burning and glances around to the other side of the wagon.

"Quinn! The wagon's still on fire! Try to put out the flames! I'll check on the people!" Aureus exclaims as she climbs into the wagon and begins to render aid to any who look alive. She finds that the adults in the wagon threw themselves over the youngsters to protect them. It barely helped. She finds almost no one alive and fumbles to bandage a teenage boy who is barely hanging on. She curses quietly to herself in her own language.

She can feel the heat from the flames on the outside of the wagon. "Quinn!"



second birthdate : 15 Dec 2011
The scene inside is not good, but their burns aren't as bad. She can smell wood burning and glances around to the other side of the wagon.

"Quinn! The wagon's still on fire! Try to put out the flames! I'll check on the people!" Aureus exclaims as she climbs into the wagon and begins to render aid to any who look alive. She finds that the adults in the wagon threw themselves over the youngsters to protect them. It barely helped. She finds almost no one alive and fumbles to bandage a teenage boy who is barely hanging on. She curses quietly to herself in her own language.

She can feel the heat from the flames on the outside of the wagon. "Quinn!"
stomp stomp stomp "I trying, just hold on!"

He takes aim and shoots at Xander, but an ember gets between his boot and leg, " eeyouch!" he exclaims losing his balance and shaking the wagon just as he releases his arrow .. .. ..

I shot an arrow in the air
where it landed, I know not where.
oh, now I see it
over there.

The arrow shoots over everyone, including Angus who is flying.

"These infernal flames are hotter then I realized!"


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Well met, Shazakiel, Lord of Unicorns, protector of the natural world," Caerth formally calls out in Sylvan to the majestic creature that answered his summons.

"Please help me destroy a blight on the world, that demonic creature and his abyssal spellbook!"

Leaving the precise interpretation of that request to the unicorn, Caerth does not hesitate to rush over to the villagers that have been harmed by acid, fire and lightning. His first concern is the villagers, and he'll probably have to douse the flames of the former campfire.

Shazakiel the unicorn neighs in response, already moving toward Xander.

OOC: Caerth instructs the unicorn, then moves straight for the villagers. That's all for this round for him; see the OOC thread for his route.

Does the unicorn pass through the area with tree icons easily, or will it have to move around it? Also, can I roll an attack this round?


World of Kulan DM
"Well met, Shazakiel, Lord of Unicorns, protector of the natural world," Caerth formally calls out in Sylvan to the majestic creature that answered his summons.

"Please help me destroy a blight on the world, that demonic creature and his abyssal spellbook!"

Leaving the precise interpretation of that request to the unicorn, Caerth does not hesitate to rush over to the villagers that have been harmed by acid, fire and lightning. His first concern is the villagers, and he'll probably have to douse the flames of the former campfire.

Shazakiel the unicorn neighs in response, already moving toward Xander.
"I will deal with your fiendish foe," the unicorn says in Sylvan to the half-orc druid. "Help the others as best you can."

Shazakiel rushes across the the scrub-filled hills and easily makes his way into the copse of trees on the other side of Xander opposite of Maur and Aries. The majestic creature slams his horn though the cursed duergar and Maur can see it pierce through Xander's chest in front of him. The duergar gasps in pain and surprise, but he does not fall.

"I will help you kill this twisted foe, son of Moradin," Shazakiel says to Maur. The unicorn looks up to see Angus flying through the air and the magical beast can only say. "How interesting."

OOC: Attack and damage rolled on OOC thread.

Voidrunner's Codex

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