L4W Discussion Thread V


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Another OT question: W/ all the retiring of characters, who is our oldest, still active PC? I think Incarnation is in the running as he was the fourth character in the Tavern and everybody before him is inactive. If E13 is still running Calen, he might have the title (if we count the "Mists Inn" that existed briefly before we rebooted L4W).

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First Post
Wow, intuitive.

The problem was I thought "Profile/Settings" was one link, so I never noticed I'd clicked "Settings" the first time I found the list, but every time I tried again after that I clicked "Profile".

I mean, the first problem is why would I click "Settings" to get a list of subscribed threads? But the next problem was that I didn't realize Settings was a separate link.

Heh, I hear ya. I can't even remember how I stumbled upon it. There used to be something more clear like "View updated subscribed threads" or something, but that went away in a board update and the settings page is where it ended up for some reason.


First Post
Another OT question: W/ all the retiring of characters, who is our oldest, still active PC? I think Incarnation is in the running as he was the fourth character in the Tavern and everybody before him is inactive. If E13 is still running Calen, he might have the title (if we count the "Mists Inn" that existed briefly before we rebooted L4W).

Hrav isn't TECHNICALLY retired yet, as I haven't done the paperwork and submitted my new PC for approval. :) But yeah, Incarnation is probably the oldest.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
In a related couple notes, I'm guessing not many people are updating their status on the Character Status table... as I was updating Sir Exsixten's status I saw some level 3 characters that are now 6 and two adventures past what it says on the table. I also don't think I'm tied for the 2nd highest level character.

Also, the formatting is screwed up on my PC, with the right side of the table cut off by the Wikia menu. I don't know that there's anything that can be done to fix it... can you somehow widen the main content area of the page on Wikia? I've got about 300 pixels of space unused on either side of the table and yet it's all crammed together there getting truncated.


First Post
Guilty, I normally update when a character is "unassigned" to try and get them noticed. Or if a character is fully inactive.

I haven't kept my characters fully up-to-date though, I see Kamotz is an adventure or two behind where he actually is (Cute-Hydra's Invasion of Baskrant).

Second the formatting issue as well, running on firefox 4.0, still can't see the full table. However, if you click the little arrow in the top right corner of the table, it expands.

EDIT: The "notes" on some of these characters are golden, RAM TIGER especially with EAT BABY. However there are many worth reading.
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If I remember right, Quagmire's was the first character sheet in the wiki. But it took me a while to get around to submitting him or entering the tavern, so I'm sure he's well down the seniority list counting by those measures.

Voidrunner's Codex

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