L4W Discussion Thread V


First Post
Hmm, technically, is Jesse Level 2 yet? He has gotten the EXP and already updated the list (give or take) I would like approval (if not yet approved)

Which leads to my next question, can I make a second character yet? I'm still new to this ^^ and I'm wondering what would be a good character for someone still trying to grasps the ropes.

If your EXP awards that brought you to level 2 are approved, I think you're in the clear. And if you're playing an Illusionist, you can probably handle pretty much whatever. Mage is one of the more complicated classes.

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First Post
Hmm, technically, is Jesse Level 2 yet? He has gotten the EXP and already updated the list (give or take) I would like approval (if not yet approved)

Which leads to my next question, can I make a second character yet? I'm still new to this ^^ and I'm wondering what would be a good character for someone still trying to grasps the ropes.
Not sure about your first question, sorry.

As for your second, it depends on what books you have :) Sorcerers are easy and fun to play strikers, the same can be said about pursuit or unity avengers (you just have to remember that two enemies cannot be next to you to get two attack rolls).

You could try a bard or cleric/warpriest. Leaders are the most sought after archtype.

Knights or fighter are pretty easy. You just stand next to enemies or hit them with your weapon (respectively) to mark them.

I would skip power point using classes and the warlock. Power point classes are a bit more complex and I hear the warlock can be hard to make a good build (I could be mistaken).

Also, this wiki is useful for selecting a class and building a character. :)


First Post
I hear the warlock can be hard to make a good build (I could be mistaken).

You're correct there. I mean, it can be done. But there have been a lot of luke-warm options made for the Warlock over the years, so if you just pick them willy-nilly, you're not likely to come out too strong. Not cripplingly weak or anything, just lacking a bit of kick other characters might have. On the other hand, if you do it right, Warlocks are very, very fun.


First Post
If your EXP awards that brought you to level 2 are approved, I think you're in the clear. And if you're playing an Illusionist, you can probably handle pretty much whatever. Mage is one of the more complicated classes.

Well, so far I've been playing cleanup crew. My biggest redeeming feature was that I could deal a guaranteed 7 force damage with my magic missile, as such I was mostly just cleanup crew. And keeping minions away with Grasping Shadows :<

I was wondering...about...you know...THAT class. The new one...that sucks...sucks blood I mean...the VAMPIRE. (I've been hearing all kinds of terrible things about it, but I'm sure I could make it work)

Still wondering about my options...


First Post
Well, so far I've been playing cleanup crew. My biggest redeeming feature was that I could deal a guaranteed 7 force damage with my magic missile, as such I was mostly just cleanup crew. And keeping minions away with Grasping Shadows :<

I was wondering...about...you know...THAT class. The new one...that sucks...sucks blood I mean...the VAMPIRE. (I've been hearing all kinds of terrible things about it, but I'm sure I could make it work)

Still wondering about my options...

I don't have Heroes of Shadow, so I don't really know about the Vampire.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Well, so far I've been playing cleanup crew. My biggest redeeming feature was that I could deal a guaranteed 7 force damage with my magic missile, as such I was mostly just cleanup crew. And keeping minions away with Grasping Shadows :<

I was wondering...about...you know...THAT class. The new one...that sucks...sucks blood I mean...the VAMPIRE. (I've been hearing all kinds of terrible things about it, but I'm sure I could make it work)

Still wondering about my options...

Well, Modus has a vampire, you can search her in the wiki, her name is Vany or something, if you look up Vanessa it'll show up


First Post
Hmm, technically, is Jesse Level 2 yet? He has gotten the EXP and already updated the list (give or take) I would like approval (if not yet approved)

Your character need approval only at the end of the adventure, unless your DM ask for it. Characters don't need to be approved during an adventure. That way, the judge don't have a workload too heavy.

Which leads to my next question, can I make a second character yet? I'm still new to this ^^ and I'm wondering what would be a good character for someone still trying to grasps the ropes.

If your XP have been approved, you are welcome to make a new character.

And the best way to grasp the rules of the game, it is by playing a character you like. Make what you like and the rule of that character will come to you more easily. Anyway, 4th edition classes are easy to understand once you have made one.


First Post
I don't think the vampire is difficult from what I've seen. The only bad thing about it is that you get practically zero choices for powers, so your vampire will be the same as any other vampire.


First Post
Hurray for Essentials :) Variety is too hard
Yeah they were lazy in designing the vampire class. :p

I'm hoping future essential builds with allow choices like the Mage, but I'm not holding my breath. I fully expect the bard/barbarian/sorcerer etc. essential builds to be like the Warpriest and get shoehorned into encounter powers at the very least.

Voidrunner's Codex

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