L4W Discussion Thread V


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lets operate under the following assumption: I know nothing about wiki

step one go to L4W wiki page : check!
step two: On the left side there's a list of things to click on, look for "Create a new article" it'll have a pop-up asking what to call it yeah....not seeing that anywhere on the page, so instead i tried to start me own wiki (correct or no???)

I then opened the page I created as instructed (by the way, nowhere do you mention signing up/into the wikia site.) and copied the template, being careful to include only the portions between the "copy here" line, and also not including any of the banners on the right hand side (which was no small feat).

I saved ( I assume you meant publish - because there was no save button/prompt anywhere) and reopened the page, but now comes my question, when I try to edit, it shows the template, but says the template doesnt exist and wont let me edit.....

please help

Are you seeing a bunch of little things that look like jigsaw puzzle pieces? If so, click the button that says "source" in the upper right.


please help
Welcome to L4W. We'll get you going. Can you post a link to your wiki page? I doubt you've gotten far enough to be in any of the categories yet. With a link, I (or one of the other players/judges) can see your page and guide you through the process.

It's admittedly complex and has been through many revisions, including a comprehensive migration from one wiki to another. We've tried to keep the instructions as accurate as possible, but we are all volunteers here, so we're certain to miss a lot.


First Post
Welcome to L4W. We'll get you going. Can you post a link to your wiki page? I doubt you've gotten far enough to be in any of the categories yet. With a link, I (or one of the other players/judges) can see your page and guide you through the process.

It's admittedly complex and has been through many revisions, including a comprehensive migration from one wiki to another. We've tried to keep the instructions as accurate as possible, but we are all volunteers here, so we're certain to miss a lot.

Template:L4W:Character - Simon Highmark Wiki


step one go to L4W wiki page : check!
step two: On the left side there's a list of things to click on, look for "Create a new article" it'll have a pop-up asking what to call it

Oy. Those instructions are from at least two wikis ago, and probably close to three years now. Someone should really update them to something vaguely modern....


First Post
about the fluff

I have my idea I would like to use, but it is kind of hard to be specific without worrying about stepping on someone else's story they may already have going. I poured over everything about the setting on the wiki, but please tell me I dont have to sift through every game...I don't think I could do it.

Do I just go with what I want, and see if it gets approved?

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