L4W Discussion Thread V


about the fluff

I have my idea I would like to use, but it is kind of hard to be specific without worrying about stepping on someone else's story they may already have going. I poured over everything about the setting on the wiki, but please tell me I dont have to sift through every game...I don't think I could do it.

Do I just go with what I want, and see if it gets approved?

Someone else correct me if I'm wrong, but the setting is specifically designed to avoid that problem. Unless you want to set your adventure in a highly used place, like the immediate area surrounding the tavern, there's no need to know much about the settin other than perhaps, the gods. Isles come and go and far away lands can be as weird as you like.

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... please tell me I dont have to sift through every game...I don't think I could do it.

Lauto's hairy balls, no! I don't think anyone here follows every game. I certainly don't. Write whatever fluff you want. If it steps on something canon, we'll let you know. But, as Someone said, we put a fair amount of effort in the design stages of this world to make "canon" very flexible, precisely so that nobody had to try to know everything. If you've skimmed the wiki a bit, you'll be just fine.


First Post
about the fluff

I have my idea I would like to use, but it is kind of hard to be specific without worrying about stepping on someone else's story they may already have going. I poured over everything about the setting on the wiki, but please tell me I dont have to sift through every game...I don't think I could do it.

Do I just go with what I want, and see if it gets approved?

Yeah, you'll be fine. Just ask [MENTION=14889]Mewness[/MENTION], I make cra-er, fluff up all the time!


First Post
Question regarding rewarding treasure

I have a couple characters in my adventure that will level a second time before the adventure is complete. They have received an item for the first time they gained a level. What about the second time? Or should characters only receive a a treasure item for the adventure only? Seasoned DM's, your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. :)

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
I figure I give out 10 parcels per level to the party, then use the random parcel generation system from the Rules Compendium to generate them.

Edit for clarification: I determine what percentage of a level I've given out since the last time I've given xp, then multiply that % by 10 to determine how many treasure parcels to give out.

If the party has already earned "early parcels" - usually due to lucky/exceptional rolls in my skill challenge system - I just subtract those from the result and roll that many parcels.
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Giving out treasure in L4W is kind of hard. I usually try to get people to about the right wealth-by-level. If they're halfway between level 4 and 5, I try to get their wealth to be about halfway between the expected values for level 4 and level 5. I use This chart a lot.


First Post
Hmm, technically, is Jesse Level 2 yet? He has gotten the EXP and already updated the list (give or take) I would like approval (if not yet approved)

Which leads to my next question, can I make a second character yet? I'm still new to this ^^ and I'm wondering what would be a good character for someone still trying to grasps the ropes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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