[sblock=renau1g]As i mentioned in the tavern (I think I did) my Simple Errand game has an opening so if you're looking to jump in that might be a good fit. I'm open to new players (both 4e & PbP), but I'd re-iterate that a 14 in your primary score is likely too low, a 16 is really a minimum to be able to hit reliably. Also, you only spent 22 points, but in L4W we get 25 so that could be used to help bump the 14 to 16.[/sblock]
My current idea for the character is to bump str to 15 in preparation for taking plate proficiency at lvl 4. I more care about giving other people hits than being able to attack successfully myself. With Versatile Platemail I'd have the ability to keep my movement at 6 and, with just a minor action, have full platemail defense.
My number one question about brash strike is if the effect works even if I miss. I feel it does, and if it does, I think it's the best choice. If not Viperstrike would be nasty against goblins or kobolds and wolf-pack would play up my inherent shiftiness.
My secondary question is whether or not when I use Opening Shove on an ally if the ally can chose to not block the attack, allowing me to give it the 1 push. If I have to roll for that attack, I might be better off taking Commander's strike.
Edit: I'll also be doing my darnedest to to find powers that hit a NAD so I can get the most of my +3 proficiency on my whip. I only have the trial version of CB right now, but I'm thinking that, if I get to lvl 3 I might pick up Hammer and Anvil - maybe I'll even try to get rid of my chr penalty.