First Post
"The ice is not nice
and the fire can be dire -
oft' the 'bold pays the price
for'th gold heroes acquire"
and the fire can be dire -
oft' the 'bold pays the price
for'th gold heroes acquire"
Yep, the effect happens regardless of whether or not you hit. However, your ally only gets a basic attack if your enemy chooses to take their attack - they might not. I'm not exactly sure how it interacts with your reach weapon. If your target is 2 squares away (and doesn't have reach itself), I'd say it can't choose to attack you, so your ally can't choose to get a basic attack.My number one question about brash strike is if the effect works even if I miss. I feel it does, and if it does, I think it's the best choice. If not Viperstrike would be nasty against goblins or kobolds and wolf-pack would play up my inherent shiftiness.
I don't know of any rule that says you can "choose to not block." Targeting an ally should be fine though since the power says "one creature." Then again, it could probably be argued that an ally doesn't offer a "meaningful threat" (to use the DMG p40 term), so the power does nothing. Imagine if a cleric's Astral Seal could be used this way: cleric seals an ally (doing no damage), then another ally chooses to use a non-damaging power on the sealed person: infinite free hp!My secondary question is whether or not when I use Opening Shove on an ally if the ally can chose to not block the attack, allowing me to give it the 1 push. If I have to roll for that attack, I might be better off taking Commander's strike.