L4W Discussion Thread V


I know this is a bit off-topic, but I respect a lot of peoples opinions in these boards and was hoping I could get some insights. One of my homebrew classes (which in truth I haven't worked on in ages because the person playing it is still only level 5) could need to be re-examined and probably modified in some way after the release of PHB3 has brought psionics into RAW, I was hoping some of you guys wouldn't mind taking a look and offering some opinions, Thanks in advance :)

The Navigator

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LOL Found the cheesiest combo I've seen in a LONG time when looking through the PHB3. :angel:

Make up a hybrid warlock.
Do NOT take your pact at will as your warlock at will.
At 11th, take twofold pact. "You gain the at-will spell and pact boon of both pacts."

So you gain the at will's and boons of both pacts even though you had neither! That means humans (and 1/2 elves w/ versatile master) end up with 5 at wills. Everyone else is stuck with 4. ;)


First Post
They have a few, but IC hates them so they're not allowed to use them with any skill. Murphy's still cursed with that... :( . I personally like Eldritch Blast and Strike for humans, nice to have an MBA & RBA.

FWIW the CB doesn't allow the 4 at-wills, you just get the one you select with the Twofold Pact although you could argue that the wording would grant you both.


First Post
They have a few, but IC hates them so they're not allowed to use them with any skill. Murphy's still cursed with that... :( . I personally like Eldritch Blast and Strike for humans, nice to have an MBA & RBA.
You and me both. I still miss far more than I hit. And eldritch blast/strike are very nice.

As far as at wills TwoHeadsBarking, for CHA Eyebite and Spiteful Glamor are solid picks. For Con, Eyes of the Vestige and Dire Radiance.

FWIW the CB doesn't allow the 4 at-wills, you just get the one you select with the Twofold Pact although you could argue that the wording would grant you both.
Well it's kind of hard to read the feat and say you wouldn't get both. It clearly states you gain both. It also clearly not what they intended so I expect them to fix the wording in the future. Still an amusing oversight.


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Today's article on DDI was a supreme disappointment. The Class Acts article for assassins was mostly their hybrid rules and a few racial feats :(. The hybrid shrouds are allowed to be invoked on any attack power not just assassin ones (which is the first striker class to not have a restriction that their own class power be used) so now your rogue|assassin can be pumping out SA+shroud damage for 3d6 every turn without issue. I hope they tweak that on the final release of the magazine.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Rogue/Assassin hybrid is pretty powerful without that considering how easy it is for a assassin to get CA. I caught that immediately that the shrouds didn't require assassin powers. The feats felt like most of them were for races that are unlikely to be assassins though I will be showing my groups changling assassin the ONE new changling assassin feat


First Post
Well I'd have been disappointed if it didn't have the hybrid rules in it. This way when the CB is updated it should have the hybrid rules for every class.

As far as shrouds, the limit for hybrids is a max of 2 shrouds instead of 4. This is a pretty good hit on it's usefulness since many assassin powers are based the number of shrouds you have on the target. It's often good NOT to activate the shrouds or activate them on a miss. Granted you could use it just for an extra d6 damage every round but I don't see WOTC changing that.

The feats are interesting too. Take Cursed Shadow. An assassin/rogue could take a multiclass feat for warlock and pick up that feat. Be human and you can have shadow walk and cunning sneak at 2nd level! Yes please to hide in plain sight.

Darkness’s Wings is just awesome and the rest of the racials aren't bad. I like most of the two class feats too. Overall I quite liked this article.
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