L4W Discussion Thread V

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To all my DM's and players, I'm on vacation next week to take care of my kiddos while their daycare's closed for the week. Posting will be slower than normal (i.e. I'm not in front of my computer all day) so if I'm holding things up for a bit please feel free to NPC me.

My Players, you can't NPC the monsters... ;)


First Post
Will be missing for 2-3 days, filling in for my boss. Unexpected absence, sorry for the short notice. Will attempt to read along, and if the opportunity presents itself, will post. NPC where appropriate.



First Post
Well I'm going to add myself to the missing persons list. :)

I'm going to catch up on my games then I'm going to sit down and read the PHB3 cover to cover! Once done I'll be back.


First Post
Hey, where can I find a link to that player/PC list that I think Covaithe posted a few weeks ago? I kind of want to take a look at the distribution of classes and races.

Also, as a general question... I was thinking of making a PC #2 to run for a little while (at least until september, or maybe january, whenever school starts again for me) and have been wondering about what to play (hence, wanting the list). I kind of want to try a healer-based shaman out, but I also wouldn't mind trying out a bravura warlord named *cough* Mal Reynolds *cough*. But a druid also seems like it'd be a lot of fun... or an elven seeker! Or a....

decisions, decisions! So, yeah, what seems like it'd be a generally useful addition to any party, for those who know a bit more about L4W's character demographics?


First Post
Thanks for the fast reply, guys! I have a feeling a few new seekers will pop up next month, but it may be the direction I head... I really feel like being controller-y or leader-y. Maybe a controller-focused Shaman could work, too.... hmm.....

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