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Laptops at the gaming table.

Do you use laptops at your games?

  • Yes, they're great!

    Votes: 49 43.8%
  • I have one, but I don't bring it to the game.

    Votes: 26 23.2%
  • Nope. (and list your reasons people!!)

    Votes: 37 33.0%

I own a laptop, but I don`t bring it to gaming (though I use PCGen to generate characters and Word to write Adventures).
I think it is still not flexible enough, and it will just hold me off concentrating on the gaming.

Mustrum Ridcully

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Hand of Evil

At this time I think they are still a little too distracting, is the DM really keeping notes or playing some other game!

I like Nice DM screens.

Waiting for tablet PCs, now that is the way to go!


The Laughing One
I've been using a laptop at the gaming table for a couple of months now, and i must say it works very well for keeping track of large amounts of data. Most of my players are now 14th level after a couple of years of gaming, a level of power we've never played at. They have many abilities and options, as do their opponents, the laptop let's me keep track of those, his is especially usefull during combat encounters (just take a look at a program like RPM). But when the social encounters begin, the laptop is put away, because i generally don't need a laptop for those kind of encounters.

As for players using laptops at the table, that's a big No-No in my book, what would they need it for? If they have a palmtop they can use it, it's not that intrusive...


First Post
I don't use a computer at the table because:

  • I DM standing up. Too much energy to sit down
  • My 3x5 cards are faster to access and modify
  • I can keep some 3x5 cards with me anywhere to jot down notes whenever I am inspired.
  • My 3x5 cards don't need batteries or a power cord
  • That evil "Starcraft" icon isn't sitting there, all the time, mocking me, tempting me...


Wow! I am surprised laptops have as large a proportion of the vote as they do.

Yes I use a laptop at the gaming table. And it is a great boon. I am not GLUED to it, and shut the lid for most of the game. But it is very useful:

  1. I can write out my game notes in WordPerfect. Instead of cluttering the place up, the files are neatly stored and become a permanent record. I also use WordPerfect to refer to house rules and other game documents I write.
  2. I can keep the SRD and ESDs on the laptop for easy reference; it really cuts down on how much stuff I have to carry around. This is becoming a real boon now that I don't host the game anymore.
  3. I can create NPCs on PCGen and have them on hand for easy reference.
  4. I use other utilities like Jamis Bucks NPC, Treasure, and Dungeon generator for quick encounters during the game.
  5. I use Campaign Cartographer for maps; I can select any of my world maps quickly and easily and can pull up details like distance rather quickly.
  6. I also use a graphic viewer for maps as well as art that I want to show the players.
  7. I use QuattroPro to track party XP and help figure XP awards.

    Might I suggest if you don't see how a laptop can help your gaming experience, you really don't know what you are missing?

Wild Karrde

First Post
In my group of six people three of us have laptops. However as a house rule only the GM is allowed to use it. We found when we all had ours going at the same time it was taking to much away from the game. The games slowed down as well as the social interaction between the players. And since we all figured we played the game to hang out with each other anyway what was the point.


In our games a definate ban needs to go on laptops.

For the DMs I suppose they'd work great. Especially with PC Gen's NPC/HP/Init tracker tool, but this stuff with 4 outta 7 players having laptops out is extremely detrimental.

Course talking about game distractions are a really touchy subject for me right now, as it's a severe issue that laptops and a number of other things played a large role in yet it got laid at something else's feet with total injustice.

But that being said, being able to go into the other room and whip up a 6th level complete replacement PC with all gear, skills, feats, and classes accounted for and a sheet printed in 15 minutes.. That was very nice for getting a player back into the game after bad circumstances. (Yay PC Gen.)


First Post
I have a laptop but I wouldn't even consider bringing it to a game. I have the same attitude towards my players. Hell, I even make them turn their mobile phones off!

Such technology just detracts from the game and people tend to wander when they are not doing something IC.

Technology at the gaming table is bad.

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