D&D 5E Larian confirms they want to work on BG3 DLCs!!!

What I want from DLC or updates:

1) More than 4 characters adventuring together at a time. I’ve heard there’s already a mod for this.

2) Ability to do Multiplayer with characters you already developed in solo games, rather than both starting from scratch again. So far as we can tell, that’s the only option.

3) More adventures. Start without tadpoles and do Rime of the Frost Maiden or whatever.

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What I want from DLC or updates:

1) More than 4 characters adventuring together at a time. I’ve heard there’s already a mod for this.

2) Ability to do Multiplayer with characters you already developed in solo games, rather than both starting from scratch again. So far as we can tell, that’s the only option.

3) More adventures. Start without tadpoles and do Rime of the Frost Maiden or whatever.
I really, really want drop in drop out co op.


(Actually, I do wish for a few other companions that are from the less popular species. Give me a Gnome or Halfling, not just another human or Elf. Lae'zel and Karlach are the only ones that aren't on the Elf to Human spectrum.)

Tiax would be a nice edition (Tiax rules all!) as would Yelsick. Montranon (sp?) would be an awesome companion, although Iam not sure Halflings live long enough to make it work storywise.

I am not sure I need more than 4 in the party though. 4 is the sweet spot for 5E, but if others want more I would not be opposed to it.
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I really, really want drop in drop out co op.
I am genuinely pissed-off they don't have this, because when the described co-op, like as recently as six months ago, they described drop-in/drop-out co-op specifically, saying your friend could come in and play a character and then leave and so on.

And it seems like, fundamentally, they have the technology, all because other players can control other characters. If they're terrified of romances being messed up or something, just lock off companions who are being romanced.


I would like them to increase the level cap to 16, and include a new worldspace on one or more extraplanar locales.

The Plane Shift spell could be used as a narrative tool to transition between the base game and DLC locations.

Since the spell normally requires a specific component (a tuning fork attuned to the destination), finding such an item can be integrated into the DLC quest line.


I would like them to increase the level cap to 16, and include a new worldspace on one or more extraplanar locales.

The Plane Shift spell could be used as a narrative tool to transition between the base game and DLC locations.

Since the spell normally requires a specific component (a tuning fork attuned to the destination), finding such an item can be integrated into the DLC quest line.
This is an excellent idea.

I would like them to increase the level cap to 16, and include a new worldspace on one or more extraplanar locales.

The Plane Shift spell could be used as a narrative tool to transition between the base game and DLC locations.

Since the spell normally requires a specific component (a tuning fork attuned to the destination), finding such an item can be integrated into the DLC quest line.
Or they could just use a portal as per Planescape, with a peculiar or unique object needed to trigger the portal.

I do agree that the natural place to go at this point would be somewhere not on the material plane.


I am genuinely pissed-off they don't have this, because when the described co-op, like as recently as six months ago, they described drop-in/drop-out co-op specifically, saying your friend could come in and play a character and then leave and so on.

And it seems like, fundamentally, they have the technology, all because other players can control other characters. If they're terrified of romances being messed up or something, just lock off companions who are being romanced.
It's not just romances, though - it's entire subplots going in completely different directions. How do you isolate those from affecting a character's record, and which character do you isolate them for?

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