D&D 5E Larian confirms they want to work on BG3 DLCs!!!

A crossover with Ravenloft, Witchlight or Planescape couldn't be impossible in a future DLC. Even these could be a fabulous opportunity to promote other settings. For example the PCs travel toward a demiplane to fight against the temple of the elemental evil.

Of course we could see new companions, PC species and subclasses. I wonder about potential troubles with small-size humanoids, gnomes and halflings, with child-faces. Somebody could dare to try a romance between a gnome and a goliath (both adult age and facial traits), only to publish it in youtube.

I see Planescape and Spelljammer as more likely crossovers given future DLC will likely focus on higher levels.

Although it's possible that they go to Waterdeep, or Skuld (Capital of Mulhorand) , or Calimshan or Avernus, or Myth Nantar (Cool Sea Elf city in Inner Sea, whose mythal allows air breather to breath water), or Tymanther, etc...

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I don't think Steam begs anyone to make more of specific games. They just take their 30% and smile broadly.

Yeah Valve is probably up there as one of the more profitable companies per employee in the US if not the world. Obviously we don't know for sure since Valve is a private company and keeps their finances a secret as they have a right to do but they only have like 350 employees (though they have some contractors as well who work on open source stuff as well as customer service contractors) and own Steam, which is by far the largest and most successful PC storefront, as well as multiple popular games as a service like CSGO, Dota 2 and TF2.

Anyway I fully suspect we'll see a Baldur's Gate 3 Enhanced Edition in a year or two with a bunch of the cut content from the base game restored, and maybe some extra features like new subclasses, races and perhaps even the Artificer and a higher level cap (though I don't think it will go to 20).

Yeah Valve is probably up there as one of the more profitable companies per employee in the US if not the world.
Indeed. Valve apparently made around $13bn revenue in 2022 (they've been significantly increasing revenue year on year since they launched), which would mean a revenue per permanent employee of an eye-watering $37m. Obviously they'll have a lot of costs but god knows how much profit they're pulling in and what they're really doing with it all lol. They do manage to waste an insane amount of half-baked projects and have partially developed and cancelled many times more games than they've ever released (which is not actually normal for games companies).

As I understand it, they have a completely flat structure apart from Gabe as sort of final decision-maker in disputes, and the salaries are pretty insane for permanent employees (hundreds of thousands) - even contracted ones are looking usually at $100k to $200k, sometimes much higher.


Just give me an honest to god 5th party slot that doesn't bug things out.
And then add 3 new companions that I adore and I still can't figure out my preferred party.

(Actually, I do wish for a few other companions that are from the less popular species. Give me a Gnome or Halfling, not just another human or Elf. Lae'zel and Karlach are the only ones that aren't on the Elf to Human spectrum.)

(Actually, I do wish for a few other companions that are from the less popular species. Give me a Gnome or Halfling, not just another human or Elf. Lae'zel and Karlach are the only ones that aren't on the Elf to Human spectrum.)

I won't get to play this for probably another year, but when i do, I'm going to play an obnoxious nose-picking cha 4 dwarf with warts, and amuse myself watching the hot NPCs fall over themselves to be romanced by him.

I guess they are going to need more work to create interactions between humanoids with different size. And there is a serious risk about litle female humanoids, as gnomes or halflings.... appearing later in rule34 webs.

Is it random? I hadn’t picked that up. I’ve found 12 pairs of gloves, 19 suits of armour, 9 pairs of boots, endless weapons, more helmets and crowns than I can ever use.

I basically get loaded down carrying magic items I’ll never use back to base to sell with not much to spend the money on. Hardly makes magic special. Reminds me of a Pathfinder game.
Mark as Wares, Send to Camp. When ready to Long Rest, Gate to near merchant. Go to Camp. Heavy load all the Wares. Go to Merchant.

Voidrunner's Codex

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