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Last Few RPG Products you purchased?


A tried and true classic thread - what are the last few (let's say 3-5) RPG books or products that you purchased, and what do you think of them?

I'll start with my four most recent purchases, all within the last month and a half or so:

D&D 4E - HEROES OF SHADOW: I was actually going to cancel my Amazon pre-order when I saw that it was too late; can't say that I mind as this book is better than I thought it would be. I kind of like the new "Player's Handbook Lite" of the Player's Options books - actually, if they were to do 4E all over again I might recommend a single Player's Handbook and maybe two new Player's Options books a year, one per power source. What could have been...
Anyhow, I can't say that I'll use anything in this book as either a player or DM, but it is nice to have new 4E stuff for the first time in eight months.

A lovely book, have only browsed through it; not sure how much it improves on the earlier version but so far, so good.

ECLIPSE PHASE - GATECRASHING: I will probably never play this game although I would like to. This is a fun book for browsing, with descriptions of all sorts of scifi worlds.

This is the sort of setting supplement that I love - ruined cities, ancient legends, etc.

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Over the weekend I hit up an old classic game store here in the Northeast while on a weekend trip.

Came home with

Gamma world (1e) boxed set-complete sans dice
Legion of Gold
Top Secret boxed set-complete sans dice
Star Frontiers (original blue box) -complete sans dice
and the two other SF Volturnus modules.

all in good "playing" condition.

Less than 20 bucks for all of it (including tax) :D

EDIT- I will have to check out that Lost Cities of Golarion- I too prefer that kind of product


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PATHFINDER - THE INNER SEA WORLD GUIDE: It's a good book, lots of inforamtion. I have the primer and the 3e version so while the quality is high I do feel like I have quite a bit of it already.

Teenagers from Outer Space: One of the lesser known but fun RPGs from the late 80's I founmd for a couple of bucks at a used book store. I've bnever owned a copy but did play some way back when and it was fun.

Beastiary 2 (Pathfinder): I got the monster book and it is good with plenty of cool monsters.

Mostly these days I buy Pathfinder but not even a lot of that.


Heroes of Shadow for D&D 4e
Contribution to EN World's Kickstarter project for ZEITGEIST
Renewal of D&D Insider subscription

Before those, my last purchases were the D&D 4e Monster Vault back in December, as well as a copy of the AD&D 2e adventure The Gates of Firestorm Peak (for adaptation for my 4e game).


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I just got me some new dice, I got 4 sets for less than 20 bucks (tax included)
they are the first new dice I have bought in probably 20 years...I hope my old dice don't get jealous.

--Does anybody have/use the stone dice, or the metal dice???
if so how do they play? they seem to heavy and just don't have a good feel IMO


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Both Essentials Heroes books, the DM's Kit, Monster Vault, Rules Compendium, Legacy of Fire: Howl of the Carrion King, Castle Ravenloft board game, Insider re-sub, yet another set of Chessex dice.

More than 3-5, I know, but they've all been in the last couple months.


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Wow, been a while for me.

Running Wild (Shadowrun 4E) - Yay Critters fo SR4... :)

The Unknown Regions (SW Saga) - Completing my Saga edition collection.

I still want to get the Seattle sourcebook for SR4, I'll call that #3... :p


I currently have a Pathfinder AP subscription, so I have the first two volumes of Carrion Crown now. I like what I have seen so far. I am running Kingmaker now, when that is over I think the other DM in the group is itching to run something, so I will likely go on break, but run Carrion Crown when it is my turn again. Looks fun!

I also recently picked up Faiths of Purity for Pathfinder. I was hearing good things about that and I play my share of clerics or need to know such things for DMing. Haven't had a chance to read much more than the intro, but sounds like it will be good.

I will be picking up Inner Sea Campaign guide soon as well.

Paizo pretty much gets all of my RPG money these days....


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In decreasing order of recentness (going back over a year)...

*Gary Gygax's Extraordinary Book of Names: Bought to bring in more authenticity to my naming. I've used it regularly and it makes bearable the annoying process of coming up with a name that sounds decent.

*Advanced Bestiary:
A good book in principle. I've gotten a bit of use out of it but I don't really need another monster book.

*Warriors (d20) & Experts (d20):
Wanted to characterize noncombat NPCs more specifically. Got some use out of these during my crime-solving campaign. Not necessary but decent books.

*The Psychic's Handbook:
Modified heavily but used several times to really expand the game world.
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My last batch of purchases was kind of all over the place:

The Kerberos Club - A Victorian age setting for Wild Talents, which has a great League of Extraordinary Gentlemen kind of vibe. I've had my eye on it since GenCon this year.

Amber Diceless - I've wanted to give this one a try for a long time now, and only just realized that it was on DriveThruRPG.

Paranoia: Flashbacks Redux - I don't have much experience with Paranoia, but this collection seems to have most of the classic modules for it, so it seems like a good place to start.

Runequest: Griffin Mountain - This is actually the first Runequest product I've purchased, but it tends to pop up on a lot of "Best RPG Supplements of All Time" lists, so I figured it's worth a look.

Contenders - A DM-less indie RPG about boxers. I've been watching "Lights Out" with my fiance and thought this might be able to provide that kind of feel.

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